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<br /> `_ -- �n� TOOETHER WI'1'H all�he hnpravemcnta now ar tureaftcr crectcd u�thc property,and oll ea�+ements,uppunenonces,
<br /> `�°"�-����___ and fixtures now or hereufter a pan of ihe properly. AI I rcplucementR and addidnna ahall also be covered by this Secu�ity o_
<br /> — ;� Inrqvment, All of the faregoing ix reFcrred to in thla Sccudry Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> .,�_---_�.�.,.��_ BORROWER COV�NANTS lhut BuROwcr ia lawfully scised af the extute hcreby conveyed aod hns the right to grum
<br /> '�"{y"",^'"""""""" und canvey the Property und ihAt�he PropeAy is unencumbered,except for encumbrAnces of record. Borrower wurrun�s and
<br /> �� ,y„��r�' `• w111 deFend generally tho title to the 1'roperty aguinst nll c laims And demands.subject to any encumbmnces of record.
<br /> ��L�a.��`M ...
<br /> - ,��,���,� THIS SECURITY INST[tUMENT combines unifomi covenants for national use und non•uniform covenonts with ___—
<br /> limite�l varia�ions by jurisdiciion to constiwte u uoifur-m xcurity in+trumcnt covering real property. �- �-----
<br /> .��-'" UNtFORM COVBNANTS. Barrower and l.ender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ���'� 1. Pnytaent oP P�fncipnl nnd Interesti Prepaymeat s�ad L.AIe Charges. BoROwer shull promp�ly pay when due the
<br /> 4A.ea'•�
<br /> � s"` ' prfnclpal of and interest on the debt evidenced by Ihe Note und any prepuyment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> '..��{?�;i�.�.r'.���,� .
<br /> �' � � x-� �•;.. Z. Ftinds for'Ilixes and iasurance. Subject to upplienblc law or to n written waiver by Lender,Botrower shall puy to
<br /> ��"�'��t��`;' ��" ° Lender on ihe dny monthly payments are due under�he Note. until the Natc is paid in full. u surn("Funds"1 for:(a)yearly �_:__
<br /> , �'-'.�t�.��.�'`� taxes nnd as�essmems which may utwln prioriry over Ihi s Secudty Instrument�s u lien on tha Property:(b)yearly les+sehold -_
<br /> � ,r��'����'° a ments or round rents on the Pr tt if nn lc> carl huzurd or ro rt insurance remiuma; (dl earl flood "` ' �--
<br /> , :,., ,.r. P Y 8 � Y• Y: Y Y p 1� Y P Y Y _
<br /> _ . - insurnnce premiums, if any;(e)yearly morlguge insurc�nce premiums. if any; and (� any sums payAble by Borrower to
<br /> --- �,.,,,, , '.�;76;,� .,. Lender, in uccordence with the provisions of purugraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. 7'heae °-_----
<br /> - - �,;,,,,� � ,.,,� .. •_ items are cnlled"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any iime,collect and twW ELnds in en amount not to exceed the m�ximum �� -
<br /> �,� .. amount u Icnder for u federally related mongage loun n�ay require for Ri►rrower� e+crow account u�idcr the fedcral Real �,f -----
<br /> _��.:�i,�.'.'•��-�� , Estate Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another aQ,,� T
<br /> � r`. � , ' �,� law that applies to the Funds sets u lesser nmaunt. [f so, l.ender may,at�ny time,collect and hold Funds in an amount nat to -
<br /> ��" exceed the lesser amaunt. Lender mey estimate the amount of Fimda due on the basis of cuRent data and reasonable _
<br /> z� ;,i,ri;,�r:,
<br /> � ,.� ,�� eatirnates of expenditures of future Bscrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicabk law. �=����__- -
<br /> ,s� ` �i' '.t•��+:1 7'he Fl�nds shall be held in an institution whosc de its nre insured by a federul agcncy,instrumentaliry,or entity —
<br /> ,; . �;•,:;.�, pos ._
<br />``''". ' ' (including Lender,if I.ender is such an inxtitution)orin any Federal Home LoAn Bnnk. l.ender shull apply the Funds to pay ,¢.;..M
<br /> " • the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds. annually annlyzing the escrow ���(',;_ � _��._
<br /> - �'`' •� `�' "'� account, or ve�if ying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Inw permits `„�,'f'�
<br /> . , . ' �•�,::5,
<br /> � . ;�,;;;- Lender to make such a churge. However. I.ender mey require Bonower to pay u one-time charge for un independent reul
<br /> '�'' � . ` ' estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connecUon with this loun,unless applicable law provides o�herwlse. Unless un
<br /> agreement is made or applicuble luw requires intarest lo be paid,Lender shall not be reyuued to pay Bonower any interest or _-
<br /> �• eamings an the Funds. Borrower und I.ender may Agrec in writing,however,that interest shull be paid on the Funds, l.ender
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual uccounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds s�nd the
<br /> :_ . � , purpose for which ench debil to�he Funds was made. The�nds are pledged as additional securi�y for ull sums secured by
<br /> , � ; this Secudry Instrument. -
<br /> - = - ;;; 1i' i1� FLuJ,+ hrid by LnuJC. Cx�zeJ ti� am.iunts p�rmittcd to t�c hcld by applicable lau�, Lender sha!! acc�ant tn -- -_ ___
<br /> ' ' ' Barrower for the excess Funds in uccordance with tiie requirements aP applicable law. If the unwunt aP the Funds held by r•=�r,c:,�;� __
<br /> � ' -- ' � Lender at any time is not sutficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing. and, in �:,,_��, � �'�:,.
