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n1 � � '�. .�� �a.;ust�tCPicO'.e, ..y�t'P� _. tx1 ''�;" .:n`�h]`rr,'.i�= <br /> ,,' �'.'. •r-�If�AIE' ' �`!�e, _ L.�'.�`�._�k �.�.�3;'��d:K� Y�..r'u..�-e.y 'wr.' � - -- _ <br /> t t �i: .�.... — _ <br />. _��:.. '.�F....M..,y. i . . • - • ..-. �_ <br /> ,MI`:4 <br /> '—. :� �:�', . � .__ . .__. • .��..�rr.—_-� �. <br /> _.� .. ...�. � _ _ -_._— '_. . .. -' ___— <br /> . ....r .. ,. _" <br /> .. . . �u-_:{-i'• . '.. ... .. ... �'— <br /> _ ____ . ._. . .. .. ' e <br /> : � 92_ lo�a�� -� _ �- <br /> -���_�.� • <br /> - _�Y.".�.."-"� �� 77.Trancter ot Ihe Prope�'1y o�a Hen�lclal Interea�t�n l�orrower.ii aif ur+u�y p.�c of iLc FioE;�;ity o���y t�tc�st ta it �- - --- <br /> '� '�-:• � �� •� i�cold or tn+nsferral (or if p beneficiul intcrcgt in Bunowcr ia sold or tranafcrred and B�rmwcr ia nnt A nuturol pc�n)wi�hout �.,_ <br /> �� '�,,,�,,,1,;,, . LetKler'a� priur wriltco consent. Lender muy, at itx upt:un, rcquire immediu�c poyment in full i�i vll suma secured by thia <br /> Security Inst�ument. Hawcvcr,this�c►pti�n�iwll not be ezerciscd by l.ender if exereise is prohibital by federal law xs of the date <br /> k� �•t�: <br /> . �,•,;•;��_°w ° of�hia Sccu�ity Intitnim�:nt. <br /> �:.<,•-,•� . If Lendcr excrciacs thia option,l.cnder shull givc Borrower noticc af acrelcnrlion. Thc nuticc shall provide a periad of oot <br /> ' Iess lhan 30 duys from the Jatc the noticc is dclivercd or mailed within which Borruwer must pay s�ll tiums secured by Ihis <br /> � � . Socurity Inxt�ument. Ii Barmwcr faifa tapay Ihese sums prior to the cxpirntia�of'Ihis period, Lender moy invoke any rcrnedicA <br /> � ��--��-.`� pernii�lcd by Ibi,S�.'curity lastrurncnt withaut fnrthcr nadcc ar dcrtmnJ an Bormwcr. _�--- - <br /> - ' .�:;-•. : ;.:.-r;��_: • 18. Borrower'R iiight lu Reimtwle. If &�rruwcr metts cerlain conditlons. Barrowcr shall have the right te� have � -_� ._ <br /> � �= cnfarccment uf this Sccurity Instrument discc►ntinued+�t eny time prior to thc earlier of: (�> 5 days (or such uther periad as <br /> � �►pplicablc lew may spvcify for reinswtement) bcfore sak �f the Propeny pursuant to any power of sule contained 6n Ihi� <br /> • ��� Sceurity Instn�ment;or(b)cotry uf a judgmcnt enfurcing ihiw Security In�trument.Those conditions are Ihat Borrower:(u){►ay� <br />- , � �•�:�`��"`'��'•'�° Lcnde�all tiumx whicb thcn woulJ bc due undcr this Secu�ity lnstrument und the Notc as if no occelcration had occur�4;(b) <br /> `" t �^, curex any default af any rnher cavenuntx or agrcements;(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security lasln�ment, <br />� � ,� � . incluJing, hut nol limitaxl ta,rcasonable�+uorncys' fccs:and(d)takcs such action as Lendcr rrmy rcasanably rcquirc to assurc s <br /> • .+ thut Ihc licn oi thi,Sccurity Intitrum�:n�, I.cndcr's rights in thc Property and Barrower's obligation Io pay thc sums s�xu ad by <br /> ,; ��R thix Security Instrurnent shoU �rontinuc unchanged. Upon reinstatement by BoROwer, thia Secunty Instrument and the <br /> , ohligutiom ux:ured herby shall rcmuin fully effective as if no acccleration had occurrcd. However,thib right to reinsl�te shall <br /> , nW apPly in thc casc of uawlcr�tion undcr paragmph 17. <br /> ''•�fi ' '"� h, !9. Sale ot Na1e: Chanqe ot I.oan Servicer. The Nwe or a panial interest in the Nate (togcther with this Sccurity <br /> .. � " Instrument)muy hc tidd onc nr murc timcs withcwt prior notice to Borrowcr. A sale may result in a chrangc in the emiry(knuwn _ - -- <br /> � a�the `Loan Scrviccr') that cnllccts nwnthly paymenls due undcr�hc Note and this Security Instniment.There also may be one <br /> ' or mon:change�of the I oan Servicer unrelatai to a sale of the Nate.If there is a change oi the l.oan Servicer,Borrower v�ill be _ <br /> � given written ru�tice nf the chunge in u�wordance with parngmph 14 above and applicable IAw.The notice will smte the�arne and �_ ----- <br /> „ uddre.r•s nf thc new L�wn Scrviccr nnd thc uddress ta wbich paymenls shouW be made.The naicc will also contain any oiher <br /> infi�mwtion rcyuircd by u�lics�ble law. <br /> ' 28. Hazardoac 5ubstanc�c. Borrower shall nrn coutic ar permit the presence, use, dicposal, storage, or releuse of any __ <br /> " � •� Hw,uod�ws Substances .m or in the Propeny. Borrower shAll nat do, nor allow anyone else to do, uny�hing affecti ng the -- <br /> '� . Propcny�hai