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<br /> paymei�ts nuy�x�iuu�zr be��yul��ctl, at th���+tic�n of l.cndrr, if tnc�ns�e insurWxc�rvera�c(i��the sun�unt u�for the period
<br /> tluU Le�xtcr requiresl pruviJdi by an i�uurer�rovud by I.c�xttr u�ain bcxunxs avYil�blc unJ is obinliud. Borrower stWl psY
<br /> thc prei`ilunu cvyuiwci ta nulruain mc�nr;�e insur:►ncc in cf'fuct,ar tu pn�vide�loxc rcsen•e, uncii thc reyuir�u�u for iiwrt�aLe
<br /> inwnuxti t��l.I�t sk�ti����xk,wi.h�y wri:i�tti agr�nknt betu�r��:Rs�rro�=r a�xl Lcnder���py�li:ubl�Izw.
<br /> 9.lacpectiaa,Lc�xler or its s�uc�u i�u►y n�le raasa+�la catrics u�n urul inc�e;ctiau of tt�Prupe7y, l.cndcr shall givc
<br /> Efot�ower�tic�ti�x at the dme of ur prior to r�u�inspettiun sp�ilyLi�r�awn:►ble csusc for the in.epectios�.
<br /> 10.C�adaun�tiva. The pnxcafs of a��y award or claim fur diui�es, dire�t or caacequeruial. in connec�i��n with any
<br /> c�ondenuwtic►n or othcr tulin,�of any part af tht Pmpccty, ar for conveyance in li�uP��wwi�:nvuti�m.ore hcrrby:+s+i�nc�t ana
<br /> sb�!{bc paief ta Lendcr.
<br /> In thc cvent oi�taal tul:ing of the Property. th;,proceecls sha11 be:ippliod ta chc sums sexured by this Securiry Inst�tuneru.
<br /> whethu or �nt then due, with any excess paid ta Borrower. in the event of a partial tal•�ng of ttw; Property in which�tu f�ir
<br /> market valua of tho ih�openy imn�ediately beforc tho takins is eqtu�l to ar grcaur than the�nouru of Q�e sumc sccurcd by this
<br /> Security instrument inunodiately before the t�1cing.unless Borrower and Lender otherwise�ree in w��iting.the surns securod by
<br /> tAic 5ecurity Inst�unxni �wll be reduced by the �nount of the proceeds multiplied by the f411t�K•itig fraction: (a) the wtal
<br /> amount of the swus s�ocured inunadi�tely beforc the tsz{�ing,dividod by (b) thc fair muket value of the Property imrnodiatelY
<br /> before tGe talcing. Any balu�ce shsll Ue paid to Buaox•er. [n the eveni�f a partial ta{cing of thr, Pmpeny in which the fair
<br /> markct valut of the Qropercy immodi:uelY before the taking ic Iess ths�r►the amount of the wms sxused'►mmod'wulY before s1x
<br /> tal•ing,unlas Borrower and Lendee otherwise agrce in writing or unlcsa applic�bk law otherwise pmvirles.the pmcads shall
<br /> be appliod to the sums secumd by dus Socuriry Instrument whether or not the sums are then duc.
<br /> If the Property is abs�ndonad by Bornower,or if, after natice by Ixaxler to Bortnwer that the oor�iuwr offers ta m�lce an
<br /> award or setde a claim for damages. Borrower fails to rcspc�rxf to Lender within 30 days aftrr ttr: date the notice �s B��en•
<br /> Lender is authorized ta collea and apply the proceats, at ita option.eithcr to restoratiun or repair of tttie Property ar to the sums
<br /> cocured by this Security Instruma►t.wtxther w not thGn due.
<br /> tinless I.ender airf Borrowu otherwise agra in writing. anY apPlication of procoeds w principxl shall �wt exta�d or
<br /> poscp►xk the due date of the monthly paymaus rcferro�3 to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chu�ge the amount of such paymeats.
