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<br /> ;at►;uul�uiql Prupert��. &�rruwcr �h:►11 yl�c� �e in �S.laui! if a,rruw�r, duting thc k�;►n u{�pli�atiun priwc�.. g•rvc
<br /> nutr:•ially t�iK ur in;k�_urrcc intiw'nuliu�i ur �t�tcnknt� to [xixtrr 1u�• fuii�i ta prociJ:: l.�:tu�rt with any n+atcr+�l _
<br /> ii►For��u�i�u» io c+�nnectiun a•ith 11►e Aw�t ceidciu.xl by llte` Notc, itx�ludin�, twt not IimiteJ to, rc:p�ca:ntatiuns
<br /> ����:mins &uruK�ci. �k�.upasky of thi l'ru�en� as a pri�xi�l m�idcncc. li �hi� Sccuritp I��..trunknt iti i�a a
<br /> fr..►a�iwl�i. &,����wec chs:{ranpty a•ith the pn��•i�i�.n�oF the tc•.�sc. If&uraw�er acyuires fee titte tu the L'rop�riy,tlu: _
<br /> tcas.�uW cuxl fcc title xhali owu he nu�rgeJ unicsr Lc��dcr agrees tu thc nx:�gcr in a�riting.
<br /> b.Copdepuwtlw�.Thc paxcal�uf uny uwan?��r�laim f�r dan�zgt`s.�I�ilt OC ClN15Cy1k1111�1, in u�r:ncction with
<br /> any auxtem��ian or �uher taking of'any pan�r �he Pru�riY• ur tur convcyaiue in place of condc��uutian, arc
<br /> hcreby ussigned and sh:►U be Paid t°Leix�er ta�hc: cxtcnt of tt�e full anuwnt of the indcbtcdness tt��t rcmains unpnid
<br /> undcr the Natc a��d thic Socurit� liutrunuiu. Lcndcr stwll a��ply wch proce�dc to the rociuction uf the indebtaliiess
<br /> wuler the Natc aixl this Security Instrument. 6rst ta any dclinqucnt anu�unts sppliect in the orJer provid�xt in
<br /> paru.ara{�h 3,aixl then tn prepayment of principal. Any applic:�tian of the proceal.s ta the principal sha11 not eztend or
<br /> pauFone th�,due date uf the iYV�athly pnyments,which ate referred to in par.�raph ?,or chunge the anxwnl of such
<br /> payments. Any excess proceeds over an amaunt requircd to pay all autstanding�nJebtedness under cho Note and this
<br /> Scxurity Instrument sl�all be paid to the entity legally eutitlal themto.
<br /> ?. C6ar�e� to Bonnwa' wd Pro�teMl°° °� l•�r's Rq�dts fo t6e Pro{xrtY. Borrower shall pay a11
<br /> gavemmental or nwaicipa] charges. fines und impositians thut are nae includod in par.+grrph 2. Boirower shull paY
<br /> diese obligatioas o�time directly to the entity which is owaci the p�yment. If failure to pay would ad�etsely affect
<br /> Lender's interest in t�.e Pro�erty. upon Ler�der's request Bonnwer shall pronspdy funusl� to leixler nx�cE(�t.y
<br /> e�icttncing these paymenu.
<br /> If Borrawer fails to make these payrnents or tbe payments required by par.►graph 2. or fails to perform uny other .
<br /> rn�e�nts a�d agteements containod in tliis Security Instrument,ar t6�e�t�is a Iegal procceding that rn9y significu�dy .
<br /> affect Lender's sighu in the Pruptrty(such as a pra;oedin� in bankre.,�s,'.-�, for condemt�eion or to enforce lawc tx
<br /> regulations), thea I.Gxier maY cin and P�Y W1�ever is cuxtissuy to protect the valuo of the Property ancl [.ea►6en'�s
<br /> righk in the Property. including p�Yment of taua,iiaz�rd insur�sce und other itetnc mentionod in paragrrph 2.
<br /> Any u�xwnts distwrsed by Lender ur�der this par.�raph s1�a11 become an addiiana!debt of Rorrower and be
<br /> se�uca! by this Security Instruiuent. These ariwuncs shall bear interes� from the date of di�. �� Note
<br /> r,#r�,,ond at the apticu►of Lendr�r.shall be inunediatdy du�:.p.t payable.
<br /> }3orrower shall promptly discharge any lien which hs prioriry over this Security liuttumeru uciless Bo��:t:
<br /> (a) agroes in writinc to the paytnent of the obligation secured by the lien in �m�nner aoaptable to Lencie.r,.�b)
<br /> conteus in goal faith the lien by. or detends agaiacc ettfomtnent of ttu lien in. lega! proceedings which in the
<br /> I,ender's opiniort oporate to pttvent the enforcement of tF.c lien: os 1c1� secures from the holdec of tho lien an
<br /> • agreemcnt satisfxtory co Lesad�r subarditwting the lien to tkis Securiry lnstrumau.If Ltnder daeiro¢ic�.^�elt�t zav1�stt
<br /> - . �t' !1� °:c�; i� =•�!+s•�n a. a.lien wi�iCh mav attaia pciwxity o��er this Securiq, [uatrument. Lass3er unay �cvc -
<br /> � Borrow�er a natice identifying Qa�.�tien. Barro�cs sl�a:l s:tisfy the lien or taico one or"�mre ot�xziaas sa iorsi�
<br /> abo��c within IO days of tiu gi�ir.g af notic:e.
<br /> 8.Fees.Lenckr may eollxt fees and r�,�..c€�authoriud by the Secretary .
<br /> 9.Grouo�for Aooda�ticr�of Debt.
<br /> {a) De�+wit. Ix.nder m:ey. exoept as limited by re�ulatiau iss�ed by the Secrd�r5+, in�he case of payment
<br /> defaults.roquire immediate p�yment in full of:Sl d:rns secured by this Securiry Inucu�t if:
<br /> (i)8orrower defaulu by f�iling to pay in full any m,ontt�Z��payment requitod by this Socurity Zt�strume�t
<br /> � prie,c to os on the due date of the�xxt nwnthlY PaYment•��c
<br /> ; (ii)Borrcwu defaults by failir�, for a period of thirty days,to p�rform any otlxr obLF�,atio�s t°"tainod
<br /> in this Security instrunnent.
<br /> (b)Sak WiHwut Credit Approval.Lender stu�ll. if pennitted by applicabls law(includi�g Section�{'(d)
<br /> ' of the Gam-St. C,em�ain Ilcpositor5+institutions Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) aasi with tEie prior
<br /> approval of the Secxetary.require iclunodiace payment ire fuU af all sums s•�ecunxi by tbi��s;a�cY Instruroenc
<br /> . if:
<br /> P.o.a a• .
<br /> • �
<br />