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<br /> i
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<br /> ����''''r w. •;.• ,,` p�ymen�s may no longer be roquirod,at the optian ot l.ender,if mongogc insur�ncc cover�c(iu�I��a�'�wwnt�nd far ths�od
<br /> ""`�""""°""'�==� thRt Lender ntquirc�)provided by an insurcr approvcJ by l.en�kr agAin bec�imes avuflublc unJ ifi i�bt�incd. Borrc►wcr sholl p�y
<br /> .����°r,,,s'...,,,s�
<br /> the pmmiunw rcquirod to mwintaim m�rtgAge insuronce in effect.ur to provide�loss rescrve,until Ihc reyuirement far mort�a�e
<br /> �'�.�}2`�''.����,���?'�"�A�-, insuranc.o cnda in wxordnnce wilh a��y writtcn agreement lx�twecn Borrowcr und Lcndcr or�pplicoblc law.
<br /> "`� '�' �• 9. I bn. I.ender or ils u eM ma mwkc reasonable ent�ies u n and in. tiuns of thc Pr ny.l.i:nder rlwll ive
<br /> .;,• r �, nsPect B Y P° �pc�' � �
<br /> •' ti ^ 6ortower natice at the time af or pdor w un inspoction specifying reaconable cause fc�r�he insFxctiun.
<br /> ��� ��." l0.Condemnotlon. The proceeds of uny award or claim fbr dumages,dir�xt or canscyucntiul, in runncxUan wilh wny r—
<br /> " .orri....,...��•--.. .. _` - condenen�tion or other�aking uf�u�y part of the Property.or for conveyance fn lieu af cnndcmna�ion, urc hercby wcaignod wid !-�.__
<br /> �ql�teiC���. �twll be paid to Lender. -
<br /> ° �=.��.-.-.• , In thc event of a tatal taking of the PropeRy.the proceeds shall be applied w thc sums secured by�hia Savrity Instrument.
<br /> �-� `;`.1 � . . r or not then duc, with an excesa paid to Barrower. In the evem of a partial wking of�he Property In which t�ie fair
<br /> :�: .. , whethc Y
<br /> , '.''h'�'�'''� , market velue of the Property Im�r�ediately before the wking is equal ta or grcuter thon Ihe am�wnt of ihe sums sccured by Ihis
<br /> • � ., Secudty Inst�ument immediately before the aking,unless Bc,rrower and Lender utherwise ugree in w�i�ing, the sums secured by
<br /> :_!��,... '?_:}�,.;,. lhis Sacurity Instn►ment shall he reduced by the umount of 1he praceeds multipliecl by the fallowing fractlon: (a) ihe total
<br />`�'� �:.';" amount of the sums secured immadiately beforc the taking, divided by (b) tbe fair market vpluc ui the Propec�y immcdisuely
<br /> '"� � � , �`'=��; ..• beforo the talcln6• Any balance shall he paid ta Bonower. In the event of u psutial taking of�he Prope�ty fn which the f�r
<br /> ���,�, ;�4 r,� ��;� �� markot valuc of thc PropeRy immedietely before the wking is less then the amount of the sumx securcd imrnediatcly before the -
<br /> �=''*'� �'�' • s. ^w .�•<'t:+ Ia�cing. unless Borrower and L.ender othervvfse agrce in w�iting or unlcss applicablc law otherwisc provides.�he procceds shall _— _
<br />-=��^ "" °� ;'.'`�`"'�:'''` b�applled to the sums secured by this Securiry i�strument whether or not the sums An then due.
<br /> _�_;� �'°�...�. ^�° If the PropeRy is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aftcr noticc by Lender to Borrower th�t thc condomnor offers to make an
<br /> -:,_� W.y:�«..,_:; .. :.
<br /> , :,,.,;.�,...:,�r.�,, .. awprd or setde a claim for dernages, Borrower fails to respond to L.ender within 30 days aftcr the detc thc notice ie g ven. �
<br /> �•_� ,;::}:';:;�.., •:� Lender is authorized to collect and apply the pracceds,at its option.efther to r�storetion or repair af the Property or[o thr sums
<br /> - `'"�`}`' • iecurcd by this Securisy Instrument,whether ar not then due.
<br />_ , .�,j.:. . '; "^.;,
<br /> �
<br /> ;n.. " Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwise agree in writing, Any applics�tion of praceeds to principal shall not eatend or v,_
<br /> ' ;•;<<��;�_.-; •. postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such p�yments. _-.
