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<br /> appllcable I�w may�pecify for rcinstatemenq bcforc �alc of thc Propeny purcuant �a w�p�wcr"�-1!'�1G�in 1hi9 `-
<br /> _— Security Insaument;or(b)enuy of�judgment cnforcin��hi�Security Inauument. 7'Iw�c conditionr ore Ilwt BaROwer. la)
<br /> pays L.ender all rums which then wuuld be duc under this S��cu�ity Inslrument wNi �hc Nolc uA if no�ccclen�lon h�d
<br /> cecwrcd;(b)cures any defwult of any dhcr covenanta or agreements;(c)pays all expenres incurtcd�n cnfor�in�thic Sccurity
<br /> _�� lnsbvment, inclading,but not limited to, rewsonable anameys'ices; and Id) lukc� �uch +k�ion ox Lcndcr moy reasonsbly
<br /> —�� requirc to assure�iwt the Uen of�his Security Instrumcnl,Lendcr4 righ��in�hc F'mpcny and[ium�werk�hligwion to pay thc
<br /> � - � `� sums secu�cd by this Securily inblrum�nt shalt catttinu� unrhat�ged. Upart rcinstetemen� by Bnmiw¢r, this Security
<br /> � --- --- �� lnstrument unA the obligntions sm�rcd herchy+hull rcmain fully cffec�ivc as ii na accekration had accumcd. Howevcr,thi� �
<br /> �°� ri�ht to rcinatatc shall nw Apply in tbe case oi occeleration under parugruph 17. �
<br /> �`����* y 19. S�le ot Note;C6an�e ot t.00n Servker. Thc Note ar u p�rtful intcrest in�he Note ItaqcQ�er with Ihis Secwity
<br /> ����� lnswmentl may be sold onc or mare times wi�haut pr�o�natice ta Borrower. A s�lo may rcault in o change ln thc entity
<br /> �����.._:,. (known as the"Loan Servicer")lhat collects monthly paymenla duc under the Nute und this Sccurity Imuumeru. There also
<br /> --- -- ---°-''' may be one or more changes of Ihe L.oan 5ervicer unaslated lo a suld af the Note. if there is A change uf ths l.ow�Servicer.
<br /> - Y.��.:
<br /> �''�'3�•_'+`� Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordonce with parugmph 14 ubove and applicublo law. The nWice
<br /> :.�=_�u.,��,.,- � :
<br /> �.=• ti will state the npme and addrBSS of the new Loan Servicer and the wldr�s�a to which puyments ahcwld be mado. The notice will __
<br /> ���;�''"p"� •�� •� alw cuntain ar�y other infomtation required by applicable law.
<br /> ��.,,�
<br /> �"`�`•^�::b"'��--:. 20. H�rdaus 5ubctaacea. Borrawer shaU not cause or pertnil thc pr+ascnce,w+e,dispo.rul,stornge,or rclease of any
<br /> ��?-�'--�1-•� Hoznrdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allaw unyone else lo da,anything affecting �e
<br /> ..._:.-.e:-nL'l�t�:'-r::t..
<br /> ;.r: .� ;. Property that is in violwian of any Environmentn!Law. The preceding two senlencea shull not appiy to the prasence,use,or
<br /> _---' -�� .�i,., Rtornge on the Property of small quanlities of Harallous Substs�nces that are gonerally recognized to ba appropriate to nonnal
<br /> ��t,�t�
<br /> -•>���" "4�� • residential uses and ta maintenance of the Property.
<br /> `�' '�'''`t���'• Borrower shall rom U ive Lender wriuen notice of nn investi ation.claim.demand,lawsuit or ather s►ction by uny
<br /> -�-� � ��.,���':��:., . -' .. P P Y R� Y � _�
<br /> ..,�,.°,.,,.,,,t�;,� •- ; gavemmental or regulatory agency or private psuty invulving lhe Propeny�nd any Nu.ardous Substanre or Environmental
<br /> `_ _�.,��;;���:yl�; Law af which BoROwer has uctuul knowledge. If Borrawer leums, or is notified by any gavemmentul or regulatory
<br /> - � � ...�. . , au�horiry,that any removel or ather remediation of any Hazardous SubYtance affecting the Propeny is necessary, Borrower
<br /> _ � } ' �� xhall promptly utke ull necessary remedial ac�ions in accordance with Environmental Law. �
<br /> !'''`'�'"":`'�'�`���n '` As used in this parAgraph 2Q,"Hnzardous Substances"a�e thar,e subslancea defined us toxic or hazurdous substance4 by ��"
<br /> �..
