<br />
<br />
<br /> ti3IFED t,vF i i1UST
<br />
<br /> Loan No: 808358 (~~:onfifltfed) 14 4 ( Page z.
<br />
<br /> -f ordinaitces,. incimling without limitation all Finvironrrireital I r+vd9: I'uslor aulhorizes Lender arid its agents to entbr upon the f (OPSFty
<br /> to make such inspections and tests, at I rustor'S oxveosp as I.nor der may deem approliriate' to determine rompl)ance of t)-le Property
<br /> with this section of ilia Deed of Trust. Any insperaior,s urlosts nuidre by Lender shail be lot Lander 's purposes.only and shall not be
<br /> construed'to create any responsibility or liability on the pact of Lender to TIIIStar Or to'any other person. The represenjtadons end
<br /> warranties contained herein are based on Trustor`s (file diligence ill invesrigatinl) the Property for Iiazardous Substances. Trustor
<br /> hereby (1) releases and waives any future cla rris against I.endw lot in ainnity or conlydbul{on ill the event Trust, r becomes liable for
<br /> clearAUp or other costs under any such laws; and 121 agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold, harmle" d.endrr.agoist any and all
<br /> claims,. losses, .Iiab[lities, darnages, penallies, and expenses Which ,.antler niay directly or dndirendy sustain or suffer resulting frorn a
<br /> breach of this secrinn of the Deed of Trt.lsi or as a ronserliOeiu:t of any use, generation, Unal'tttfacturf, storage, disposal, release or
<br /> threatened release occurring prior to Tnsstor's ovtn(:-);Shll7 gr intmi ;t in :the property, whether or not the sarna_ was or should have
<br /> been known to -Trustor. the ),rovisions of tbi; saltine of the De it of Trust, including ilia obligation to indemnify and defend, shall
<br /> survive the payment of the Indebtedness and the sati:clafaioii`,1r.d rec:ouvgyance of the lien of this Deed of Trust and shall not be
<br /> affected by Lender's acquisition of any interest in the Piopni`ly; Avhf.lher fly fornrlosuro rir' otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trustor shall riot cause, conduct or pefmil any ntiinni)("o nor commit, permit, or suffer any stripping of or waste on
<br /> Or to the Properly or any portion of the Property. Without li ntling die goiieradilY of [lie' filregoinO. Tiustorwill riot nimove, or ilrant to
<br /> any olh.er (tarty the right. .(-Q refnovo, arty firi+her,.mill(n Il„ iltecll n;i nil and t:1a 1, coal :lay, scoria, soil, (Iravel or ioc.k• producls
<br /> without Lender's prior written consent-
<br /> Removal of Improvements. Triistor shall not demolish of m.otuva any 1111111-ovnntents from ilia Real Property without Londer's prior
<br /> written consent. As a condition to the renwval of any Intprovallwicts, Lander rnay re(luire lTustor to mako arrangements satisfactory.
<br /> to Lender to replace su(:h Improvements, with hnprovenuints of at h-ast equal vaii.1
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's" a(I'ents rid f p.preso r , ~itives lraay inter opoo tide Real Fro.perty:.at all reasonable dimes to.
<br /> attend to Lender's interests anti to inspect tile. ideal Pmpeitr` 'a l•firpusaa of Tiusloris compliance vvith the terms and conditions of
<br /> this feed of Trust.
<br /> Compliance with Governmental Requirements: 'Taisfor 911,111 pfnniptfy r.Omply Willi all laws,'oldinances, and. regulations, now or
<br /> hereafter in effect, of all governmental authorities' applicable to ihr:'(is" ur i c mpancy of the property, Trustor may contest in good
<br /> faith ally such law, ordinance, or'teg+tdation and withhold riniplianre dif(mg any liroeoadmg, inclttdinra,appropriale appeals, `so long as
<br /> Trustor has notified Lender in writing prior in (Writ) ; o nett so lr_n+ti mz, in I enders sole Opinion, Lender's interests in the Property are
<br /> not jeopardized. Lender may require `hrusLor'tr post RO[ iltiolo sei:+:,ily or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory 'to Lender, to protect
<br /> Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty to Protect. Trustor agrees neither 11) aLiaridon or IeaV0 iiniitlelided the Property. Trustor shall do all other acts, in addition to
<br /> those acts set forth above in this section, Which fronrihe characlnr and use of the Propnity are reasonably necessary to protect and
<br /> preserve the Properly.
