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<br /> � � ^ T� period�thw Lcnder requires. The insurunce carrier providing 1hc insur.»ce shall be chosen by Barrowcr subJect to Lender�:
<br /> �����u%����`�� appmval which shall not be unreosonably withheld. If Bnrrower fuils to maintain covemge descdbed ubove,Lender rtwy,ut
<br /> —__ __ LenJer'x optian,obtain coveroge w protect Lender R tights in the I�operry in accordance with psuagraph 7.
<br /> ,�,r,___�v __- All insurance policies and renewals shall b�ucceptable to Lender und shuli include n stundwd mongage claure. l.ender
<br /> ;� a -t., , xholl Fwve ihe rigitt co hold the policies unJ renewul.r. if Lender requires.Borrow¢r sball pranptly give to Lender ull receipu:
<br /> ' ��f puid premiume and renewul notices. In the event of loss, BoROwer shall give prompt notice to the insurance can•fer wid
<br /> - ��:'�• l.endcr. Lender may mn{ce praof oP loss iinat made promptly by Bormwer.
<br /> � ,�;�,,�;. ,�_-.w;,,.�".; Unle�w Lender and Borrower otherwise ugrce in w�iling,inrurance pr�x:�xds shull be s�pplieJ to restors�ilan ar repair of
<br /> -"�"'"; � �lx Nn►�cny damAged, if the rey�urutiun or repuir is cconamicully feustblc and Lender's secudly is nnt lessened. If�he �__. _.
<br /> �,�� re+turwtiun ur rcpuir tK not economically feu.gible or l.endery secunry would be lessened.the insu�ce praceeds xhall bc
<br /> u�►IieJ t�Ihe xums secu�ed by this Security Instrument. wFiether or r►ot then due.with �ny excess paid ta Borrower. If
<br /> -- -- � ' QaRUwe�abandons the N+openy,or dcec not nnswer within 30 days �naict from Lender thut �he inaurance carrier has �_
<br /> �-1:�,`,�::";�;,�,�.�;�' otfered to�eule a cluim.then Lender muy collect�he inaurnrxe proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds co repnir ar re4tore
<br /> ;��,� �:; ,;r �hr Pn►peny ar lo pay sums 5crured by this Security Insaumen4 whether or not then due. The 3(Ws+y periocl will heBin whcn
<br /> - - �x . ,, ttk nMicc IR gfven. -------
<br /> Unlcsv Lcnder und Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any upplication of procceds w principul shall nut extcnd ar
<br /> _ -�="-'-��"'�";''�na:' ,'• �►rt��nc thc duc da�e af�he monthly paymenta rcferred ta in pua+grophs I and 2 or oht+nge the amount of tl�paymenta. 1f
<br /> �`� ' � �-'`'`�` "`: � uMlrr p�uugrurh 21 �he PropeAy is acguired by Lender, Aortawer's nght to Any insurAnce policiec and proceedK resuUing
<br /> - —;;,,,,,,.�;;,,��.• � i'rnm damage u�the Propeny priar to ihe acquis�tion shall patis to Lender ta the extent af the sum�secured by this Securlty _
<br /> .=�'�" .--�-.�:�"_�.'".` luwtn�mcm inuncdiu��ly prfo�ro�hc acquisition. _
<br /> '- .:�:�,. ;,�..� b, qccuppncy. PreservAtioa. Maintenance and Protectian oP the PropeMy; flarrower's Loaa Appllcallon;
<br /> .^....�r..•: . .