<br /> 11.Bon+uwer Nut it+dessed;F'orbearana By I.endrr Not a Wstiver.Extension of the timc fcu E+ayment or modification
<br /> of smorti�tioo of the sums socurod by this Security Insuu�granted bY l.encler to any successor in 4nterest of Borrower shxll
<br /> not operate to rdease tbe liability of the origina! Borrow�er or Borrowcr's sucoessors in interat.Lender st�all not be requirod W
<br /> oomma�ce prooeodings�gainst�,,�sucoessor in intucst or r�fuse ta extead time for paymau or ot2r�rwise modify amoniTation
<br /> of tAe wms socurod by �s �a�ity Icuaument by reason of any demand made by tbe origi.aal Borrower or Bormwer's
<br /> saocessors in intcres�:. :�y forix�rance by I.aidcr in cxercising any right or. rttnody sbrll aot ba a.waiver of or produde tha
<br /> exercise of aay rigat�o�r xrmody.
<br /> 12. Suoa�o�s and Asctgnc Bouod:Jdat apd Several I.iability: Co-si�. The cover�ats a�d agramaus of this
<br /> Socurii�Inutumu�t sha]1 bind aod bmefit the suoassors �s�d acsigns of I.ender am.i fiorrower� subject W tbe provisioas of
<br /> P��►�h 17. Borrowa's coveaants �nd agt+eas�aMs shail be joint and uveral. Aay IIorrowcc wbo co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrsuna�t lwt does not exxute tlx Note: (a)is oo-signi�g this Sacurity Tnstrvnxnt oniy io mcxtgage. graat wd coovey th�t
<br /> . � '$orrowi�'s ititerest i��the Pi�c�ierty under the tenac at'tLis 5eeu�5ty IASdui�le�t:[bl is not�Ji'��m Pry��� � _
<br /> secured by ttds Security InururnaN: ard(c)x8rees that l.esxkr and any otder Sorrower may agroe to c,�ta�d.modifY.fotbear or
<br /> maYe any a000aunodatio�vrith ngard to We terms of this Socuriry Iastrumrsu or the Note withoae that Borrower's 000seat.
<br /> 13.I,wa C�rQer.If the losn sonu�ci by th3s Securiry Instcumau is subjoct to a law which sas rt�cimum loaa clurges.
<br /> and th�t law is fiaally interpnxed so tl�at the interat or other toan chuges col{ectod or ta be mllaxed in oonaectioa�with the
<br /> loan exoad tl�e pemtitted limits.then:(a)any such luan cl�uge shall be reducad by the amouac acoe�ssars'to redaoe the charge
<br /> W the permitted limit;wd(b)any sunu already oollocted from Borrowtr which eaceoaled pertniLtaQ limits wiU be refuacled w
<br /> Borc+awer. iender a�ay ctwose to rn�lce ttus refund by reducing the principal owod uoder the PIote or by making a direct
<br /> pa�m�t to Hon+ower. If a refund roduas principal, the mltiaion will be treatod u a PutW Pr�Yma�t �xer,hout any
<br /> pt+e�ayment ct�u�e iu�der the Note.
<br /> . 11.Notioes.Any notia to Borrowu provided for in this Security Inst*+»��shall be giYett by delivering it or by msiling
<br /> .. it by�irst cl�u noail unlas applicable law requires use of anather mettwd.'Rie notice sh�ll be d'srected to the Pro�tY Addrtss
<br /> or eny otbu addnsc B��ruwer�Tesignates by notia w L,ender. My iwtia w Lender shall be givea by fust class mai4 to
<br /> I�c's ad6ress st�ced berein oa aay otl�er address Irender decigrwtes by aotice to Borrowet. Any notice provided for in tbic
<br /> �,yri;y r.�,�,�++.�����u�ed to huve been given to Bornower or Ie.uder when givea 3s provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 1S.Gora�i�g- Law; Severability. TBis Sea►rity Instrumeat st�IJ. be govern�d by fedant iiw sad the !aw of the
<br /> ' jurisdiaion in wL'ceh the Property is located.In the evpu that any pror-isi�m or clause of this Security Insuumait or the Note
<br /> oonflicss with�plicabl�law,such c�onflict shali�ot affoct ot6er provisic�af this Sxurity in5trumrat or the NIote which can be
<br /> . givea ei�cct witbout the conflicsiag provisioa.To this eoct.rke provisions o:Wis Savrity Insuumenc sid the Note are daclan;d
<br /> to be scverabk. �
<br /> lf.Bo�s�o�+es's Copy.Barrower sl�all t�e given ane c.onf�od oo�y uF t�e.Nate aad of thi9 Security Instnw�ast.
<br /> Fona 302� 8190
<br /> w�,.ra�
<br />