<br />_- — � �•,%�rr`�'�`� '� Environmental Law and the tollowing subslances: gusoline,kemr,ene, other ilammable or tox ic petro leum p r o ducts,toxic —.-
<br /> _ - . .it•• pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,muterials containing usbestos or formaldehyde,und rndioaclive materials. As �,`•`
<br /> ��; •i'�ba;i�.'�+�::r:•� used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"meuns federnl laws wM laws of the jurisdiction where�he Property is located =-
<br /> �s- ,��j^�'+' .. '�'� , tiwt relnte to heulth,sufety orenvironmental proteclian. ���,_
<br /> __ �� .,µ,,,,,�x,;,,.�,,;; NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and ugrce ns follows: ,
<br /> _�, ��--���-�� •• ,i. 2l. Acceleratbn; Remedies. Lender shall give notice lo Borrower prfor to accelerntion tollowin Borrowe�'s
<br /> -== ,�.4a`��.,.�`-�^•��•', breach of An covenant or reement ln this Security Instrument(but not prior lo acceleration under pAragraph l7 �.•'
<br /> ' � �`"7;.�.��_ unless appli�ble law provld�es otherwise). The notice shall specifyt (p)the deiault�Ib)lhe AcNon required to cure the ��`�
<br /> �Ki;r�t51bs,. •_ -
<br /> defiwlt;(c►a date,not less Ihan 30 days irom the date the notice is given to Norrower.by which the dei'auit musi be .
<br /> ,;�� , ',' '' ��' cu�ed;And ld)that failure lo cure the dePault on or bePare the dale specif7ed in the notice may result in accelerution of N
<br /> --^?�� � ; • the sums securetl by thls Securily InAtrument and sale uf the PropeMy. The notice shall Purther iniorm Borrower of
<br /> --.�' "" �"y�� ~ �� the righf to relnrlate aRer acceleration and Ihe right to bring A court action to as.gert the non-existence oP a defeult or
<br />�°'�F ; �� any other defense oP Borrower to accelerAtton ond sale. IP the default is not cured on or bei'ore the date specified in
<br /> � ,. .. � the notice,Lender at i1s optbn may requlre immediate payment in full of all cums secured by t6(s Security Instrument -__
<br /> --' " ' ' witboul further demand s�nd may invoke the power oP sale und any other remedies permitted by AppUcable law.
<br /> -v�'� ', • �.�,:�s�. Lender shall be entitled to collect ull expensec incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this para�r�ph 21. --
<br /> ..__`%�� . , ''': �. �� including.but not limited to,reasonable atrornoys'1'ees and costs of tiUe evidence. �
<br />���_ _ •�.;��;:�,..,'.!,•, , If the power of sale is invuked,7Yustee shell record a nutice ui'default in es�ch county in whlch any part of the
<br /> _,_���� `-t"��• � Property ts McAted and shall mail cupies aPsuch notice in the manner pre.5crlbed bv appllcable I�w to Borrower and to __
<br />;:'=i' . .''�ti����+:•• ' the other persons prescribed by upplicable law. Afler the time required by uppllcable lew.71�utifee shall give public ��.
<br /> . �;•:,
<br />=_;;.y� ,�'' ' notice of�le lo the persons aad in the mpnner prescribed bv applic�ble law. 7lrustee.without demand on 8orrower. �__
<br /> �►`"�� ' • � shall sell the PropeMy al public auctlon tu the highest bidder ut the time and place und under the terms designated in ��
<br /> ° �� the notice of sale in one ur aiore purcels and in uny order'1'rustee determines. 'IYustee muy poslpone sale uf ull or Any �
<br />- • "Y 1, ' • pa�cel of the Property by public nnnuuncemenl at the time s�nd pluce oP anv previiwsl��scheduled x�te. Lender or it4 _
<br /> _ • �����•h# ' d�.wtg�ee�twy purchase the Property ut unv sale.
<br /> . '' � "��'�^�� Upon receipt of payment oi'the price bid.7lrustee xhull deliver lo the purchatier 7Yustee's deed con�•eying the �'°:
<br /> `=:���:f' �•��''`� Property. The recitals in the'IYuctee's deed shall be primu Pucie rvidence uf the trulh oP the stalemenfs made therein.
<br /> fi";;�;% •• ° � . �•u 7Fustee shall apply the proceeds uf Ihe 4ule in the iollowing urder: lul to all costa end expea�of exerci.4iag the power �"--
<br /> ,.,� '
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