<br /> �- .ti,,;_,.;,,���ti..,.,.,. I,easehuldA. HuRUwer tihall acupy,estahlish,And uxe�he Property as Bortower�s principal reyidence wi�hin xixty days afler
<br /> ��.LL--<�:�=:-_ -� !hc exeruU�►n��f thiM Securlty Instrument and shull continue �o occupy the Prooerty as Borrower's principal residence for at ^ _
<br /> r�r�� , • �""`�` leuz� une ycur uf�cr the dute of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writing. which consent shall not be _
<br /> _- ;?Y°+� '� '� unreuxa�aMly wilhheld,ar unlexti extenaatin�circums�unces eaist which um beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrawer shall not
<br /> � � Jcatr��y,damuge��r impuir the Prnperty.allow the Pr�perty to deterioru�e,or commit wASte on the Propeny. Borrower sholl
<br /> `"r�. ° ' • he in drPoult li uuy 1'orfeiwre actian ar proceeding,whether civil or criminul,is begun Ihut in Lender ti good fnith judgment _
<br /> _ ''"'"�`:eL°=`:���'�� rould n�ult in farfcllure of'the Propeny ar othenvi�e materially impair the lien crea�ed by thi4 Security Inatrument or
<br /> d�!�`��';, � Lender+�curi�y imcre��, Borrower may cure such a defuult and remstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by caucing the action
<br /> .. ' ' � � �r prixeeding lu Ix dir+mi.rseJ with a ruling thnt, in Lender c good fnith determination,precludes forFeiwre of the Borrowzr's -- -
<br /> ,�� �:�^°�"�""`` .. �• inlerc+l in �he Pra�ny or o�her mntedal impairment of the lien creatcd by this Secunry insuument or Lender's r,ecu�ity
<br /> � ' • � interesl. I3�im�wer shall ulu� 6e in default if Borrr.wer, during the loan upplicntion procexs, gnve tnaterially false or
<br />`�`a.�i �� � � inuccuru�c infonnulion or.rwtement,�o LenJer(or failed to providc Lender wi�h any muterial jnfamnation)in connection with _ __
<br /> ''�;., , � , Uie loun evidrnced hy the Note, includin�, but not limited to, nepresen�utions conceming Borrower's accupancy of the -
<br /> .r�. ,.,.� �M* ...:• PmpenY uti u principul te+i►irnce. If thiti Security In+tniment is on n lensehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions _
<br /> � f�., .:; � of ihe taa�. It'l3carn�urr:uyuirer:fee title to the Pm�ny,�he leaxelx►W und the fee title shall nat merRe unleas Lender ayrees
<br />' .. �o tiu mcrKcr in wri�ing.
<br />_ � ,. ' •�•� � 7. Nriqectbm oP Lender's RiRhls in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfartn the covenent�and Agreements
<br /> contufnrJ in thiti ticrurf�y b�.trumrn�. ��r there i.r•u Iegul prceeeding�hat ms►y significuntly uffect Lenderh righta in Ihe
<br /> � • � Pro�xny��uch uti u�r�keeding in t+nak�up�cy.probate,for condemnn�ion or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar regula�ions),then
<br /> •� l.endcr m�ry Jn unJ puy li�r whutcvcr i�neces�ury to pmtec�the value of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Praperty. ;,��
<br /> ... � l.cnJcr y ur�ion+mny�ncludc paYin�t uny+ums ucurcJ by u licn which hus priodry aver this Securily Instrument,uppenring ��
<br /> ,, . , in court,puvin�! rrn.unuhl.� uuum�y±1'ec.und entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take actian � ±• •°-Y
<br /> , �,` undrr�hf.pur���sruph 7,t.rndrr d�x�nnt huvc io do su.
<br /> � ` � Any u�u�ronl.di�hin.rd by Lender under thi�puragrnph 7 shull becume additional deb�af Banawer secured by this _
<br /> '. :" Scrurity In�lnm�em. l�nlr..H��rrnwrr+md Lendcr agree to uther tenn+of p•rymcnt,these Amounts shall beur interest from the qP� `
<br /> _. ; ., Ju�c of di�hurxnkm a� ihr Nutr �u1c und rhull be puyuble,with interest.upim nodce from Lender to Borrower reyuesting = _
<br /> puymrnt. '"�
<br /> ' !i. MarlRpKe In�u�unee. If Lendcr required monguge in�urunce us a conditian of muking the loun xecured by this ����-t-
<br /> ' Sccurfty b���runun�. li��rr��w�x �hull paY�hr prcmiurn+ required tc►muintuin thc monguge inxuruncc in effect. If, for any �,:�G_`_.