<br /> DUE ON SALE - CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, its 1_1111der's Optic fl, dwrtlaro immediately clue and payable all sums securer, by this
<br /> Deed,ef Trust upon the sale or transfer, rvidiout lender's prior writtf:n collseiif, of fill or filly putt of the Beal Property, of any interest.in the
<br /> Real Property. A "sale or transfer" means the conveyance of tie.eil Propr i-ly or any right, title or interest in ihf; final Properly; whatha, legal,
<br /> beneficial or equitable; whether,vpluntary or involuntary; whelher by Outright Sall., deed, histollineril sale contract, land Contract, Coritracl
<br /> for deed, 'leasefiold'interest 'with a term greater than thieu (3) year:, lease-Oplian Contract, Of sty sale, assldrln'tenl., Or transfer of any
<br /> beneficial interest in or to any, land trust hcadttipg title to ilia fleal ,'roper i i , or by any other mathod of conveyance of an interest in the Real
<br /> Property. `However, this option shall riot be exercised by)-en(In+' it snch e?felcisa is prohibited by federal law:or by Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS, The followilig provisions relating to the taxes and liens on the Propaity are part of this Devd of Trust: '
<br /> Payment. Trustor shal!•pay when due (and in all events piinr to deliliq'Iency) all taxes; special taxes, assessments, chargas (including
<br /> water and sewer), fines and impositions levied againsVgr on aCCOL111t of tfre Property, aril shall pay when due ail'elaims for work done
<br /> on or for services rendered or material fumished to""lie Property. Trustor shell,tntaintain the Property free of all lietis'fiaving priority
<br /> over Or equal to the interest of lender under this Deed of Trost, w-capl for tide lien of taxes and Assessments, not due, except for the
<br /> Existing Indebtedness referred to below; and except as otherwise plovided in this Deeli`of, Trust.
<br /> Right, to Contest. •:.n)stor may withhold 'Iteyment of any tax, O ,o-.,s+lient, or (taint in connection wiUi ayood faith dispute Ovor the
<br /> obligation to paY,, „ as Lender's interest in the Pioperry is not jeopardized. If alien arises or is h}e_d as a result of nonpayment,
<br /> TruSto.r shall within fifteen (15) days after Lhe lien arises or, if a lian is filed, within fifteen (16) clays ai-I-rustor ties notice of the
<br /> filing, secure the discharge of the lien, or if re(plasi.e(I by,tenijer, daposir will Lender cash qr,a sufficient corporate surety blind or
<br /> other'sacurity satisfactory to L.encler in an amount sutli.,irnl ty discharge till: liars pills any costs and attorneys' fees, or other charges
<br /> that could accrue as a result of a foreclosure m sale tunnel Lhr: lieii, ill any contest, Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and shall
<br /> satisfy any adverse judgment before enlorrement a)tainst the l'+opoity. 1711stor Shall nalne lender as all additional obligee under any
<br /> surety bond fuirnisherl in the contest proceedings.
<br /> Evidence of payment. Trustor shall Uparl dorrland fu+rtiMl to Lendot Satisfactory evidence of payment of the tuxes or assessments and
<br /> shall aLlIhoriie file appropriata governmental Official to doliver to I.e;xlar at any tin•le a written statenlant of fhe,taxes and, assesslttents
<br /> against the Property.
