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<br /> ab�uK{oned Propearty. ��wcr �hall alw bo in dufr�iit if 43wrowrx, durtry� thc lwa �p�ilcation proce:ts. Qatu
<br /> �r�ateriaiiy fal�e ar iuwG�aio it►���Ftetui u��iAi�c►�G,ui �.rvu�(o�t:i1r� w{ti:3v1:4 L.� vit� rsy m::u'.�f
<br /> inEotma[1o�n2 a a�.�aea3on wLh �ha ta�m �vu}�od 6p tha Nuta. fn�ciudi�►g, bue s�t �1mlied co. ro�uaeotatbm
<br /> ooaovoto� Botrawa'a oocwutwy af tha Fto{u�ty ar � priaci� rcal8e�+ce. If thLi Sa:u+ruy tn•��,�,••,• L on a
<br /> kaeabo�td, Borrower�l!ooaa�ty wit�eha�u+ov"�uf tbe le�e.[f Barebv�cr acquire�foe tttk to tbe Propet�y. e6o
<br /> kareboid and tx ittlo�il oat Do s+�nd upIasr Lend�'�c�w to tbc merRet la wtit�ey, .
<br /> 6.Co�dw�uatf+�.T!w prac�d�ot say��evaM or c�im 6or�lsm�ts.diroct or oomxquersl�l. ia coa�eetiase witL
<br /> aay � or otht�r Wc(a� o!aap pAtc of cba P[q�aty. or for caa��eyaox fu pi�ce of c�o�dea�o�tloa. an
<br /> decibyr�ys�ed�ad ib�t!De paid w Leadrx w tba oxteat of tbe fiill amouat of tbe iadob�edoes tb�t tam�i,a�uo�aid
<br /> und�er tAe Nr�ee aad tWi Sea�rky Imuuaannt. Laudos�A�il apply wc6 pcoceeds to tbe roctuc�os of�c i�
<br /> uoder ttie Note iwd t5is SeartLy Iasuutnmt. 6t�t ta �► deliaqueat t�aouors �plkd ia tbe otdes provided ia
<br /> pacynipA 3.�!then a prpayme�at o!p�lncipv. Mp�Sicxioa of tbc proc�e3�w tbe pciacip�l sh�lJ noc exuacl or
<br /> po�t�ooe tLe due d�we of t�aa�amWv paymeaa� �►hJc'h�ro seLaend w ia par�rnph 2.a ch�q�e tbe�a�aaat of w�cb
<br /> p�ymmc�. AaY esaar�pcooeecL ovar m atn�wnt roqui�nd!o pay all outs�adiq=iadebeals�ut�mder�he Ncwe�od thu
<br /> Saauity ta�:r�noeot t�uU bo pa9d ta tho entby la�n11Y eatillod thaeto.
<br /> 7. CWe� d Boce+owae �ad I�+at+Ktio� at iROiler'� �Lb i� t4 lMcp�rty. Bocro�ra �ull pay a11
<br /> Qovs�tv or�p�)c�cs,tims aad iaqx�tbma tfi�t ace aoc iaclwded ia par�raQb 2. Bon+nwer�ll psy
<br /> tbeao obiig�tloa�aa cime dicectly oo d�a mtuy which i�o*rad tLe p�ymwl. if failuso to pry woaW�dvwscty aflect
<br /> L,rrnder's iutas+cst ia tbe Pcnpecry. upoa I,m��''s cer�ue�t Borto�ra sh�ll p�+omptly f�uni�h ta Ltnder reodpt�
<br /> �f�MQ'�•
<br /> If 8ol7+onror fails b m�ke tbEU pya�eatf or f1lb PA7'm��N�bY W�Pb Z,Oc hila tO pd'S0�[14�Yy osbet
<br /> ccveaaot�add�eee�mts cootaiaod iu thi�Securky Ltstr�ttnaot.cr tbae a a le�l Peooeedi4i��4►�Y
<br /> attect I.eoder'�ri�i�b in sbe Rvpezty(auc�a�a�raeabag in b�obt�ocy. toc 000de�aoatjon ot to e�Eorce Ia�ws or
<br /> re�uiriYO�s), t6aa Lea�br may do tod pay whtt�ver�neona�ey w protect tbe v�iu�of tbe Pnopaty aod Laod�e��
<br /> rif�m tba Pm�ty,iac3�diu�WYaimt of.tar�es.mar�rd i�ar�oe�d otba item mcatjooed ia pa�c�pL Z.