<br /> ,,:.�: ::_;�� •� such case Bortower shall pay ta Lender the nmount necesxury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the :,,;;,.._ -
<br /> . „ defciency in no more than twelve monthly puyments,at Lender�s sale discretion. ;:�•�-
<br /> .�,�r:,� � .�
<br /> t ° Upon payment in fbll of all tiums xecured by this Security Ins�rument,l.ender shall promptly reFund to Bonower uny . . .,,,�
<br /> . � �• Funds heW by Lender. If, under paragrnph 21, Lender tihall ucyuire or sell Ihe Property,Lender,prior to the acyuisition or
<br /> _ . . snle of the Property, shall upply any Fundw held by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sAle ns a credit Againsl the sums --- '?"
<br /> . � 1,,f,,,� ., � secured by this Security Instrument. �" v
<br /> ;� 3. Applicalion of Payments. Unlesti applicablc luw provides otherwisc, ull puyments received by l.ender under �
<br /> ' . , nra ra hs 1 and 2 sholl be u lied:first,to un a rnent charges due undcr the Note;second,to nmounts paynble under �:�-.yY;�=,k,.�=-�""e
<br /> . . paragruph 2;third.to interest due;tounh,to principal duc;and lact,to Any lute char�cs due under the Note. ���•-_°--�
<br /> �� `� '•��i �,���� - 4. Char es; Lienq. Borrower shall a all taxcs,nssessments, char es, tines und im sitions attribuwble io the W�s� � ��
<br /> •'•t�.:, . "x°�`M ,,,,.. , B p Y � p°� F
<br /> ' '•�.;f�".:""" Property wt�ich may attuin priority uvcr thia Sccurity In�wment,nnd IeASehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower .
<br /> af�',�,,r - __-.
<br /> :��;;..,,.t shull pay these obliga[ions in the munncr provided in paruFmph 2,or if not paid in that rnunner,Horrowcr shall pay them on 4�.�:�,�v_ln„_.,^'=���
<br /> � ;�;•;,Jt ' time directly to the person owed payment. Horrower shull promptly furnish to Lender all notice�of umounts to be paid under �+�;,;II,�:;:T;,_:_
<br /> this parugruph. lf Borrower mukes thesc puyments directly, Borrowcr shull promptly fumitih to �ender receipts evidencing • . �T:�•
<br /> , •• . the payments. ' � Y.�:�r �
<br /> . j.'�=.;ttic-:_
<br /> �� ° ° Borrower shall promptly dischurge any lien which has priority ovcr this Security Inwrument unless Borrow�r:(a)agrees �;�_,_�.______
<br /> in writing to the puymem of the obligation secured by ihe lien in u munner ucccptable to Lend�:r:(b)contests irt good faith the .:L�;.`-,___
<br /> � ;� .. lien by.ordefends against enforcement of the lien in,Icgul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the :=�,%r.�^,a;T�e=__
<br />- • enforcement of the lien;or lc)secures from the holder of ihc lien un ugreement sausl'actory to Lender subordiaating 1he lien •.'� •� '.�v-°
<br /> � to this Securiry Insuument. lf'Lender determines thai uny pun uf the Property iti suhjec�to a lien which mny unain priarity ' .
<br /> , over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrow�r u noticc identifying the lien. Borrowcr shull satisfy the lien ur tAke .
<br /> � one or mwe of the uctions set forth ubove within 10 dnys uf the giving of notice. �
<br /> S. Haaard or PropeMy lasurunce. Borrower tihall kcep thc impmvcmrnts now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property insured ag•rinst loss by firc,har.ards includcJ wilhin the tcrni "extendcd co��eragc" und uny other hsizurda,including . , , ,
<br /> floods or floading,for which Lender reyuires intiurance. This in�urancc �haU Ix maintuin�J in the amounta and for the . . ,
<br /> . ,
<br /> Mbrm30211 9i90 �w.ve'ry6pu�rr� .
<br /> .. � i.
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