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2oioo9s59 <br />Beneficiary, become due and payable. <br />FIFTH. Upon default by Trustor in th� payment of or performance of the <br />terms and canditions af the No�e, or any renewals, madifications or <br />executions tihereof, the payment of any other indebtedness secured hereby or <br />in �he performance af any agreement, covenant ar warranty herein cantained or <br />s�� forth in any agreemen� ar instrument execu�ed by Trustor in conn�c�ion <br />wi�h the indebtedness hereby secured, Beneficiary may declare all sums <br />secured her�by immediately due and payabl� and the same shall th�reupon <br />become due and payable without presentment, demand, protes� or notice of any <br />kind. Th�reafter, Beneficiary may deliver to Trustee a written d�claration <br />ot de�aul� and demand �or sale. Trustee shall have the power of sale of the <br />Property and if Beneficiary decides th� Property is t� be sold, it shall <br />deposi� with Trus��e this Deed of Trust and the Note or notes and any oth�r <br />documents evidencing expendi�ures �ecured hereby, and shall deliver to <br />Tru�te� a written na�ice of de�ault and �lection to cause the Property to b� <br />so�d, and Trustee, in turn, shall prepare a similar notice in the form <br />requi�ed by law, which shall be duly filed tor record by Trustee. <br />(a) Atter the lapse of such �ime as may be required by 1aw follawing <br />the recordation of Notice of Defaul�, and notic� af Default and Notice <br />of Sale having been giv�n as requir�d by law, Trus�ee, without demand on <br />Trustor, shall se1� the Property hereinbefore described, and any and <br />�very part thereof, in separate parcels or �n masse a� the Trustee may <br />�lect a�d in such order as Truste� may determine on the date and at the <br />�ime and place designated in said Notice of Sale, at public auction to <br />the highest bidder, the purchase price payable in cash in lawful maney <br />ot the United States at the tim� of sale. The person conduc�ing the <br />sale may, for any cause he ar she deems expedien�, postpon� �he sale <br />trom time to �ime until it sha11 be completed and, in every such case, <br />notice of postponement shall be given by public declaration �hereof by <br />such persan at the time and plac� last appoin�ed for the sale; pravided, <br />if tha sale is postp�ned for longer than one (�) day beyond the day <br />designated in the Natice of Sale, notic� thereaf shall be given in �he <br />same manner as the �riginal Notice of sale. Trustee shall execut� and <br />deli�er to the purchaser its Deed conveying the property so sold, but <br />wi�hou� any cov�nant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals in <br />the Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of �he <br />truthfulness �hereof. Any person, including without limitation, <br />Beneficiary or Trustee may purchase a� the sale. Said sale shall be <br />conducted a� the real estate forming a part of the Property or at the <br />court house in the county in which �he Property to be sold, or some part <br />thereof, is si�uated. <br />(b) when Trus�ee ae11s pursuant to the powers herein, Trustee shall <br />apply the proceeds o� the sale to paymen� of the costs and expens�s af <br />ex�rcising the powe� of sale and of �he sale, including, without <br />limitation, the payment of Trustee's f�es incurred, which T�uste�'s tees <br />shal� not in the aggrega�e exceed the sum of Five Hundred and no/l0�th <br />Do�lars ($500.00) plus 1/2 of 1� of the amount secured hereby and <br />�emaining unpaid and then to the items s�t �orth �n subparagraph (c) of <br />this paragraph FIFTH in th� order therein stated. <br />(c) Afte� paying the items specified in subparagraph (b) of this <br />paragraph FIFTH, i� the sale is by Trustiee, or the proper court and <br />other costs of foreclasure and sale if sale is pursuan� ta judicial <br />foreclosure, the proceeds af sale sha11 be applied in the arder stated <br />be�ow to the payment: <br />(1) Cost of any evidence ot title procured in connection with such <br />sale and of any revenue required to be paid; <br />(2) Al1 sums th�n secured hereby; <br />(3) The remainder, if any, �o the person or persons legally <br />en�itled th�reto. <br />Each of the parties to this Deed of Trust he�eby requests that a copy of any <br />Notice of Default and a copy af any Notice of Sale provided for hereinabove <br />be mailed to each such party at the party's past office address set forth <br />herein. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Seneficiary shall have <br />the option to foreclose this Deed of Trust in the manner provided by law for <br />