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<br /> _ ,�:�y�:f� _ , ,lij . 'tf�Mle�lA..�1i,W�..M�w � � '. .isn e:__—
<br /> SSS t� �� . .1:` ..
<br /> ��'. :C S {'
<br /> r' ' !�� r'.� �, H�' .. -=
<br /> , .+�ili�j y _ ��(.:i�•' , ' . _.
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<br /> �.�:� ��� � - Auiu��i as�.� �� ����� 9�_ 10,�,�1 -
<br /> y� .� .
<br /> `;,��°:�,":�.� (1 YwT�pturylndeu•{t�ttC�ps) -
<br /> ::�.�.�'�'�.�R''���
<br /> _`' -�--,
<br /> ---�-- THIS ADIUSTABLB RATE 81RER i�m�Jt Ihl� 12� d�y ot_�- ---- -�y----.---------•19.92_--..
<br /> �,�"-�`"� � uM I�{ncorpor�ted imo�nd�hRll be dxmed�o amend�nd wpplemem�h�Mort��e,I)ecd of Truu,or Se.urNy Ue�cd I�he"Secud�y las�rumem"1 nf
<br /> Ml�K��'��,�r"�'�
<br /> �'��+�',��•'-•'�.`,t`' � 1he�am�date�iven by Ihe undmlLMd(the"Borrmra”)lo wcurt Bcxrowet'�Ad�uu�M�Rue Plae 11h�"Nau"1 io MQYe���OIIAND
<br /> l.',��
<br /> ��:�,r�-_i�,�rr';�'s � I�AdQ(tM"lweda••�of tha wne dato aad cow►tu�i1K Propenl dac�ibed In Iho 5kcurltY Im�wmm��nd IMated rt:
<br /> :.����:.:"` --
<br /> :: �`:-''�_-�`-��`;�. . �z3 �t a�ries, c��a iei� NE . 68601 °`
<br /> :�,�t . • ,:,,. IPropsrlyAddreul -�
<br /> '. k::,��"::..,, •., 7'MN �We ca�W�oro�Mla� dlowl�fo�cMKw 1� �y IrtKal nle�d wy �wlMty
<br /> zR„�,.�'':.... .
<br /> �.itYw�u4.J.•. �• d p�l�eru.Tt�u�N�dso IIwiU iYa���I�y lel�n�l e�M a�eY����t wy oM tiwe��i
<br /> ' �T.�n��'�Y
<br /> r��'—,j��:.JS..�� ,,.a-: � /�NI lAf N1v�Ya/�IY/���H1f��11�y.
<br /> ,.�i�;•,..� .y:
<br />_.-�-.�s .':."l.Tl�'R?�}l..e�x.v. � —._ ..
<br /> r,. , ...����.• ; . ADDITIONAL COVBNANT3.In�dditien a tbe covenu�u and a�raemmts made in the Secunty�nstnunem•6or►o�'er u�d kade� �
<br /> �_� .: �.�( � ., further eoven�nt uid�ra u fdlovn:
<br /> '�Jl��7ua#W���,�'�• �m_—
<br /> -�.� r�;��� ;i��:r;,; A. 1N7'BRFST RATL AND MONTHLY PAYMFNf CHANGF� �.-_�._
<br /> '=�� •-�°`'�''' 7be Note provlda for an initid Imerat ate of 6.0 '!�.Scxtion�4t the lVota provida for chanQa in tha interat rue�od tbe
<br /> - ,�;,�� ` monthb WY�u,�fallow�:
<br /> -.� - - : �.� . --� -----
<br /> __..4__. �-.
<br /> _ , - ;a;r�. �, /PfrBRBST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMffYT CHANOES _
<br /> _ � ...:���:,��... (M CMs�t l�bs
<br /> -'4 :':• .
<br /> �.�.,�-
<br /> �',�:'f•�t! „ The inte�at rate I wlll pay may chanQe on the flrat day of T�� .19 9�.—.and on tA�t daY�aY Y��'•-.
