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<br /> ---' candemnution or whcr t+ikin�nf yny purt of thc Propeny,or for conveywice in lieu of cundemnotian,urc hercby a�xi�oed wid
<br /> -- rhall ba paid ta L.ender.
<br /> ; in the event of'n ia�l tuking af�h� Pinpeny, 1he pmceedR xhull be opplieJ tu �he ,umw xecured by this Securi�y
<br /> _-- Ins�rument,whether ar not then due,wi�h u�y exce�x�+uid w 8arrnwer. In�he evcnt of u p�ninl�aking of thc Property in
<br /> ���� which the fair marke�vulue uf thc 1'�upeny immedfutely t+efare�hc tuking ix cyuul�a cir greater than ibe�mount of the sums ,
<br /> secured by this Secudty InKwnunl immedfutely before�hc:toking,unlexz Born�wcr und LenJcr�nh�rwi,c ugRC in w�iting,
<br /> -�_=-- -- -�=, the sumx recurd by this Security Instrument shull tx rcduced by the amount af the�rc►�eed� m�dtiplied bv the fnllowing �
<br /> - ,-. .
<br /> -_�= fraction: IA1�he tntal++moun�of ihe nums secumd immeAiately befare the tukinu,divideJ by�b) dx�fuir murket vAlue of the r
<br /> � Ptopeny immediutely bcfore the tuking. Any buluncc shull t+e puid �o Burruwer. In the event ai' u partinl tuking of th�
<br /> _-- _-- Propchy in which thc fulr rno�kel vulue nf ehe PmpeAy immediatcly befare�he tuking ix Irxs�han the amount af Ilx�ums
<br /> ------ ____°'�`'`�' r;ccur.:d immcdiately beFure�hc Iukin}t,unle+w Bormwcr unJ Lendcr othenvixe u�rec in wridng or unle�x upp���uble luw —
<br /> ---•—=---- I othervvise provides,the procads xholl be applied to the xums se�:ured by tbi�Secunry Instrumant whether ur not�he sums are
<br /> '�"�`""'�� ! then due.
<br /> �'�`"`��., � If�he Pruperty i�;nhandaned by Borrower,or if,LBer nrnice by Lender to Borcowcr ihat�he candemnor offen to muke --
<br /> b� 4��`��� � nn aword ar senle n cloim fcx damugeti.Bnrrower fuilw�o respond to Lender within 30 duys uQer the date the notice ia given, _
<br /> '.r'��`'�'�'`"' � Lender ia uuthor{zed to col Iect Lnd�pply the proceeds,ut it.r•option,either to rextarutian or repAir af�he Property or ta the
<br /> p�,y��,�-,....o�
<br /> •LR��m[�A..L' �
<br /> .���w�;�;.' ; sums xecumd by this Security Inslrumen6 whe�hcr or not then due.
<br /> M�.��c�,g•4•.$,�I Unlesc Lender und Borrower ahcnvise ogree in writing, Any applic�►tion of procecds to prinripal shuU aot extend ar —_
<br /> �����
<br /> postpona the due dute of Ihe manthly paym�:rns refeRed 10 in parugrnphs 1 und 2 or change the umaunt of xuch puy�nentti.
<br /> ,���,�.:���,;;� U. Borrower Not Rdeased; Forbc�rAnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of �hc �ime f'or poyment or ---
<br /> ..�ar=��. modificution af amoniuxion of thc�hums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any xuccessor in interest —
<br /> k^' � d of Borrower shall not operute to release�he Nnbili�y of Ihe original Borrower M Borcawera�succesxora in interest. Lender
<br /> —��`---�--�`� shull uot be re uired to commence rocecdin �. a ainst sus 4uccessor in interest or refuse to extend dme for�yment ar � __
<br /> �7-�:-w.._ .. 4 P �' e Y�
<br /> olherwise modify umorlization of the 4ums secured by�hi+Security Inyt�ument by renxon of any demund made by the arigin�l �d,
<br /> : :�:�:f��.. s� ° _
<br /> .�A r e�t;: , Bamower ar Borrower 4 succesr;ar:ti in inteiest. Any forbearunce by Lender in exereixing w�y right ar remedy shull nM be u _
<br /> ., ,�,w.;, , wuiver of or preclude the excrcisc of uny right ar remedy. ��
<br /> - �4-'�'p,' ��;, e : 12. Successorx s�nd Assigos Baund;Jdnt and Several I.iabllity;Casigoers. The covenuntti und agreements of Ihis ti��::
<br /> � '��b�''`""�`"°�`� Security Instrument xhall bind and benefit the succesxors�nd assigns of Lender and Bortower, subjecl to the provisions of
<br />-�� ' 'j'-'�``"�� paragmph 17. Borrawer�cuvenants und ugreemems shull be joint �nd ticverAl. Any Borrower w•ho co-�iFnx this Securi�y �.
<br />_ � "�" �� Inslrument but doea not execute the Note: (ra)is co-signing Ihis Security In�trument only lo mortgnge,grnnt und convey thut =
<br /> ;�,.���:'"`�;�" Borrower'.s interest in the Praperty under the termti of this Security Inxtrumem; (b1 is nat personally obliguted to puy the sumx _
<br /> �� ' - ' secured by thix Security Instrument;and Ic)Agrees�hut Lender und any other Borrower may ngree to exlend,mociify,fort�enr __:.
<br /> =_ •'=�=rt''•.��'�"- or make any accommada�ions with regard to the terms of thiz Security Instniment or the Nae wiihout Ihut Bormwer's
<br /> ��. .°�°',�:,�:;� � ' consent.
