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<br /> If tlzc smounss held bg l�axkr for F�cruw Itcme ea000d tbe�mow►ti permttted to bo held by RGsPA. Leides'
<br /> cL�l!accaiat w Barrowrr for che c.zms fund:�roqulrod by RESFA. if tLe�unts of Nc�hdd by Cea�3er at aay
<br /> C�mc ia na1 wfflckat to pay tba Bscauw Items vv�m due, Leackr m�Y notit�r tAe Borrowa�ud requite Barc�owx w
<br /> m�ice up tbe shcui�e a�prrwittad by�A.
<br /> TGc Ficmw Ftiad� ate piadgod at d�:ldoBal�Y for aU w,m� txured Dy this Sacwity In:tnunmt. It
<br /> Borrawa teadtra W l.wder thc ftiU p�ymmt of all�ucb wm�.Borro+wer'a axou�t�Il be credited witb the bal�ooe
<br /> rem�iain�for all ia:t�llmaot items(�. (b).aad Cc)u�d+�uY moct��e�^�,•�'praalum iast�llnxat cbat Le�der 4as
<br /> nd beowtie oDli��tod eo pay w tbe 5�cr�tary. utid L,r.ader s�aU prom�tly nliu�d aqy e�ccess ftu�w Borrowa.
<br /> Imcaediatcly prbr w a foraclowre uk of tbe Propercy or its acqui:itioa by lr�da. Bo�rower't accouat �b�11 De
<br /> cx+editex!witb any balmct trmaiait�for aU+++�,��•,,�^r•for itaau(a)�(b).wd(e)•
<br /> 3.Appiiatba ot Pqyweds.All�►aymeato cmder pus�r�u 1�nd 2�AaU be�ppiied by Lendor u follow�:
<br /> �G to the mo�t�;qe inwtaooe pc+�mium w bo p�id by l�eadr.r to tLa Secretary or W the nw�tb]Y c.h�r�e bY the
<br /> Sectquy iaund ot tbe mootl�ip mact�a�e i�ur�oe Pnea�iuui+
<br /> �.to�ny qxea,spec,W ss�p�mmta�iandwld g�,ymerts oc ground ra�a�aad fire.tiood aad otber h�a�+d
<br /> inouaooe premiums,a�requirad;
<br /> �i�.to ioterat due aoder tho Note;
<br /> �.to�moctiration of tbe princ3{�i of tbe�Ioa:aod
<br /> E�to iato�a d�:o vades the Noae.
<br /> 4.�+r.�"tood Md Otl�er H��Liew��oa.Bo�sower sL�ll io�un all im�pi+ov�eaoeat:ae the P�c�opelty.wbe[her
<br /> n�wv ia txluwoe ar wb�eq�tiy eiacmd.�gain�t�°bsaaa�ds,caa�altles,�oc1 oaotic�ia•inetu�ia8 fire.fac�i�
<br /> i,c�ler :oquita inwr� 'l�i: iosuraaoe sL�1l De at�iataiaed ia t�e�a�ou�s �! fa the periods t� Iaoder
<br /> roquins. Ber�rer �11 alw ia:u:t att cmpivvemeAt�yu tbe Propaty�wtsetber ma�► ia�•��*•�,ti• a subra7ueattY
<br /> p'eaa1,�air�t lats by tlo�ods to the ext�t:rcquited by t�e Sec�dsiY. dUl iasutmoe sbaU TQC cartlecl aitlt oo�panies
<br /> �x�nvad by Ireader.7be iawr�oce poiicia aad my c+ase�ralt shti�be beJd tsy Leada aod�l�nrlude las payabie
<br /> e�a�es in fiv�or of.aod in s fotm aooeQabie to.is�6ezt. :
<br /> Ia tbe eveat of loa.Bo�owa�Eiv�e I.cacles iimadi�te s�ti�e by mail.Lmdrr may malae p�wif ot loa if not
<br /> n►�de p[�maptty by Boaovu�a.F�ch i�oe oo�paa�'a�ar.�ed L�h�:s+eby sutborlxed aod dlteetiod to mai�e paq/meat
<br /> for � ba diraxly w I�, ia�cb of w Bazc�a �md w Y�eada joimly. All a aQy put of tbe iaau�ooe
<br /> P����Y��PP��b'Y I�,�t iti oQtioo.eidl�cr<al to the redualoo of tLe iadebtedaas uadet d�e No�e aod
<br /> tbls Sa�ity Io�tumtot,Gtrt w any delinqueot anooiu�ta:opQiied fn the ader ia pasatapi�3,md tLm to pe+�ymmt
<br /> of pcmcaq�l, a(b) to tL�u�oration ot c�it of t3�e dam�ed pmpatY- �Y �i��� a��w We
<br /> pcinppal shait mt�eod oe�ost�000 tbe due d�oe of tLe moothly prymmts wbk�aire nekn+ed m ia p�tapb 2,a
<br /> ----- .... . _.. .ciy?'�Ilt'�Ai�vs i1ii�Nqo-- iv:j c.:�.:�.�:�..�:..:.�:.«""�. .�..�..:.'�.w� .-�p'�.t -_-
<br /> L�0�10�11CdC't�C NOtO�t}�i SOf.�i�tiCIDG�IlliU bC�d W�0�t�t�/1��J1!�1�lRIO. ----
<br /> Tn tbe eveat of facec]owze of cbis Saauiry Ia�t a aba u�m�'a of tittle w tbe Anpaty t�c e�ti�ui�ha
<br /> tbo i�adeb�edaa:. aii d;ht, 6tle �nd �af Ha�ro�r.r ia �od to inauaooe policies im�oe�ce a�ll p�rs to tbe
<br /> �•
<br /> S.Oecsp�acy.Pt�natba, A�at�x a�d A�oteetioo at tie Pe+opert�:Somower's Lon Appiicatios; .
<br /> I.erelMf3r. 8ouo�er shaU ooa�py,eat�ii(irb, aod me tLe Propetty�szs BorcwMa's priodp�l nesidaeo��vid�ia dxty
<br /> dfys atfet tbe e�ecntion of this Sa�tity�uuumaot(oc witbin�ly dsy:of s l�ret s�ie at traotta d tbe Pmpaty)
<br /> ad�aD ouatiaAe to aocaQy d�e Pcapeny a�Bo:no�v�a's p�iocipal re:ideaae fiar st fea�t a�e yeu �f0er tLe d�te o�
<br /> ooa�p.a.y,mles.I,+eaBer daermiaa�at nequic+e�ae.vu1 an.e ueawe�#g tczr.Bae�a,«�mless ac�eauacm� .��
<br /> ciram�t�ooa e�t �rLicb at+e bryaod Baaorrst't t�ootiul. Batra�r�r sLal1 notiij► Imder of �ny ate�mat� �
<br /> ci�ta�aes.Bocr�sr�11 not oommit w►aroe cr deatray,�e o�a�b�tao�allY eh�o�c tbe�kvp�aty or�llow We
<br /> P�ape�ty w dae�iae�e,iwoo�bk w�r�od tar�seepmd.iiader a�y io�poc�tbe Ptopaty if tLe Prap�aty u vac�ot �
<br /> ar aDaod000d ar tbo 1wn is ia� L�eader m�y nioe n�o�bk action Lo pcotact�od pee�em wdt�sr�ot a
<br /> �i��pp ww ew.a M. rrr��
<br />