<br /> rcu��m. Ihc murtg;iNr iu+unukc c��vcrugr nyuimJ ny LenJer lupses or rrus�� �o Ix in effect. Borrower shull pay Ihe �,q:...
<br /> ;n ° � _ , . 1:,�:,�,:-_.=
<br /> ,. „ . premium� requirrJ i�� uhtuin cuvcr+�gc �ubstuntiully equivalcnt to Ihe nwrtgugr inzurunce previnusly in ei'fect, c+t a cost -.,,-�;,.,_,._
<br /> ,�. ° xub�tanliully cyurv+drn� �u �he ru.t to Nurrowcr uf tl��mortgagr insurunce previously in effrcl,from nn c+lternnte mortguge ,�� ••, ;._
<br /> .. in�umr upprovrd by L�ndre If tiuNtilunliully cyuivulent mungugc insurancc c��veruge is nM uvuilut►le.Borrower shnll pay to � •��-=`-
<br /> ��:w=�",_
<br /> � Lrnder euch nwn�h+��um.yuul�u unc-�welllh uf the ycurly mortgugc inxurunce premium heing puid by Borrower when the ,u..,,.,��„
<br /> � ' ° inxurance ri►vcruµc lup�rd ur rra.�d lu tx in cflerl. L.cnder��ill accept,utic and rctuin�hesc paymentti us u lox,rescrve in lieu �,,,��:�
<br /> • nf mungoge in,urun�e. Lu.ti re.rrve paymem. muy m� longer t+c�rrquircd.ut Ihe option of Lender. if mortguge insur:u�ce ..,.°_,..
<br />:. ! ,; • • �- coveru��lin Ihe cim��u�n und I��r Ihr�xn�Kl Ih.n I.cndrr reyuiR,1 pruvided by am imurrr upprovcd hy l.ender agAin becames ;, .;�:�%
<br /> � � uw�il�iMc unJ i.uhluined.Hurr�►w�•�•.I�ull p:ry ihr prcmium� rcyuind to muintuin m��nguFr imurance in effect,or t��provide u
<br /> ' I��..rr�ervc.until�hr nquircmrm lur inun�:ugr in�urunrr rnd�in arrunluncr with+my wri�ten ugnemcnt lxtween Bonower „`�;�_,
<br /> . . '. unJ l.�ndcr ur+ipplic:ihl��I:�w. ".;;".
<br /> � 9. Inhpccdun. Lrnd��r�n i�,.�Krn� may ioal,�•Rii,��nublr rntrie.u�xm :u�1 in+p�:clinns i�l Ihe Pro�xrly. Lendcr shull k, �; .
<br /> „ ' givc Rnrruwrr n�mrr:u�hr wn.•�•t��i ��n��r w;ui im{x•riiun .�xrilyin�r�ution:�hle r.�u.c ti�r�hr intiper[ion. �+
<br /> � . IQ. t'andemuulf�►o. thr�n�nr.•�h ul +im aN�;�rd ur rl:iim ti�r damagc�.�lircc�or ranyryuentiul, in a,nnection wi�h uny :
<br /> \mFl� l.mul� Fu����Ir�WeFr.•ddk��tucl'\IFYIR111Vti7'NI'�1F'\T I�ni(onnCu�.nant. 9/�M ��r��R�.�njn�a�.q�'<� �, ..
<br /> � .. ., cn•at LJv.Ruemc,�Fmmx.Irc ■ � •
<br /> , ' • To�hdercnll I�NIUM1�'10P,Iff.1t7YAXtll&1UIdIJI
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