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201009643 <br />(� 'Teriadic �ayAaemt" b;teans fhe regularty scheduled amount due for (i) principal and intcrest under tb,e <br />Natc, plus (ii) any amounts under Sect�ion 3 ofthis Securzty �nstrument. <br />(Q) T'RESPA" means the Real Bstate Settlement Proceduxes Act (12 U. S. C. Secrion 2601 et seq. ) and its <br />implementing regulation, Regulation X(24 C.F.R. Pa�rt 3500), as they might be amended from timo to <br />time, ar any additional or successar tegislatzon or regulation that governs the same subject rnatter. As used <br />iu this Security Inshument, "RESPA" refers to all requiremenks and restrictions that are imposed z�n :regard <br />to a"federally related xz�nrtgage laan" even if the Loan does not qualify as a"£ederatly related mortgage <br />loan" under RESPA. <br />(R) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" mcans an.y party that has taken title to the Property, whether ar <br />not that party has assumed Barrower's obligatians undez' the Note and/or tla�zs Secvrity Instxu;naent. <br />TR.ANSPBR OF RIGHTS IN '�H� �'ROPERTY <br />The beneficiary of this Security .LuusGrument is MERS (solely as nomitaee far L�nder and <br />Lender's successars and assigns) and tb.e successars and assigns of MERS. Thzs Security <br />Instrument secures to Lender: (i) the rapayment of the l.oami, and all renewals, extensions <br />and modi$cations of the Note; and (ii} the performance of �onrower's covenants and agreements under <br />this Security Tnstnunent and the Note. For tbis purpose, Borrower irravacably grants and <br />conveys to T.rustee, iw trust, with power of sa1e, the followixag desc�'ibed property loc�ted. in the <br />County of Ha11 . <br />[I�ype of Record9ng 7urisdictian] <br />Lot 8 in B�ock 12 in Bannie <br />Hall County. Nebraska. <br />Parce] ID Nu�nber: 400Q22850 <br />1414 W North Frqnt SC <br />Grand Island <br />("Property Address"): <br />(Name of Rewrding Jurisdiction] <br />Brae Addition tn the City of Grand Island, <br />whi�ch cuzx'ently b,as the addr�s of <br />[5trat] <br />[city� , Nebxas�� 68801 (zip Cadc] <br />TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected an the property, and all <br />easements, appurtenances, and �"xxtures now or hereafter a part nf the properiy. AIl replace�naenxs and <br />add'ztians shall aIsa be covered by this Security Instrument All of the faregoing is referred to in this <br />Security �sbrument as the "Praperty_" Borrower understands and a$r�es that MERS holds only legal title <br />to the interest granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument, but, if necessary to cannpiy with law ar <br />cvstom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lendar' s successors and assigns) has the rigiit to exercise any <br />or atI of those interests, including, but not limited co, the right to fareclnse and sell the Propexty; and to <br />take any acxion required af �.ende:r, but nat limited to, raleasiung at�d caaeeling this Security <br />TnstrUxnent. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie NfaelFr�ddle Mac UNIFORM iNSTRUM�NT W <br />�-BA(NE) �oe9a� Pope3 of 16 i„i ,: <br />71112Q3886 <br />Form 3028 7l01 <br />