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<br /> 0. UN�M i�CURI'�'1f i[�IIIT�UM�NL'i GOV�JtNW(i LANi�VLRA�I� (��.� "�Q��1.
<br /> � — Udtam(:ovm�t I S of tb�Secutity lnWrumeat b wwM�d to n�d�foi{orn:
<br /> �. v.tr«M ue.�w+.w.��r.....w i•�n e••■•�a�.'�ro�ors.o�ray uwrwa.m�o.eu�w�r«m�e�►u ra��o�u w.
<br /> .aa noa.�niro�oa►arnu�w,daa wri.aom ey 1w�a�.+oo�o�oo�u�u�a a�ntro�..ar��y tmuwaau�a►«�n�rai aopa�y.n,�
<br /> _— Sa.vrity la�vumwt slWl M tav�aed by F�duv law sad the law ot the juri�dictlon in which the Prap�rty b iocated. In the evew tlut aay
<br /> provWa�or claw�ot thi�9�auitY la�wm�t or the Noa oonllku wltb appticaWe law,wch conAkt aludl oot atfact Wbu pravi�on�of thi� _
<br /> - _ _� S�cudtY Ia�ufMt a tl�t NWr whicb pa bo{iven eft�ct Milhout t4e cautlk�tlaf VrovWon�x�►�1 W tA4 eud i1�provbioru of thi�S�auby
<br /> -- - I�truorqt�pd tMr Nolt and�civad w bt MvR�ble.
<br /> - -=- �r, 7�ANS�R O�'f�rROrBR7Y OR A lBN�FIQAL INT6Jt�1'IN IORROWF�
<br /> ;�; U�dform CovonMnt 17 of t!w Suurity imtruwent b ameodrd W rc�d as fallows:
<br /> -= 17. 7�tw ot Me lrNM�!or�tndAcUlliquMl Ir Wenoww.lf WI or any part oi We Propaty a an interest thereia b sold or tt�n�terred
<br /> -- (at it a beneflelal iuterat in Barrowa i�wld ar trpufared�od Borrower i�nat a naturnl peROn)witdout L,eader'i prior written coa�ent,
<br /> -�-rt_,�••.�• l.aider may��t La�dw's o�oa.deol�re qll the auns:ocured bY thb Socurity�lwtrumau to be immedi�tely dua aad payabk.Howeva,thii
<br /> --- - -- optioa t1W1 aot 6ee�dsed by LaKiet iP exacirt i�nat suthotined bY Fadetal ktw.L�etsder may waive the exerclse ot this option if:(a)Bortower
<br /> - �-="` cauoa to be subaiued w l.rnda inforaatioa roquited bY Laider w evoluau the lntended trwferee as it a oew lonn wae bdui m�de�o tlw
<br /> - =="y"-"_�'°-'''�' tramferea;ard N)Lader ra�sonably detamiaa thu L.ender'�aecudty wW not bc imp�trd by che lono aaumDtiou and tiut tb�titic of tha
<br /> v�_ ---�;n br�eb of�ny coveasat or a{�eemart ia thi�SecuHty iau�umait is aaxptable W l.eoder. -
<br /> ----=— To Ua extmt pamtued bY�PP��I�w.Lenda m�y clur�e a rafowble fae as a coadidon w L.ender'�contern to the laa wumption•
<br /> _—'�'�°_..y� l,q�der°�q als°�oquira tf�e ttaa�ferae to keep ail the prumt�a wnd+�reement�mnde in the Nou aad in thh Sav�ity Instrumen�. _
<br /> ••If I.endor acerc4e�wch apdon to aooda�te.I.ender sliWl m�U Borrower nolice of Acakratloa in nxardaace witd pan�np614 Aereot.
<br /> `------=-------�.:_ Such notko�pcovWe�paiad of not leu tlwn 30 days from ttia date t!k notico b malled within wdic6 eorrowa m�Y P+Y tde sw�u doclared
<br /> _"��'.�_�'. due.if Borrower toilt w p�y auch sum�Pdor to tho expiradon of wch pedod.l.aider maY.withaut fwtha aotice ar d�oand on 8ortowa,
<br /> iavoka u�y ramedlas Paaoiued bY tbis SocudtY In�trwnan.„
<br /> . ���:s'�....,.': „�votwith�ndio�a wle or traa�fa�.Narrower w1U coutiaue W be obii�atad uuder tha Note and lhb SocuritY lo�wment unkss Lmder lu� -
<br /> .__�_ _��4:
<br /> ..;�'�'iiar,..Riat��).hc�:!1i� . ¢ fdNdd BOf�Owlf in Wdd11{.�•
<br /> "��.1� �i,y� �r'y:. .
<br /> ��?.h�I br°•:t1�
<br /> �.�IPb�L.?t�f.�;,: ' P. LOAN CAANGES
<br /> -` ". If the tou�securod by the Secudty lastrument is subjoct to a 4�w which sets meximum loan chv�a�aad th�t law u fiiWly intapraad w
<br /> �"q'�;`';`'.
<br /> °��ft�d4�',;: thu the iaterat ar other iaa du�raa oolkcted or to be colkcted in connection wlth the loan exoeal permined Bmits,then:(q any such loan
<br /> _-- ,, �,�-�ti a--�::_ �e/�b!lE�LLCOd�tI1C WWYni np7cai�iy i8 it-�i1GE iliE�hu�c ta tlse pamtlted!lmit:and(z)any w�u alrady oolkcted irom barowa
<br /> _ ��"�,',,�.y?� j �yhich cieeKded permittod Umiu wltl be rafuaded to Borcower.Lender may choose to moke this rcfuad by reduclnp the pdncipd owed under the i
<br /> � " Note or 6y makla�w dlrect paYu�ept to Horrowa.lf a refuad reduces princlpal.tho reducNon wUl ba treate�iu 4 patW P«PaY�nt uoda the
<br /> ".r�►.,.4,�,..t:. '� Note.
<br /> . ..)� , . .
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<br /> '."';�,Sax.., �j qr�'�'�jB$${v�p�OF�BOROw�IIMlxKdrd lrf/A�bIQ liaf!RIdif.
<br /> — �:E. Y,•;a'�,,
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