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<br /> -_-��-'�4 Y.�1. . . . _..�.e... - ___ __.
<br /> 9�w �,t��01�
<br /> Borrower shall �Iso be'sn def'auli if Borrow:r,durin�ttee toan u�plicat.ioe�process,�ave m,aterially f�lses cx in�;cur��a�i�o -
<br /> inFmnation ot si�is io Laxkx(ar fai;ad tfl provida I.cudcr with auy tuatrxiallsfortnst�ou)ia coanc�ciin�wlth t�itio
<br /> loan evldet�eod Dy tho Note, inctudin8�but noi limitcd �o� re�reseus�eions concaairtQ Bormwa's oceupetcy ot thn
<br /> p�+aperty sis a puin.ipal resideace. If this Sacurity Yaswmau is or► s► leasel�W� Bnrrowa � canQly wW tbo _
<br /> provisions of tise 1es�sc. If Borrowcr acquircs foe titb to the Fe�erty.tlse kasetwld�ad foe titlo eis�U uot ba mor�od
<br /> unl�ss l.etuler a�roes to ahe merger in wtidn�.
<br /> 6.Con�kmnation.The proc�of any Awarcl or cLtim for d�wges,dlrcci or contoquentitl. in coaaoctk�n writh
<br /> any ooadaaauion or wher ts�king uf any part of the�nQutY�a fa coaveyAaee iu pyce of coadernauioa.aco herat�y
<br /> assigned a.�d st�ll be paid m Len3er a tbe exteas of the full amouat of tbe iadebtodoes�that nm�e�f uapdd uada abo
<br /> IJcita and this Secwrity Instrumen�l�ender s1�a11 apply such procoacL�W tbe roductloci of the indcbtod�tu�der tbe No�e
<br /> and tlils Sec�ulty Insoivmen�fira w any dzliru�ur�si amounts ap�tied in tha a�der provlded ia pe�r�pb 3,�ad tAea to
<br /> P�Y�s�P��P�-MY�ticsuion of t2�e p+oo�s to the priccipol shall aos axteAd ar post�oae tLe due d�M�e of Wo
<br /> �o�h1Y PaY�e�ts.which�ta eGferrod so is�par�rap�2,pr Ch�o t��a�amt of such payments. My excess proceals
<br /> over aa amount requirod ta pay all oaistaadiug in�drb�ss uodcr the 2+iote�ad ttil�Security Insuument sLall be�tid o0
<br /> ibc anpry k�sUy tnridod ibzr�to.
<br /> 7. Cbs�r� to Borea�rer s�sd Ptotectba ot Leader's RijYts ia tbe Prope�ty. Barower shall p�y aU
<br /> govr�meassl as rswniCipW ct�u8es.fines and impositions ti�t ac�e aot iacluded ia p�gn�p6 2 Socrower�btU pay tbeoa
<br /> p�li�ians oa tuna di�tty�Qye eatity wt�ch is owed ti�e gaymau.ff fiilure tfl pay would dversely uffect L,uiBer's
<br /> snusrst ia the Ftapapr,u�+L�eac{er'c req�est Bott+ow�rr sb�U pcanptly fumish to Leotfet toaipts evideacit�the�e
<br /> �Y�
<br /> If Batoar.ar fails w maice tbcac{mymeats a the PaY��i'o9�bY P��2,or fiil9 tu paforaa�ny other
<br /> covtmats siad apeemaus coatainad iu,tteie Socurity?���!.or tha�e i�a Ee�al proceodin�tbat maY�i�nificantlY
<br /> sf�'+eet I,eader's right:ia the Pcopect�j{sucb aa a proceediag in b�aicruptey,far ooade�naadoo a to eafae+ee Vws or
<br /> r�gu3adoas).ttxa I.etidet map dtt aad pay wl�atever is aecasa�y fo pntoct the value of dse Ptnpetry atd I.,wdet'�ci�lftt
<br /> 'sm tbe Pcope=ty.incWdinB WY�of wa:s,hazud iasuraooa aad wlier itaas me�cioaod ia p�r�ph 2.
<br /> Any aaaunts disburxd 6y L,autcr undei this pra�apb stutl becoma an�ddioional debt of Fotm�vtr�ad be
<br /> � secuaed by th�Socutity Insuu�ncat.'i3ase r+mocwata�11 bar intaest&nm the tWe ot��t tho Noto ra1e.
<br /> aaa ac dse opt�a of I.eaaa�,suau bc uamcdiacrly due a�a�yabk.
<br /> Bacro�a�30a11 pe�om�ptFy de�hac�e�y lieo wbich fl�av priority over dw Security In�trumeat uakas Bomowar: (�1
<br /> .�nas m wzio�g to d�e p�Yr�eat af Wa abli�tttioa sxcrred by the lim ia a m�aner acaptabie to Lax1a:(b)ooalats in
<br /> �ood faitb dse ium by.ar defeads agaiout�t a�tbe liea ie.ie�l Proceodin�s which ia tbe Lem�let'�opit�im
<br /> opesa�e�o pre�c+au tbe eafaconaeat of d�e li�a:a(c)socuoe�from t�6oWer of tbe lim an�,gna�eat suLf'�cMxy to
<br /> Lmd��m6ordidtioa tLe lira b thin Securitv r�,m�.�,,,•,,r If L,eader dektmiaa tt�t�uY P�ct d�tbe Pi+apaty is subjxi lo
<br /> _ ..�tiea wt�ich usay am'sa pr.ar�y evrr this 3;.cur'.ty I�sumau,I�as�insy Snb Bc�ai+e�ru a mt'soe�fyk�g tbe Foa. -
<br /> Barmwa�ll sapsfy tho ltea ar mke oae a uw�a of the actioas set faatb abovo within 10 days of the�ivin�of not�x.
<br /> •.F�a.ls,oder may coW�ct fees aad chsugea auWorizod by the Sax�wcy.
<br /> 9.Groradr ta�Aooeieration o�Ddtt�
<br /> (a)Delwk.Lender msy.escqx as limited by r�gutatio��s issued by tbe Sx�y� ia tbe cate of p�yrneat
<br /> defauits,requ�e;*"�.,�;°L,�tpyascat in fi�ll cF slt saaas sccured by thir Seeu�ity Iastrumau if:
<br /> (ij Bctrowa dr.Gwlta BY ftilin8 t�'Pey�itt Eor�Y anY�Y P�Y��lua'ad by tna Seca�rity Inucuase�t
<br /> priat w or oa Qte due ds►tc af ti�c naxi waath�II�p�ymwR or
<br /> • �'�"It Borm�+rr def�tta by faiting.fac a pabd aE tl�,r cyys.to pafo�m any otlxr obiigadoaf caotaiood ia
<br /> . tCis Socuriqr In�meat
<br /> . (e)S�ie Witl�o�t Credit Appraval.L�ender sh�ts.i5 D�bY�PP��'(�8 Soctioa 341(d)of
<br /> tbe Garn.St Ge�anin Dopository Lu�inttions Act ef 39�2,t2 U.S C.1701}3(d))aod�vi1�t�o pia approval af
<br /> ' �e�Y,�9�����lt��f�1 af�73 wms sec�n�ed by diis Socurity InwaaA!at if:
<br /> � �R(M�t�) . na�,a a• ��a+.:
<br /> Y •
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