<br /> Aoy smamts di�bnised br I.eadcr�rn6u t�it�thW ba0000�ao additioatl debt of BaroMrx ao� be
<br /> �eccted 6Y dw Secqri►y �1�e�e a�oaots�11 bar iotas�t f�om tLe da�e af di�brtse�a�t. at ve Na�e
<br /> rutn,auc!�t iLe optjoa of Lrm�icr.sb�U bo immodi�lel�r due sad pq�biG
<br /> Boexaa�cr sbau pc+om�tty di��ar,y u�avkic��as;x�y orer th�Sec�riry I�uomc ueie�ma�c�+Na:
<br /> (+a.�a iu wiitias w tbo paywaot af tha obti�atiau�nd by t�liea ia a m�ooer �capeabie to Ieadei; (b)
<br /> � ccahs�ts io sood fa�tbo Uea by,ar dctm�clt apintt ecbo�oemmt at tbe liea in. kpl Prooee� �rhich ia iLe
<br /> �'s opinioa opax� w pr�veset tbe mSoe+oemmt ot tl�e liea: a�(c) �eana fram the 6o�der ot tbe lica ao
<br /> �,g�roe�eat s�ti�aaory a tsader�boc�ebe ltem to d�is Socveitjr Io�tromeat.It Iaader dela�mi�a tmt�►P�rt
<br /> of d�e Penp�aqr it �u�ea m a lta� which m�y �tnim pciocity o�v�a� tbit Sacority L�a�eot. Isa�ie� mqr piR
<br /> _ . . ._. Bo�rawai a�io�oe id�diy�dio�i�',ti.���3iKtioMe�sUa��t1�e lies os taToo oaa os mae bt 1be�ctio�s�et ioei_ _. ._ __._
<br /> abovt wad�ia 1Q days of tbe�itriap o[nctiae.
<br /> _.�w.I.e�la�aaq�oollexx toe��cd d�a aitbatinod fry tbe Secmefary.
<br /> 9.C�a�aotwl�tar Aaoo3ir�tf:�of D�t.
<br /> (r�)D�df.J.r�fat mtp, axas�t as limited by tr�ul�tioo�iswed hy d�e S�cs�taty. is t8e pre af p�prmm+t
<br /> de�dnil�,x�quite immedi�oa�p�nmt id tnli of all wa��ecurod by tais Secau�iq►�a�eot�t:
<br /> ti���no+n�s det�utu br�ii1�w p�y ia f�i!anY�Y P�4►�����Y�
<br /> pc�or w ar ac,thc dna�te a�`tlae na�t mcotblY p�a�rsoot.ar
<br /> , (I�Ba�m�+r�'�o�a�s b�►�+foe a period oi�CtY dsys.to per6oct�aeo►d�x abi;ptioa�caat�sd
<br /> ia this Saetiriiy!&�vao�t.
<br /> (►�Sde wtt�e e;edit ApprasuJ..Leoder�1W1. it pamitbd by►apQiic�bie!iw Cmrl�diet seaioa 3it(� .
<br /> � of We G�anS�. C�m�io Depo�clry�t1oo�Aet of 1962. 12 U.S.C. 1761}3(�) aod with t�e peia .
<br /> ' ' � �ppna►�1 of tbo SxeanRy.aeQni[�e immedi�e p�prme�t ia futl of all mms�oc�RCed by thit SecuelUr�at
<br /> • � i� . . ..
<br /> . . . .
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