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�� <br />ww� <br />N � <br />� �'.".`�.. <br />j � <br />� �� <br />� � <br />� wrr`� <br />� � <br />ti � <br />� <br />^�w�rr <br />� <br />�11� <br />� <br />� <br />C <br />��� <br />�� <br />�� <br />�� <br />� � <br />_T� <br />� �� <br />��, � <br />� <br />Q <br />� � <br />0 <br />m <br />r+7 <br />a <br />v� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />�-r, <br />� <br />�U <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />w <br />Ca <br />�� <br />0 <br />n u�: <br />a �. <br />� � <br />� <br />—i � <br />� a <br />� � <br />� � <br />� m <br />r� � <br />r <br />r "' � <br />�'. � <br />cr> <br />� <br />� <br />� w <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />M?.+ <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />f,f'Y <br />'�.� <br />� <br />� <br />v <br />� <br />� <br />7 <br />c� <br />�� <br />� <br />�� <br />1"d 1 <br />� <br />� <br />a <br />/��� �i� -� ��-Ty <br />UWI IEiV I��CpFi[)�D MAIL �Q: <br />Equica�le 8anlc � f' S � <br />PU 8ox 160 <br />Gra�icl is ���i � 6 r � <br />-- . �_ 8q� L1760 __.___T..._��_��._ ,�_..._�._..�� „_� Fl1R ECO ER'S USE D LY <br />_. ...R �I.P.�.,_..�....._N <br />r��r�i.� t:�r= �� <br />MA�(IMUM LI�N. �ri�a li�;n af ihis Deecl �F T�r��si sl�afl iiut e�c<:c�ed Al ar�y one li�n� 532,325.21. <br />TFIIS D��D �F TRIJST is dated L'1e[;emUer 6, 2U'10, anior�r� 1�1(;IIAF�❑ C�5L3(�(�IV� AN� RUTFI DSB�RNE LIFE <br />ESTA7'�, whose adclres� is 3()'10 5 13l_AIN� S'i', (,i1�111[) ISL.A11ff.), Nk G�3f31?'I; i(A�1'°HRYN RA� OSROk�IV�. �\ <br />SINC;1_� PC�F�SC]NU, whcase a�iclress is 3�7;�"I �f�lll..ICCV�FI I11�IUE #?(39, t_Il�l�.:f?I_N, IVE �85'Ifi: �M11LY AIVN <br />US�DF;N� MILL.ER, vul�c�se aciclress is 3D90 ���WIN�. C;Fi�fVf:) ISl_ANI). (WE Fi8$Q1 an�l Al_�X D� MILL,ER, WIF� <br />NiV❑ FIUSBANI:), wl�ase address is :�()1(1 S f�LAfIVE, fy�ifllVl.') I�'a'I,NND, N� 6iif�(11 ("��fruskur"�; �c�uit��le Bank, <br />whase acich�ess is f.)iers 1�v�i�ue k3r���r.h..1''('l �n�c 160. i;rari�i 151a�td, NE (iF3�302-p'16Q (r'efierred to below <br />soniatin�es as "I��ncldr' �iti�l 5 G917�(IIYIE3S a� "13eiir�fir.i�ry �y�ul ���i�iiallle FS��nlc ((arand Islancl Reginnl, witase <br />acichess is 1"13-7'15 N Lc�c�ist �t: F'I'] �ox 'IiiQ. (;���j�l Islaiod. i11E 6���q;� (�eferred tn t�elow �s "Trustee"1. <br />CONV�YANC� AN[] GRANI'. Fw• valual�la cunsidaratian, "1'ruslor c�,��v�ays to "fruslea in ti•usi. VVII'li POW�Ii OF SALE, for the peitefit of <br />Lend�ir as B�ne(iciary, all of �fr��3tor's riylil, lille, �iul inter�isl in ;�ncl fo lhe: fulluwiny cic�scril�c3d real prc��.