<br /> Notice of Construction. Trustor shall notify Lender at least iiftnan x(15) clays before any woik' is commenced, any services are,
<br /> furnished, or an ra~hta r ls.are'Supplied to the'Propeny,'df aify rnachafiif.'s lien, iltaterialmen's lien, or other lien could be asserted on
<br /> acenunt Of tile walk, services,, or materials. Triislur will upon rerl+;rt sl;Of Lender furnish to lender advll'ffdj Vj4"lrances,satisfactory to
<br /> Lander that Trustor can and vvill pay the cent of such itnprovi inert
<br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE, Tho following provision:, ifatiting to insuring the Property are a part oft his Deed:of Trust,
<br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor shall, prnaori anti +naininio policies of fire insurance with standard, extended! coverage'
<br /> endorsements on a replaceinent hasis for Alin (till ilisurablo v;,)I.+a covoihig all Improvements on Cite Real PI-apefly in all amount
<br /> sufficient to avald eppdicalion of any coinstiranre clause., And Willi a st~in!lard morfl)agoe clauso in favor of Lander, together with such
<br /> Other hazard and liability insurance: as I.onder iitiay rcaa;,Ol:ahly lo(1ui:0. P Lich s shall lie written in form, aloutiltis, coverages and basis
<br /> reasonahly.accoptable to Lender Arid issuad by it rnrr)ta:tny of con+ltoini(35- reasonably acwiptahlo to Lander. Trustor, upon request of
<br /> Lender, wwill. "dOl+ver,.ln l candsr fygs>t titx r):, icr.a lidaa 1140 y„hi ices .0r, , (~i fificalns of inst.itance in IOrni sntfsf, etfary, f?„I,rtl)tlpr,_ jr)f,lu<liaJtl.:
<br /> stipulations that coverages will nai bet cruir.Falef ru I~fnfni;.I;erl "4iijimil rut Ionst ten 110) ditys piiur wrii Mil notice to L.endor: Each
<br /> " lrlsuralice policy,also'slinll indnd1, art onrlnrsena~:fit prniv.ulin;l Ib;u , r~v+~r i1e in favor of Lcanf(tr will,rx+l be nnt?rtired in en.y, ;+ly l~ ny
<br /> . , .k ,a, it
<br /> act, omission orcfiafaull of 'I liar or or any ether persnfi. 811++uld fh a hnrif Property he tciCAled iii an area designriiri(1 fly Ilia ~fre.ctor orf_;
<br /> the Federal Emergency Management A11f;ru?y as o slecial Ilood Ia7rrf area, l'ru;;IOr af7rres in a[atain anti maintain Federal F"IOOd
<br /> Insurance, if available, for lire fail entpaid tuirtcpill hnlam e ,I 1110 I„nra and ally plicr liens on, the property Securing the Iran, tip to the
<br /> rrlaxil.011111 . policy dimils et irnd:ar llief 1;ifiioal i inorl I:;a:gn:va• I': I:rr.,n, i•i ias nlll(JIM n rr hind try L.r:nr;r:r, and Ln (animate such
<br /> insurance for the Perm of the Iclnn.
<br /> Application of Proceeds- Trustor shall promptly nc,tify Lnr:drf of any Ins:: or damage In ilia Ptupi`ilY. 1,011der-may make proof of Joss
<br /> if Trustor fails to do so within fifteen (15) days Of 111.1 r:asui,Ily. VV11011(,I rir nit L.eri'. (fr's security is iinpairecd,,l_ander fray, at Lender's
<br /> election, receive and retain file prncends Of rosy insmillice. ::rid apl,ly ih,, pruueeds to the iedualiun of Lha lidablodnass, pfayfnent of
<br /> any lion affecting the Prop.-Ay, or the remoiad nt an :1 lePaii of Ihn iaioix:HY. If Lander elects to apply tfTq proceadii; to rostoration,ar}c,
<br /> repair, Trustor shall repair or replace ilia (hlrnac)rd of r!r.arnyr>.(I In!;nOi Welters in n manner setisfaC.forywlil Lender,., Lander shall; upp`n
<br /> satisfactory Proof Of such cxl)enlitcna, pay ar ridntbcrne Tn,Stol I,r•+m 1111, proceeds for tile. reaso'nable•cost of repalr-or restoratiprt.alf
<br /> Trustor is not in default cinder this Denil ill Ir,is[. Any pnwoo:dti viiii;h have not hec it disbufsed wikhifa 180 flays After their receipt
<br /> and which Lender has riot ramrltitted l1,+ ilia itil+air of wsior i(ion Oil tlt.j 11,01-ferty shall be used first to pi~y`a'ny ail ount owing to Lander
<br /> under this Deed of -crust, Olen to pay acc.rc+rxd ins:rest, and tho rcolaindes, if any, shaif,be'applied-1y the fin Iwipal balance of the
<br /> Indehtedness. If Lender holds any lrroceczds alior poyoieol in hill of ilia Indebtedness; such proceeds shall Lie paid to T'rusto,f:,as
<br /> Trustclr's interests may appeal.
<br /> Compliance With Existing Indebtedness. Dtiriri;l III('! pefinil in width any Existing Indehtedness desr.ribed=balnw is in effect, compliance
<br /> with the insurance provisions ronlaine(I in tile'
<br /> he insinfmnrit evicf;:ru;i ill :such Existing Indebtedness shall coostdtule.corripliance will tf7e
<br />