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<br /> IF Jw anu�uus bcl�by l.end��r Ecx Bs�.,^row lcems ca�ccc�ttae�nwunts permitied m bc ha:d Dp RFSPA.L.rnd�.r shalt
<br /> accaint w Ba�ower fi�d�a exc;ss iunds�r:,qu�r�by RESPA. If the anwunts of fw-uls heid by I..e+�uw+•u�any ti►ne is
<br /> net sufficiait to py tho Fsa�ow Ikxn.s whw due.I�eada may aotii'y the Bottowu�nd taquira 9t►rrowCr w m�lcc up the
<br /> ctwrt�e as p�ittaa by RFSPA.
<br /> Tho F.scnaw Fund�aro piodyod ap odditianal socurity far Wl sums socural by Ws Socurity Luiwmeat If Bo�owe,
<br /> tendcrs W Le�der the[ull paymu►t of all such sums.Barowcr's accouct shall bc creditod with tho balance reraair►ing fo�
<br /> all instalGnemt iteuw (v). (G?, sad(c) aod aoY ��BqYo:^�"•'�"'�,P��m installtrsent thAt I.etu3er ba�not bocomc
<br /> abll�otod ta pay w tho Sacnetary�aod I.eadti shall P�1�Y refund any eaccess f�nds to Bixrower. Immc�isualy pdor t�
<br /> a forocbsuro s�lc of the Propaty ar ita acquisidon bp I.a�drr.Bortnwer'c acoauit st�al!bo cr�diu:d w,itb sny balsuu�.c
<br /> cduain9na for�il installmeam for itomq(o).(b).�ad(c).
<br /> 3.Applicatioa d Pa�meth.IW paymeats under�Its 1 aud 2 stuL be applied by Laulcr As folbwa:
<br /> FjtSl.w the martgqge ias�nnGC pr.,mium w be p4id by L.ea�fer tu tbo SecreWy or a Wo moatWy churYe by Qio
<br /> Soci+etary instead of tbo monthly matg�e iasurance p�+e+aium;
<br /> $�.to aay nxes,s�aclal�sse�mts.fea�ebold p�yn�ats ar ground�.aod fae,pood aod ather Oa:ard
<br /> insuraacc�c�iums,as roq�ed:
<br /> �va iata+est due under tbe I�
<br /> �„W amart�uioa of tbe ptFsaa�l of ttu l�.o' t�e;Aod
<br /> �ux laie char�ea duo uadei cEu 1�'c�t+e.
<br /> 4:.LtSre,Fbod and Utber�Laars�Ls�stmcx.I�urower sl�ll Iusu�oll iu�roverua�ts oa the Pro�rey.whettxr
<br /> rxlw u�,�nisteac',e ar submoquatfly a�t.�aay harrads.casu�ldes.aad cu�in8eacies.iacl�xlinB fire.for which
<br /> Lc�nda requircx iasuraoce.'1�in�u�wce shall bc maLualaed'ui tLc amouats aad far tbe periods tbat I�awer requ�rs.
<br /> Bart�ower eh�ll also i:t:ure�ll iisipro��rats oa tbe Pbpaty.wbetber now ip eaLsta�ce or su�oqueatly aected.qga�t
<br /> loss by i]oods a the e�cat roqutrod by tbe Soa'et�y.All insurrace sb�ll be c�rried witb comp�anies Approvo�8Y�.
<br /> 'ILe ios�mce policxx aod�ay ra�wa:s st�il bo hc3d by La�der�ad sb W ixluda bts pay�ble c]au�es ia t�idr af.and
<br /> io s fam��coeptabie lo.I.ender.
<br /> In d�e eveat of 1ocs.Boriowa sII�'I IIive Laixkr iauaediate aotice by aaail.LaKia way m�c pnnof of lo�s if ewt
<br /> �P�P�Y by Barowu.Eacb ias�u�nce cqmp�ay 000cemed u 4rteby autborized and tfiar.csc�tct maice paymeat for
<br /> s�ca lo�air�cily to l.tna«.iawaa of to s«ro.�ae�ua w�..maei jomciy./►u or,wy part of tl�e;asisaooe pnocmds n�y
<br /> be apQlied by lr�elts,at its opdoo.either(�te the reduction d'dre�aader t�x Ir'�e�od this Sqctn3ty
<br /> Iasw�first to my de�iaqveat amwnts applied ia tLe order io p�apb 3,emd tbec m p�symeat of prmcipal.a
<br /> N)w tho ros�o�at;on«repair of the aaa�oa Aop�cy.Any�pltcadoo or tne pcocood4 b a�e princi�l sluu aoc a�tena
<br /> ar no�moae the due dale of the mooWiv nvmrata�rLLirb ai+e�nd b in�raoh 2 ar c�uae d�e ama�et nf such
<br /> p�ymeois.My e�cers�sce ptoCeotla over sn aa�i t�aed W pay�t!u�dinQ i�debiedaecs t�der i�e Nae
<br /> �ad thie Sec�uity In�trumaot�hsll be paid to the wdtY legilIY�otled thcieto�
<br /> 1a tbe eveat of focaclowt�e of t!�Sea�y Inmumeat a ot6ar tnast'er ot'tJtie w tbe P�paty tWt e�agu�hes the
<br /> iade�edmst.sdl ti�ht,ti�Ile�d iot�s�uf Sorro�va ia aod 10 iasw�ce po�icies iai focoe��to tbe pttoch�.
<br /> � �P�7, �it�oe.�fiteaa�ce aad Pfnotecti�d tie Propetq; Barm�+�er'c :.�.�A�pL'catjoo;
<br /> Leauao�da. Borrnwer sL�li occ�.e�btisL,iwd uoe�a Pta�pacy z:G:,.:�wu'��.;oci�4 ur�ideace wiq�,�ry day�
<br /> ai�r t8e e�ocntioe af tbEs Secauii�Ic�r�uaaot(ar rr��ty�ys of a Lta sde or traa:fes oi tha Pro��D�ond si�sll
<br /> oontfo�e w oavpy tbe Ptopa�ty�s Daaowa'a p�iocapl n�idaoce ta�at leaot voe yar afier tbe d�e oE aocupoay„
<br /> uo�ees�+a�lar delami�a th�t req�t�vill cau�e�mdue h�ffare Baciowa.ar uelees eanmu�io,g c�umwoces
<br /> a�i4t wliicb are beyond Bomoads rroatrol.Batmwar a1�11 noaf�r Leakr of�y es�p�ua6qg�ooes.BanoM+rr •
<br /> �sail not ooa�mit Mrape or de�roy.ciaa�e or cubwwmliy ch�e�he Progext�r a ailoa We Pfroptety to delriiar�le.
<br /> reaioo�tAa rNar aod trn euoe�ted Imdet may ia:pect tbe Property if die Prc�tae�i�vac�nt or�nd�oed mc 1�e lo�n�
<br /> ia de�ult I.tnder may Wce rwa�a�bie action w protoct prid pr�rv�e a� vac� ar �a�oo� Ftoperty.
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