<br />The property is located in .HALL
<br />811 WHITE AVE
<br />....................................
<br />(Aadress)
<br />........................................... at ..............................................
<br />(Cuunty)
<br />GRAND ISLAND ,,,,,,, Nebraska .68803
<br />.... ...........................
<br />........
<br />(City) ('LIP Cocle)
<br />'1'ogether with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water aad riparian
<br />rights, ditches, and water stock and all existing and future improvemeats, structures, fixtures, and replaccments tha� may
<br />now, or at any time iu the future, be part of the real estate described above (all rel'erred co �s "Property").
<br />3. MAXIMCIM OBLIGATION LIM1T. The total priucipal amount secured by th'rs Security lustrument at any one tin�e shall
<br />noc exceed $.19,500:00 This (imi�ation of amount does not include interest and other fees
<br />and charges validly madc pursuant to this Security Iustrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advauces made under
<br />the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Beneficiary's security and to perforni any of the eovenauts eontained in this
<br />Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FiJTURE ADVANCES. The term "Secured Debt" is de�ued as follows:
<br />A.1)ebt incurred under the terms nf all promissory note(s), contract(s), guaranty(ies) or other evidence of dehc
<br />described below and all their exteusions, renewals, modifications nr substitutions. (You must specifically ideritify tfae
<br />debr(s) secured and you shor�ld i�aclude tlie firwdC maturiry date of suclr, debt(s).)
<br />All amounts payable tn Lender at any time under a U.S. BANK EQUILINE AGREEMENT dated 11/26/10, signed by
<br />JAMIE R STOEGER and ERIKA STOEGER. The length of the repayment perlod and the maturity date will depend
<br />on the amounts owed et the beginning of the repayment period, but it will end no later than the maturity date of
<br />11 /26/35.
<br />f:
<br />('
<br />ll
<br />All future advauces from 13eneficiary to 'Crustor or other 1'uture o6ligations nf '1'rustor t.o Benel'iciary uuder xuy
<br />prnmissory note contract, �uaranty, or other evidence c�f debt executed hy Trustor in favor of 13eneficiary after this
<br />Security I��slrument whether or not this 5ecurity Instrument is specifically referenced. If niore than one person s'rgns
<br />this Securiry instrument, each Trustor agrees that this Security Instrument will secure all future adva�aces and future
<br />obligations tl�at are given ro or incurred by any nne or more Trusror, or any one or more Trustor and others. All
<br />future advances and other future obligations are secured by this Security Instrument even though all or part may uot
<br />yet be advanced. All futnre advances and other future obligations are secured as if made on the date of' this 5ecurity
<br />Instrument. Nothing in this Security Instrument shall constitute a commitment to rnake additional or future loans or
<br />advance5 iu auy amounl. Any such commilment must be agreed lo in a separate writiug.
<br />All o�her ohli�ations 'Truslor owes to Beaeficiary, which rnay la�er arise, to �l�e exlent aot prohibitcd by law,
<br />including, hut not limited to, liabilities for overdrafls relating to any deposit accnunt agreement Ixtween Trustor and
<br />Beneficiary,
<br />All additional sums advanced and cxpeuses incurred by Benef'rciary for iusuring, preserving or otherwise protectiug
<br />the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expGnses incurred by Beneficiary under the terms of tl�is
<br />Securiry Instrument,
<br />In ihe event that Beneficiary fails to providc any required notice of thc righr of resc'rssion, Beneficiary waivcs any
<br />subsequent security interest in the '1'rustor's principal dwelling that is crea�ed hy tlus Security Instrument.
<br />.5. DEED OF' TRUST COVENANTS. Trustor agrees that t.he covevants iu this sectiou are material nblig�Cions uuder the
<br />Sl:Clll'0(I T)ent Blld 1I115 Securiry Instrument. If Trustor breaches any covenant in this section, Beneficiary may refuse to
<br />naake additional extension5 of credit and reduce the credi[ limit. By not exercising either ret�iedy on Truslor's hreach,
<br />Beueficiary docs not waive Beneficiary's right to later consider the event a breach if it happens again.
<br />Payments. Trustor agrees that all pxyinents uuder the Securcd Debt will be paid when due and in accordance with the
<br />tern7s nf the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument.
<br />Prior Security Interests. With regard to any othcr mottgage, dccd of trust, sccurity agrcement or othcr licn documcnt tl�at
<br />crcated a prior security iuterest or enculxibrance on the 1'ro[x r[y, '1'rustor agrees to rnake all payttieuts when due aud to
<br />perfonn or cottiply with all coveuants. Trustor also agrees uot tn allow auy modiC►cation or extension of, ��nr to request
<br />any future advances under any uote or agreement 5ecured by the lien dncutne�at without 1.3eueficiary's prior writke��
<br />approval.
<br />Claims Against Title. Trustor will pay all taxes (iucluding any tax assessed ta this Deed of Trust), assessments, liens,
<br />eneurnbrauces, lease payments, ground rents, utilities, and other charges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary
<br />may require Trustor to provide to Beneficiary copies of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing
<br />Trustor's payrnent. 7'rustor will dcfcnd titic to the Property against any claims that would impair thc licn of this Security
<br />( 2of61
<br />lC)1994 Woltars Kluwar Finar�cial Sarvicee - 8ankers Syrtam6 Form USBOCP-DT-NE S/24/2006 � 2 5 �-J
<br />