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2oiooss43 <br />'I'here may be only one designated nolice address under this Security Instrument at any one time. Ax�y <br />notice to Lender shalJ. be given hy deIivering it ot by mailing it by fu'st class mail to Lender's address <br />stated herein unless Lendez' has designated another address by notice to $orrower. Any natice in <br />connec�ion with this Security Znstrument sh�ll not be deemed to have bcen given ta Lender until actually <br />received by Lendez'. If any notice requiured hy this Security lnstrument is also required uzxder Applicable <br />Law, the Applicable Law requirzment will saiisfy t11e correspatlding raquirement under this Security <br />�nstrument. <br />l.G. Governing Law; Severabili4y; Rules o[ Cvmstructian. This Seauzity Instrum�nt shall be <br />governed by federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in whickz t}�e Pzoperty is located. All rights a�ud <br />obIigatians contained in this Security Instrument are subject to any requirements and limitations af <br />Applicable Law. Applica�le might explicitly or irnplicitly aIlow the parlaes to agree by eon.tract or it <br />z�iglat be szJczat, but such silence shall not be construed as a prohibitxon against agreauxent by contract In <br />the event that any provision or clause of this 5ecurity Instrume��x or the Note conflicts with Applicable <br />Law, suck� confl'zct shall not affect other provisions of this Securiiy Instrument or the Note wk�ich can be <br />giveu effect without the con#licting provision. <br />As used in this Security Instrun�en�t: (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include <br />carresponding neuter words ox wozds o� the feminine gender; (b) wards in the singuIar shall rnean and <br />include the pluraI and vice versa; and (c) the ward "may" gives sole discretion without any abligation to <br />takc any action. <br />17. Borrower's Capy. Bnrrower shall be given one capy of tb.e Nate and of this Securitty Uqstre�ment. <br />18. Transfer of. the Property or a Beme�¢ial �nterest in Borrower. As used in this SECtion 18, <br />"Interast in the Property" means any legal ox bexte�zcial interest in the Property, iaricluding, but not l�zted <br />to, those bene�cia.l interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract far daed, i.�stalltnent sales contract or <br />escraw agreement, the intent of which is the trans£er of title by Borrower at a future r3ate to a purchaser. <br />If all or any part of the 1'roperey or any Interest in ttte Prop�'ty is sold or transferred (nr if Borrowor <br />is nat a na�tt�al person and a bet�.e�cial intez�est in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior <br />wt'itteu cozxseA.t, Ler�.dex x�xay requure immediate payment in full of all sums secuxed by this Security <br />Instrument. However, this option shali not be ex�rcised by Lend�r if such exercise is probibited by <br />Applicable Law. <br />If Lender exercises this option, T_.endex s1�11 give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall <br />pravide a period af nat less thau 30 days from the date the notice is given in accardance with Section 15 <br />�within whic,�► &�rrowcr must pay all sums secured by this Secuxity Instrumxez�t. If Bvrrower fails to pay <br />these sums prioz to the expiration of this periad, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by tbaie <br />Security Tnst�ument without fiarther notice or cicxnan.d on Baxxower. <br />7.9. Borrowex's R�gb�t to Retaostate A�ter Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain, conditions, <br />Borrower shall have the right to ]�ave enforcement of this Security Insttlunent dtsCVntinuad at any time <br />prior to the earliest o£ (a) five days before sale of the Property pursuant to any pawer of sale contained in <br />tl�is Security Tnstxument; (b) such other perind as Applicable Law might specify for the ternunation of <br />Borrowar's right ta reizastate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrun�ent. '�71ose <br />conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays LendBr all sums which tlaen would be due under this Securrty <br />Instrument and Lhe Note as if no accele,ration had occurred; (b) cures any daFault of aap other covenants or <br />agreanents; (c] pays a11 expenses incurred in enforcing this Security �strument, including, but not iimited <br />to, rcasonable attorncys' fees, property inspection and valuation fees, and ather fees incurred for the <br />purpose of protecting Lender's in.texest in the Pruperty and rights under this Security Izxsbrument; and (d} <br />takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Proparty and <br />rights under this Security Instr'ument, and Borrower's obligatinn to pay the sums secured by tbis Security <br />Tnstrwnent, skr.aJl conianae;ed. X�ezxde�r zaay that Horxower pay snch reinsta.tement sums and <br />expenses in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a} cash; (b) money order; {c) <br />certz�ied check, bank check, treasurer' s check or cashier' s check, provid�d ax►y suah check is drawn upon <br />an ivastitution whose depos►ts are insured by a fede:ra� ag�cy, instrumentality ar ez�..t�ty; or (d) EIe�txonic <br />Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secunity�ezzt and obligataons secured hereby <br />sha11 remain fulIy effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate sha,tI not <br />apply in the case of acceleratian under Section 18. <br />7111203885 <br />NEBRA9KA - Single Famlfy -�annla MaalFreddis Mac UNIFORM IN$TRUMENT WITH <br />�-$A(NE) �ae�a� �age �i or �5 inu3ais: Form 3028 1l07 <br />� <br />