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<br /> t 17.'�r�u.t�+�of tdz I'ra�crty cw a 8teuftict�!Interest In 6arrnwz+'.1F uA ur.u�y p:►rt of th.'.I'ra��rty or;utp intrmt +n it _
<br /> is M�IJ�►r�r��sf�ir�::l(or if a heneftcia!intcrcst in Born�wer is �Id cx trancfcnYC1 und Burrower is nut� naturai persc�n)withuut `
<br /> l,etxlcr's prior written consunt. Le�xler uwy. at it,� c�ticxi, rcquirc imntodiste psynxi�t in fi►II of all wms cc�urod by th19 _
<br /> . Scc:urity liucrui�xnt. F(aw�ever,this option�hall iat be ezerdwcl by Lc��der if excrcise is p��ulub�tacl by fcxleral law as ut the cisle
<br /> uf thl�Stcuriq� lnstrumcnt.
<br /> IF I.oncles c�crcise�this o�tion,Lc�xler stull gi�•c l3urrawer�x�tice of xceleration.The nnticc�shall pr�wiiie u pericxi af rwt
<br /> �ess ltyu�3p cla,y�.from �he ci�te the ncuice is Jelivcrul or mailral within w�hich fiormwcr nu►st pay ai!surru xxura►1 by this
<br /> S�urity Ins:�n�:n:. !f Bormwrr f�91s tt►�ay tlrer.�wiri.v prior to thc czpir.stlan of this period,I.crxkr��zry invoice any rcmcdia
<br /> perndit��i by this Security ir►uruu�znt without f unher noticc oc denn�ul on Borrowe�. _
<br /> lg. Rp�'pN'�!''9 RI�� �O Retactate. if Borrov��er meeis certaln conditions. Borcawer shall have tlu: right ta hav�
<br /> rnforcement of thls Securiry Instn►ment discontinued s►t miy time prior to the eariicr of: i�1 S ciay�(ur such oi1►er p:.tio� .c
<br /> applicable law n�p .pecify for reiiutatcment) befotc sale af the: Property pursuont to anY power of cale cczntaine�l in thi9
<br /> Security Instrument;ur(b)entry of a judgn�ent enforcing this Sucuriry insuurrtietit.['hc�se conditions tue that Borrowe�': (a)pays
<br /> l.ende,r all sums w�hich chen would be due under this S�xurity Iastrument and the Notc a� if no aceeleration had occuneci; (b)
<br /> cures any defauU af any oche�cavenant9 or agreements; (c) pays al) cxpenses incurrod in enforcing this Securitu1lruoru�ntt
<br /> including,but �x►t limited to,reasonuble attorneys' faes;aixl (d1 takes such acdon ae Lender may rtasanably req
<br /> thai the lien of this Stcurity Insuunicnt. L.ertictcr's rlghts in the Propeny and Borrower's obligati,on to p�y tltie sum�sccured by
<br /> thi� S�xu�i:y I�uttucrxnt si�all wntinue unet►anged. Upon ninuatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instnunent and tiu
<br /> oblig�tiot►s secured hereby sFwll rem�in i'ully effective as if no aaelua�ion t�a,i occurra�. Hor���ti�.this right to reinstate c1�al�
<br /> not wpply in tht casc of acceferation under paragraph l7.
<br /> 19.Sale of Rute; C�e of Loau Servker. 7'tie Note or a partial intzr�.a in the Note (together v►ith�his Securiry
<br /> �nstrument)may be sold one or mare timcs without prior ndice to Borrower. A salc may result in a change iM tAe entity(known
<br /> as the "I,oan Servicer")tt►ai wllects monthly payroe�ts due unde�the Note and this Security Instrurr�ent.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Serv�cer unrelated to:+sale of the Note.l;ff:hcre is n change of the l.oan Servicer.Bomower wedl Dt
<br /> given wtitten notice of the chznge in aa,�ordarrcc with paragraph 14 w':�*�.anc!�pplicable law.7tx.�notioe will state the naiu�and
<br /> address of ttre new• Le�an Sen+ioer and the sddress to which payme�us slwuld be made. The c�ot��c will�lso contain any othcr
<br /> information requircd by applicabk law.
<br /> 20.1�zsuda�s Subst�aca. Bor*ower sts�ll not cause or permit the prese.,n�e. use, dispc�al.storage. or release of any
<br /> Ha7ardous Substvx�es on or in thc Property. Barrower shalt not da. nor �I01� anyane e�:� to do. anything affectins thc
<br /> Property that is in viniation of any Environmental law. The proceding two sentences shalJ not apply to the presence.use. or
<br /> siorage on the Properiy af s�nall quantities of Ha�nious Subsuuxes that are generally rc�a�niz�,i to be Appmpdate to tsorm�l
<br /> residential uu�s and ta m�intenu�ce of the Property.