is in vinla�ion��f Lny Environmental l.ow.The preceding two sentences shall nat upply tu the presence, use. or ���AS <br /> " staragc on thc Pmpeny of zmall quuntitics of Huranlous Substanccs that are genernlly recagnixed ta be appropria�e to nortnal _ __ <br /> resiekntiul u�cc •rnd ta muintenancc of�he ProFx:rty. �.,��_:-- <br /> &►rcower shnll promptly give l.ender writ�en notice of uny investigation,claim, demand,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> govcrnmcnwl or rcgulatory ugcncy or privu�c p•rny involving thc Property and any Hazarclous Sub�encc or Environmcntal Law _ _ <br /> of which Bnrmwcr h�s actual knowlcdge. If Borrowcr Icams, or is notiPicd by any governmental or regulatory nuthority,th�t �L__._. <br /> • ��� any rcmoval nr iNhcr remcdiation uf nny Hazardaus Subuancc uffccting thc Property is necessary. Borrawer shall promptly take <br /> all ncx:essury remaliul ur�i�►ns in accardance with Envin�nmental <br /> As uscJ in this p�mgruph 20, "Har.ardous Subsian�tih" an ti�u��ub,tar�a:s de6ned ar ioxic or hazardous substsrias b�� -- <br /> � Envimnmenwl Law nnd the foUawing substances: guu►line, kerosene, other flumrtwble or loxic petroleum Qroducts,loxic �,�*r'�'r „ <br /> pesticideti and hefiicidcs,volatile solvent.,muteriul,cantaining asbestos or formoldehyde.and radioactive matenals. As used in . <br /> " � Ihis parograph 20. "Environmcmal l�w" mcuns feJer�l laws and laws of the�urisdiction whem.the P�apeRy is kxated that �"s"r'-'-" <br /> ��r.._ <br /> � + � ° tclate ti�hcalth. safcly or cnvironmcMal protutiun. �g�*�u�"- <br /> d7`;�+w.�r.-. <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&�rrowcr anJ l.�ndcr funhcr covenant And agrce as foUows: •�,� -•�„� <br /> • . • 21.Acceleration: Remedies. I.endcr shall�ive notice to Borrowe�prior to ac��eleralfon fdlowing Borrower's 6reach t .� : <br /> of any covenant or a�reement in lhis 5ecu�ity Instrument lbut not prior to accelerntian under paraRraph 17 unless � . - :..^,,._ <br /> ppplicable law provldes othenvise). The notice shall speciiy: 1�+)the default;(b)the action required to cure the defAUlt; , . -3 <br /> (c)a datc. not le�v t6an 30 days from thc date the notice is �Iven lo Borrower. by which the defAUlt must be cured;and �J�;: <br /> (d) tha!faNure to cuer the deiault on or bePore thr date specilied in the notice may result In acceleration oi the sums ;���.. <br /> � secured by Ihls Security Instrumeot s�nd sale of the Property. The noticc stwll further inform Borrower of the riQht ro ; . �, _;:,ti,-, <br /> " • rein�tale aUer accelert+tlon�nd lhc riRht lo bring a court srctiun to ar�se�t lhe non-extstence of p detault or any other 4. <br /> � defense of Borrower to acmleralion and sale. If the default Is not cured on or bePore the dpte specifled in Ihe notice, F <br /> • its option. may rcyuire immediatc payment in t'ull of all sums secured by this Securlty Instniment wNhout � <br /> ' further demAnd and may invokc the powcr oi sak and any other remedics permitted by appllcable IAw. Lender slull be <br /> • � endtled to rnllect all expenses incurred in punuins the remedfev provided in this ps�rag�ph 21,including,but not limited ; • • - - -_ <br /> to.reasonable�ttorneys'fees and rnsts of title evidencc. " T= <br /> •�i lt Ihe power of sale Is invnked. Tn��tee rhyll rccord u notice of defuull in each cuunty in which any p�t of the !. • ='_ <br /> � • PropeKy is locuted and shall mail copies uf zurh notice in�he manner prescribed by appllcable law lo Borrower aid lo � • ;�"_,- <br /> �'�i.•: � . ' the other persons pr'escribed bY app�lrnble law•. Afler the time rcyuind by ypplic�ble law.Tn�stee shall give publlc aotice F — <br /> ' ot sale to the pensans and in the manner pre�cribed by applicable law. Trwstee. wtthout demand on Borrower.shall sell . '�'.-- <br /> � ��'• �he Property s�t pubUc auctbn to the hi�hect bfdder at the timr and pl�ce�nd under the terms desiRnated in the nallce of ~ ��` <br /> " '�'• '.�� s�le in one or more parccls and M any order Trust��c determines. Trustce may postpone sale of All a�any parcel of the <br /> `���;.'• properly bv public announcemeM ut the time und place of any previousl� scheduled ss►k. l.rnder or its desiRnee may . • <br /> ' purchase tbe Property at any sale. <br /> • Fam 30ZB 9190 <br /> woe 5 0�s . <br /> ,� MC-3018•NEJS <br /> � <br /> , ' ; <br /> � � � -- _ _ _ <br />