<br />(G�'Zer�der"is METRO 15� MTG LLC �IV ME7R0 HEALTH SVC FCU
<br />Lender is a CQRPORATION
<br />arganized and existing under the laws of T H E U N I T E D S TAT E 5
<br />Lender's address is 14509 F 5TREET
<br />OMAHA. NE 68137
<br />{D)'Trustee�'is Michael F. Kivett. AtCorney At Law
<br />(�) '�VIERS" is Mortgage Electronie Registration Systems, I�ac. MERS is a separate corporation that is
<br />actin� solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. MEIiS is We ben�eiary
<br />under this Secnrity Instrum�ent. MERS zs o;rganized and existing under the Iaws of DeIaware, and has an,
<br />ac}dress aad t.clephone ;nurnber of P.O. Box 2026, �lint, MI 48501-2026, teI. (888) 679-MERS.
<br />(F� "lYote" means the promissory notc signed by Borrnwer and dated Qecember 8. 2010 _
<br />'Tt�eNote states that Borrower owes Lender FI FTY TWO 7HOlJSAN� AND 00/1AQ
<br />DoIlaz's
<br />(U_S. $ 52.000. 00 ) plus ;in�terest. Borrower has proznised to pay this debt in regular Periodic
<br />Payments anc! #a pay the debt in fulI not later than � a n u a ry 1, 2041 .
<br />(G) '�roperty" means the property th.at is described below under the headzng " f'ransfer of Rights itx the
<br />Property."
<br />(I� '7.,oan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment c�arges and late charges
<br />due under the Nate, ayad all suuns due under this Security Instrwm.ent, plus interest.
<br />(I} "Riders" mesns all Ridcrs to this Security Instrvment tlzat are exeeuted by Borrower. The following
<br />,Riders are to be executed by Borrvwer [check box as applicable]:
<br />[� Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Ridet � Second Home Kider
<br />� Balloan Rider � Planned Un'xt Devolopm�at Kzder � 1-4 Family Ride�r
<br />� VA Rider ��iweekly Payment Rider ❑ Other(s) [specify]
<br />(.n "Applicable Law" means all controliing applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations,
<br />ordinances aud administrative rules and orders (that have the efk'ecc of law) as wetl as all applicable Snal,
<br />non-appealable judicial apinians.
<br />(� '"Cv�nnmunity Associat"ton Dues, Fees, sud Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and nther
<br />charges that are inapascd on Borrower or the Property by a condorninium association, homeowners
<br />association or similar organization.
<br />(I.) '�lectronfc Funds Transfcr" zneans any transfer of fiuids, othcr than a transaction originated by
<br />check, draR, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated thro�gh an eIectrox�ic tenrr�inal, telephonae
<br />instrument, computer, or magnctic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to dchit
<br />or aredit an account. Such term includes, but is not limited ta, poiuzt-of sa,le trax�sfers, autamated teller
<br />machine transactinns, transfers initiated by tclephvne, wire transfers, and automated clearingYiouse
<br />transfers.
<br />[� '�scrow Items" means those items that are described iz� Section 3.
<br />(l� '�VIiscellaneous Proceeda" mcans any compensation, settlezn.en.t, award o;f damages, ar proceeds paid
<br />by auy third party (other than insurance proceads paid under the caverages described zm Sectioa 5) far: (i)
<br />damage to, ax destruction of, the �raperty; (zz) condet�anation or other taking of all ar any part of the
<br />Prpperty; (iii) cnnveyance in lieu of con.de�o;�xcati.on; or (iv) misrepresentations of, ar omissions as to, the
<br />vaI�te and/or condition o£ t�e Froperty.
<br />(0) `1Nortgage T.nsurance" means insurance protecting Lander against the nonpayment of, pr defauIt on,
<br />the Loan.
<br />7111203886
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannle MaelFreddle Mac UNIFORM IN3TRUMENT W
<br />�.BA(ME) (oa�o) a�.2 ot is tni Form 8028 1101
<br />