<br /> Borrower sttall promptly give Lender written twtice of ttny investigation,daim, demand, lawsuit c�r-at!nr action by any
<br /> govemnx�taf or regulutory agency or private party involving the Property ud ui�Hazardouc Substance c�z�.rn icunmenta! law
<br /> of which Borrow•as hu actual knowlodga If Bomower leams. or is notifiad by any govertunental or rcgulatary authority. that
<br /> �ny removal or other remodiation oi�ny Hazurdous Subst�nce affecting the Property is nocasary.Bo�rowes s4u11 PromptiF t�ke
<br /> all necessary rc,media.l•actions in acoordaaoe with F�nvironmetual law.
<br /> As used in thls�ragraph 20. `Hazardous Substanoes" ate those subst�cex definad �s toxic or t�r�substanoes by
<br /> �uvieamiencal Laa �d cine following sutsstances: gasoline. kerosene. other flwsunable w' toxic peurne�on:t products. toxic
<br /> ' ,�� ��5,a�d hec{�'uides,a�,*�uile solverus.materials containing asbestos or form3i�c.�yde.and radioxtive mratcriats.As usad in
<br /> this pzr�c�b�20. "Snvi�wnental Law' me�ns federal laws and laws of t}�e jurisdiction w6ere tue Property is located th�t
<br /> re]ato to t�rl.t2�,saf�ty or rnv3rn�unental protection.
<br /> NOI�-UNiFORM CfJVENANI'S.B�rrower and Lender furthe�covenant ao�agnne as folbws:
<br /> 2l.Aeoderatiuo:�.I.ender si�ali give aotice to Borrower prioi�to accrleratjoa fdbwiog Borrower's breach
<br /> ot aa3 wrmaa! er�ent in th�v Security Ideteuo�eat lWt 1i6t prfor ta s�ooe�e�siioa �ier-p�.a;:iy�-=? ....R.:-�- ---
<br /> sppticsbie law provid�+ei�vi�e).'I7�e mtice s1�U specify: (a)the default:(b)thc actioo re9utred to ent+e tbe delsuM;
<br /> (c)a dat�,nat less Waa 30 days[mm tbe date the notke is given to Borrower, 6y whic6 t6e ddsiu�t must be eured; a�1
<br /> (�ttwt fs�ilure to eure the defadt o0 or befoce tbe ds�te spedfied in tbe aotioe may rewtt io aocderatioo ot tbe snms
<br /> secured bs this�SenuitY Imtn�ment and sale of the Propatv. ft�e notioe st�ll turtLer inform Burrowa ot t6e rigLt W
<br /> reiactate 9tter aocdez�at�oa aad the ri�ht to br��r, s�court action to Acssrt tbe aon-txWeaot of a de�wit ar s►ny otLx
<br /> tkfm�e o!Bor�o�tm:�caleratloa s�ad sak. It tHe defs�ult is not cured an or before We date specitiod in the uotice,
<br /> I.endet,at its optton.�ty�'Mufre tatmediate poy�aent in tull of stll saws socuml by t6is Sau�rity �m�ruo4tat nitLout
<br /> turtber dmand and may invoke tbe power ot sate and any Mlr.r�needies pa�dttal by applica6k law.I,eoder s6al1 be
<br /> entttlasd to er�i{ect sdl e�Pease's i�'us'ca�in pu�suiog tbe rwedie4 provided iu this pa�n�ra,pE�21,t��,�e�oc�aeea
<br /> W,rcason�bie attoruexs'fees aad oos�s of titk evidts�ce.
<br /> Ii t1x power of ss0e t�tovolced,Trust�ee shall raord a ootice of ddantt in ea�eoa�atY in w�ieb any put of tbe
<br /> pcoperty is lorniotl asi4 sball mail oopks ot such notke in the maoixr pt�rs�r�ed 6y applka6k law tZA Borrawer and to
<br /> tbe ot6�r persoos Pre�csbbed b9 aPN�+�law.Atiter tLe time reqdred by s�rpiicaWe law,Tnstee s6��ive pubUc notice
<br /> of sale w the pe�sons and 1n tbe mauaer[,:�scribed by applic�ble law.Tn�stx,wittwut demand oo�t�t+o�va�,shWl sdt
<br /> tl�e p�ropesty d puWic auctbo W tha W�hhest Wdder at t6e tLni nad pisoe and uoder t!k terms des�nated in tbe�nicx ot
<br /> sak in one or mone p�rcels anci in swy order Trnsta ddermtner.Trustee may postpo�e sale of all oe�a9 pan�.ei the
<br /> pro,pe�ty by puWk�ao�u�t at the time aad�+ce of any previousiy schedukxl sak. Leader or its deapee mty
<br /> purr6ase the Propat}st any sale.
<br /> F�a 3o7s 9190
<br /> � . • r.o.s.ee
<br /> J . � .
<br />