<br /> ••�. y. ,�J',;� ..'?'.��'�r�; . 12 ._montiu theraiter.Gcb d�t�on whfch my fntercst rate couW chan�e is calkd a••Ciw�Qe Date.••
<br /> ,tf�h��4' { '
<br /> � Y 1`r �.'•�yl��t���'.� � � lY� TYe��O; � '"i''
<br /> " `. ' ;• t � ` &�inninQ with the flnt ChanQe Date,my interat tate will be based on an Index.The"Index"i:the weekly nveraQe yield on United Swtes �`; ''°` -
<br /> . '1 . ;�.1�`��S�S��`' ` . ��Pn:�,,.
<br /> ;�.i;'U�,�•;�;:�"', 7Yeasu securiUa adjusted to a con:tant moturity of 1 year,w made availAble by the Pederal Raerve Bw�rd.The most recent index fi�ura � . +_.
<br /> p : .,
<br /> �R � '�� � � ` availabk as of tha date 43 days bePore each Chanac pate ic called th¢"Current Indez." � 4�
<br /> '� . � � •}; 11 ihe Indac i�no IonQer�vailable,[he Note Halda�wlll choaae o new index which is based upon comp�rabk iniomwUoa. The Nae -�'�`�'���'
<br /> � �• °' Holde�will dve me notice of tMf�choice.
<br /> ',�`a j' �';t+sl��._' � ((�1 ('.dcd�do�otCMa�es __-
<br /> Y 5�'.','�',����t�;t�n'. ,•� &Pore each Chan4e Dat�,the Note Holder will calculale my new inlerest rate by addin�� ���-�= percentage _��__
<br /> .- ';`':;j: .;�, points( 2.� Wi)to the Current Index pnd rounding�a Ihe nearat I/8th of 1 ri,subject to the limiu uated in Seclion 4rD)below. ��;,�_
<br />_ �� .}; • " . , This rounded amount will be my new interat rate unQl the next Change Qate. "�''''�
<br /> ,•.
<br /> � '.. - The Note Holder will lhen determiac the amoant of Ihe momhly payment thn�would b¢sufflc[ent to reoey in full the prfncip�l 1 am � ,
<br /> � ' ", expected to owe on that Change Date in subsianiially equal peymenes by the mawrity dace at my new intera►rnte.The ravlt ot cha calcula[ion �_ _
<br />- alU be the new amount of my monthly paymont. =��-
<br /> ' �.,' ' IDl Umits oa I�knsl Mte Cha�Qa
<br /> � � ' ��i��'�••, The iMerest rate 1 am required to pay at the first Change Dace will n¢t bc grea�er than _�..r_QD N� or las tt�an ���~•
<br /> y� f �
<br />' '`�1"��� � d-�O hi.Thereaf�er,my interat rnte will never bc increased or decrcascd on any�ingle Chaage Oatc by morc than '��
<br /> .. , �., .: .
<br /> - ' ��;i��� �'' �,Q�.}_from the rate of interesl 1 have been paying for the preceding Iwelvc months.The minimum inte�at rato on th{s Ioan wiI!tKwer be r ,�,�y
<br />��, • y;��l�'���• ku than 4 00 �ond thc moximum interest ratc will ncver be grcalcr than 11-00 N�.
<br /> �•_
<br /> �.. . �' , �e� err�u.e u.��or c�.n� ' � ' "
<br /> My new inurest rote will become efFeciive on ea�h Change�ate.I will pay�he amount ul'my new monthly payment be�innin4 on the first ,.. ,•:_
<br /> be ���,�
<br /> � ,; • ° monthly payment date after the Changc Date untfl the amount oi my monthly naymen�changcs again. �r?±��.._;�;-.
<br /> �:.rc..� -
<br /> . IFl Nodce of Ch�aRes �
<br /> ��''� � The Note Holder will mail or deliver�o me u notice before c�ch Change Data The nodce wtll advise me of: r -�_
<br /> . � �_"�-`�_..
<br /> cj (i) the new intcrest ra�e on my loun as of the Chnnge Da e; y ti;,::r_
<br /> '. �� . `� (fi) �ht amount of my monthly payment tollowing the('hange pale; !�r`•,��r,---
<br /> ' , e ,� (lii) any additlonal mat�ers whlch the Nute Holder is required to di�lou;and n��'`�`-�
<br /> �,�
<br /> - (iv) the addresa of Ihe usociot{on you could rnntnct rcgarding any questions about the adjus�ment notia. �.',�..�i%�,•�I.