<br /> � ��",''iu - ' � I 1.Borrower Nat Released;Forbearance By[.ender Not a Waiver. 8xtension of the time for payment or modification �__
<br /> � ��.���(•.;�1:.,.-.�:.• �_ _
<br /> �;.�,;;� of amoni7ation of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by l.ender to any successor in interest of Horrower shWl ���
<br />, � ,r.�... . .LL�„ ,,�,_ not operatc to releasc the flabiliry of thc ariginal Borrower or Borrower's succcssors in interest. Lender shall not be required to &�y_-
<br /> �� „ ;�',,. commence praceadings against�ny successor in intereat ar refuse tu extend time for payment or othenvise modiiy amonization
<br /> {:.�.�::-
<br /> ° � of the sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt by reason of any demand made by the original �orrower or Borrower's �,��a�:
<br /> - - successors in interes[. Any forbe:vance by l.ender in exercising any right ar remedy shall noc be a waiver of or preclude the 4=°i
<br /> __ .• 1'� . a - txerci+ce of any right or remedy. .._ -
<br /> C,.;�. .��'� .
<br /> A` ' '� 12. Successors and As�siRns Bound; Jolnt and Several Liabllity; Co-slgners. The covenants and�grcements oi lhis r.� .. � °;s
<br /> „ .. Security Instrument shall bind and beneGt the successors and acsigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of � . .��:�'�.+�°�
<br />. paregraph 17. Borcower's wvenants and agrcements shall be jaint and severAl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ��v:.°.
<br /> , ' ,.:i;; " I�strument but does not exeoute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and wnvey that ( �' " �
<br /> �• °`' � � ' Rorrower's interest in the Prope�ty under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b) is not persona�ly obligaud to pay the sutns
<br /> .,:_.:. �.. �
<br /> � • secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)�grces that Lender and uny ather Borcower may agret to ezcend,modify.forbcar or ___ _
<br /> ce .,�
<br /> _. make any accommodotions with rcgard to the terms of this Security lnstrument ar the Note without that Bc�rrower's consent. �=��•
<br />. . ti��;`�';. . 13.I.oan Chwrges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law whfch sets maximum loan charges, _..-r�-.�==�'°-
<br /> � ard that luw is finally interpreted su th�l the interest or other loun charges collected or to be collected in connection with the �=.''�"==�n
<br /> � ,, , �.:�
<br /> ' . ^ ' laan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)uny such loan churge shull be reduced by the amount necessery ro reduce the cherge �. •� .;,�_
<br /> ,. ° to the permitted limit:und (b)any sums alreudy collected from Borrawer which excecded permitted limits wil l be refunded to �.:_�;t�
<br /> "�:�"� Borrower. l.ender may choose to nwlce this refund by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by moking u direct ,,i,_
<br /> . s:. ...,_ ;','"'_:'�=•
<br /> ��� ,., � p a y m e n t to Borrower. lf a refund rcduces principal, the reductian will be trented as n partinl prepayment without any �T`�'�-
<br /> �T• �
<br /> �, :' ' ' prepayment charge under the Note. '�"'•'°`�``—
<br /> � • 14.Notic�s.Any natice to Borrowcr pravided for in�his Security Instn�mcro shall be given by delivering it or by meiling • -��
<br /> �s • •_,
<br />. . �• it by first rlass mail unless applicublc law requires use of anothcr mcthal. Thc nwice shall be directed ro the Properiy Address �r,u-f.��
<br /> :. ' �;�"..c� ' or any other address Borrowcr designutes by notice to l.endcr. Any noticc to l.�:ndcr shall be given by first class mail to �;�.'�;;��Y�;�__.
<br /> � ' t'����� I.ender's uddress stated hcrcin or uny uthcr address Lcndcr dcsignntcs b�� naice to &►rrower. Any notice pruvided for in this _ •�=- '+=��=_-
<br /> • ,. � Security Instrument shall be dcemcd ta huve been given to Borrowcr or L.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. '� �'-" -
<br /> Y•.�'__-__-- _: .
<br /> �• 13. Governing L�w; Severability. This Security Instniment shull bc governed by federal law and the law of the �-'�°�°����-
<br /> , „� , jurisciiction in which the Property is kxated. In the event that any provision ur cluuse�it'this Securiry Instn�rnent or the Note �
<br /> � . ronflicts with applicable Inw.,uch contlict shull nnt uifect other provisions of this Security InstNment or the Note which can be
<br /> � ' given eifect withuut thc rnnflicting provision. To this end the pmvicions of this Securit�• Instrument and the Note are decla�ed :,
<br /> i
<br /> to be xeverable. ;
<br /> ]b,$orrower's Copy.Borrower shall lk given one confurnied copy uf�h�N�ne•rnd�►t this Security [nucument.
<br /> , � � ao� �rso 1 �
<br /> Pp�1 01 8 �
<br /> ' . � ' MC,9(i�1B�NB/4
<br /> �,
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<br /> �
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