<br /> �a .;��,�,y;.�',,'�.,• 13. L,oan Chorgex. If the loan �ecured by ihiz Securiry Imlrument is subject to u luw which se�s mnximum loun
<br /> — -- - ��'R'--`� cha�ges,and thal luw is hnally�nterpreted so�hut the imerex�or other ia;u�charges coliected ur to hr colirclyd iu ton�ciian
<br /> ��'^W'x�a'�'�� `'-<���'' with the laun exceed the rmitted limit�,iherr (ul un +uch bun chur e shnll he reduced b �he umoum necesxa to reduce
<br />_-�r�', : d... Pe Y: S Y rY
<br />:-�.s�r: ''�r"�!;-'�� the chorge�u�he permitted limir und(h)any sums alreudy collected from Borrower which excecded permiited limits will he _
<br /> ` 1.',:�� .,.
<br />,;;�<; }� ° p� . refunded to Borrower. Lender mny chcx►se to muke this r�fund by reducinR�he principul owed under the Nrne or by ma ng a
<br />'�`����°�'!":�' • � • � direct puyment to BoROwer. If u refund reduces pnncipal.the rcduclian will be�reuied as a partial prcpuyment without any
<br /> � "`�' � prepAyment churge undcrthc Note.
<br />�;���� ° . ,�•„�:.. . 14. Notices. Any notice �n Borrower provid�d for in thix Security Inylrument shull be given by delivcriog it or by =_
<br />•�+ .�,.;;,.•_.�;: , '.;: mailing it by fir�t clu�s muil unleas appli�:a61e luw rcquire�u,e of anothrr mathcxl.The nu�ic�shull be directed to the Propeny �
<br />'�> • . � Addresx or any othar uddrexs Borcower clesignutes by notice w Lender. Any nolice to Lentler xhall be given by fir�t cl;�ax F�
<br /> _ _ w ' •• � mail to Lender's tidJres,sluled hercin or;u�y ulher addn:�s LenJer dexignuter�by�otice to Bcirrowec Any notice provlded for
<br /> , . in this Sccurity Instrumcnt shull tx dcemed to huve been given to Borrawer or I..ender when given ax pravlded in thi, ���-==
<br /> • ' parAgroph. -
<br /> 15. 4overning l.aw:Severabilily. Thiti Securi�y In.lrumenl �hall 6e governed 6y federul luw und th� law of the
<br /> �• �� jurisdiction in which the Praperty ix I�xuted. In�he rvent thut uny provision or clau,e of this Securi�y Instrument or thr Note
<br /> - , conflicls with upplirable luw.,uch cimtlic�+hull not uffect uihcr pruvi.iun,of�his Seuurity Inurument or the Note wbich can
<br /> -m, � . � 'v w' ou ihe contlic�in� vision. To�his cnd Ihe rovi�icxtr+of this Securi� Instrument und the Note nre ��
<br /> r,,, , be gi en effect nh t �,pm p Y
<br /> _�_r- •:.• declorcd to lx scverable. —
<br /> -.;,;��:.I� . . . . l6. Borrower's Copy. Burrc�wer.hall Ix givcn onc conlimned cupy of the Note unJ of thi�Security Insttumenl. �s°
<br /> _.;� " , 17. 'IMs�nsfer af the Property or a Beneficial Intcrest in Borrower. If all or uny purt of the Pmperty or any inleretit in
<br />-- it is wld cx tr:m.icrced lor if u fx.ncficial intcrctit in Bonuwcr i.wW��r u;�n.l'crrrd und Borrowcr is no�u nuturul penonl �
<br /> • without Lendcr's prior writtcn c�m.ent.Lendcr muy,at i�ti option,rcyuirc immedia�e p:�ymrnt in full of ull�ums ticrurrd by
<br />`_=�� .. . � •-� • thiti Security Imtrumrnl. Howcvrr,�his npiiun shell na Ix exerci.eJ by I.ender if exerci.e ix prohibited bv federul law us of
<br />,�,':' ,,,. , ; �hc dutc of this Security Instmmrnt.
<br />= . If Lender exereitieti thiti option.Lcn�k� �h�dl givc Rorn�wcr nnticc uf acccicrati�►n. Tl�r nntire.hull proviJe u peri�xi of
<br /> ''" � not less than 3(1 duys fmm the dute tlk noik�i�Jcliv�red i�r mi►ilcJ within�vhirh Rorro�+er mu+t p•ry all�um��crurcd My Ihi�
<br /> ' .. , Scrurity Intitrumen�. If Bcxrower fuih io pay thczr ,um. prior u�the rxpircui��n ��f thi. pericxi. Lendrr may invoke uny �-
<br /> ' � � remedicti permiucd by thi�Scrurity In,trunk nt wi�huut 1'unhcr notirc ur drmunJ on Horruw�r.
<br /> �. ' ,� � 18. Borrower's Rt�ht ta Rein�tate. II' Burruwcr nkct. rrn:iin r�mditiun.. B��rmWcr �hall h;rvc ihr righ� to havr �,
<br /> r_,
<br /> . +� entorcement of thi�Security Inv�n�mrm di.�an�inucJ a�:my�ime priur tu th��carlirr uf: 1:��S�iay+l��r.uch othrr�xri�xl u+ ��
<br /> { , . tiin�lcha�a�y�-F'annie�fue�Fn�ddkllfaeUNItY1N�f1�17NU�fE\1'-•tnn�irml'ovcn:u�n 4/4p I(Nll'�"�u/h�NI�Y.�I ��:
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