<br /> . . � �' i�i;::rb.�.�--
<br /> 6. CHARG�3:UENS ;:,::�,•�'�"':.
<br /> � Unifotm Covenont 4 of the Security lostrument it amendcd to rcad as follows: f �
<br /> ' �.CM�a;l.leu.Borcowe�shall pay all taacs,assessments,and uther chorgcs,fina,nnd impovtions auributoblc to the Propeny which may '
<br /> etlain�prlorlty over thls Secudty Inscrument,and Ieaschold payments of ground rents,if any,in�hc manna provided under puapnph 2 hereof
<br /> ! � a,ii not pafd in such monner,by Bo►rower muking payment,whrrt due,directly to the pa�re thercvf.Borrower shall prompdy fumish Lender
<br /> �I notkes of amounts due uoder this parayraph,and in the event Borrower ahall make pa>•meet directly,Borrow¢r shall promptly fumish�o ,
<br /> Lender recelpts evidenclny such p�ymenls. Burcuwer +hull prumptly Jiseharge any lian whi:h has ptionty u�er�fiK Seeurity Instrument;
<br /> � however. Borrowcr shnll not be reqwred Iu dixhorge any wch Iien,u lan�{a. Borrower: Ia)�h�ll �grce in wn:.r�to thc paymcnt uf the
<br />- � � � obliQatfon secured by such lien in�he manner ac�Yptubk�o t ender,Ih1 ah�ll m gaxl f�ith con�eu w.h hen by,or defend agamst enfor�-emern of
<br /> such Ikn in,legal praeedings wh�.h m Ihe opinion uf Lender operate io pre�rn��he enlorament ot the hen vr torfenurt uf the Property or any
<br /> patt thereot:or(c1 shall secure f�rom thc huWer o(cuch lien an agteemem in•r furm +�u.t'�ctur} tu I ender tiubordin�ting su�h lien to th�t
<br /> Securiiy Insuument
<br /> If Lende�Jetennlnr+that rll n�,yny p��t�d�he Prapert�i..uh�r��t��a hrn wh�ch ma�au.uu r pnor�:�n�rr th�+ti��.un�v In�uum�nt,
<br /> Lender shall K�ve klorrowrr a nou�e�denldyinK.u�h I�rn. Ilu�rowrr+h,�ll.a��+t� w.h lirn.ir iul�r ane��r murc ot the a.twn..et tur�h abu�e
<br /> Wilhin�en days of the g��ing o(�he nuu�-c.
<br /> C. N0710E
<br /> � � Uniform Co�rn�m t4 oC�he S�cunt>In.uum.nt i+�menJcJ���rrrd r�t.�llaw.
<br /> i 1�. Notice.Exapt fur any nunce reyw�n!under upphwblr law��i k+e K��rn in rno�her mrnncr,�,�I�n�nunc��u N�+rmwer prooided t�rt m Ilu.
<br /> . j 5tturi�y Inslrument shall tu gi�en by dtli�tnnk u ar h�mallmg u h�unt.Ir+,m�d to Horrower at�he Pruper�y AJdrCy�o�dl hu�h nther ad�lrCti�
<br /> u Burrowet may deaigna�e M nontr tu t endrr a,pr.,�iaea r:rein.rnu�iv au� nau,r a�i enJur .ii�ii im p.u��: ;��...:,:..;;.:,;:.':::r�:�'•
<br /> addresc staled herem ur t��w.h��ther addrn+a.l ender ma.de.��n�tc h.nnhir tn Hurr.+acr.�+pru��Jed hcrc�n :1ny nuu�e pro�iJcJ t��r m ihn
<br /> ' Secutiry Instrument+hall hr deemcd t..ha�e l+�tinµi�rn to Horr.�wrr or 1 ender whca:��en m�hr manncr Je�iKnrlrJ hcrcm.
<br /> i
<br /> . ,
<br /> . ,
<br /> ,..
<br />