�erfy, iogelher with all exislirty or <br />su�sec,�uently er�cted or aFfixe.i I�uildin�s, ini��roveinerils aittl fi;cuiros; �jll easeinr�nls, iiyl�ls aF way, eii�1 ap�nirlenarices; all waler, water <br />riglils ancl ditch ric�hfs (includin;� stocl< in uliliiies with clilcl� or irii�aUon ri�h�s► �incl Ei�� n(�it�r riJ���s, royallies, and proFifs relafin fo tlie real <br />prc�perty, includinc� wi�luaut lirr�icatic�n all rninerals, nil, �as, C�HO�IIt'fI11JI ancl siuyilur mau�rs, (ll�e "�igF�� (�i'op�fty IACate� lil I�IAI�L <br />�ounty, State oF Neu��aslca: <br />PART �F L.OT NINE (9�, OF RIV�(�SIpE FqF�NI SU�3�]��/151QN O� PART OF SECTION TW�NTY-NIIVE (2g), <br />��wNSfi�p ��,�u�N (17) NOR7'�-�, �N��E ���� ��) W� pF 71-I� 6l'H P.M., IN I-1ALL COl1NTY, <br />��SRASICA: CQMry������� A -�- p pO1 �� �.�� 3��E7 $OU7°I-1 OF Ttl� IVORTH�AST COR�UER QF Lp7 1 <br />(1b1 OF Sqlp RIVEI�SIDE FARM Sl18pIVISION 1WF11C1�1 POINT IS AL.50 THE NO�iTHWEST CORNER OF <br />LOT IVIN� (91 OF SAIp RIVE{�SIDE FARM Sl1BL�IVISIOIV) I�UI��ING TF•I�NC� S(aU�'f� �OR A[?lSTANCE OF <br />118.4 F��T, RUf�NIAIG ThIENC� IVOR°fli �33 L)�GR��S 42 �/z' EA3T 25�,� FEET HUNNIIUG THEIVCE <br />NORTH 39 l b5 7/2' WEST, '15fi.5 F�ET NUIUIUING TFI�IVCE IV�RTFI 79 L7�GREES U3 1/2' WEST, <br />154.2 F��� rp �h�� ��pG� OF BEGINIVIiVG, CqNI"AIIVIIVG .5$ ACR�S. <br />�fl�e Fteal Pra�eriy iax idenfiificatian n�unl�er is �IC)t)()�33J57. <br />Tr�islor presently assi�ns ln Lendc�r (alsa Icnpwn ay �3d��� i�� �his C)pqcl p( l'r�iy�) 7�� uf Truslor's right [itlo, and interesc In anrl t� all <br />prssen[ ancl' futi.ire leases nf the Pro��erly �nd all I�e��ts (roi>> �I�a F'ro���r�y. lii a�ldilinn, l'rusior �ran�s l� Lender a Uni(ori7t Cpmmercial <br />Codr� s�curity in[erest in the personal Pro��eity t�nd Cieiits. <br />TFIIS 17��p pF TRUST. INCLIIi)I(UG i'IIt qSSIf;NM�NT OF r��rrrs nrvu 7'ti@ SECURITY INTEREST IN 'TFIE REIVTS AIV❑ PERSONAL <br />PRAP�RTY, IS GIVEN l'Q SCCUIiE (AI PAVMCNl' ()F TIII� 1111pL:(3r�q(��SS 111'4f) (l3) PEf�PpCiMAN(:� OC ANY AIVU AI.L 0 8LIGATIONS <br />�NI��R - ftiE NpT�, TFIG I�E�.q'�E() pn�;llNlk�l'i�5. ANC] �'1115 fl�Ef7 O1= 11�i15i�, 'I'ii15 UrL-`I:) Clf IS GIV�fV qpJp q��Ep7Ep ON 1"FIE <br />FOLLCJWINr TEIiMS: <br />TRUSTUR'S R�PR�Si�N7N710NS ANC) V 'Trusl�r w�rrt�nls llinl: (�J lhis C�a�il c>F 11ust is execute�l ai Borrower' request and <br />not af ll�e request oF Lencl�r; (U) - fruslor Iit�s lhe lull ��u�ver, riyl�t, an�l ttull�ori�y tn en[er ii7lq lhis Ueecl oF Tn�sf and ln hyppfhecale Ll�e <br />f'ro��erly; (c) lhe �rovisions oF this L�r�r�c:l of frus[ dcr nql coriflicl wiUi, oi° rc�snlf in a tl�faulf under any ayrsemenf or c�ther inslrum�nt <br />l�indin� u��on Trustor ancl do no[ res�il� irr ri vicila�ion aF any law, re��iilalinn, cc��irt clecree or on.ier ap��lieable tn Trustor; <br />est�blisl�ect aclec�i,�ale ineans vf nblaininc,� fruni BG�rrower un a e:onliruiinc� basis infurnialian �tbouf Borrower's financial eoncliflon; anci {e) <br />Lender has made no representr�liun tr� 'I',•, e �l�� > ��� �y�>i.�.��w��. (includin� yvitlioi.if liniitalion �h� cre�Jifwoi•chiriess oF Borrowsr)`cl) �'r`��lor has <br />1'RUS'TC)R'S WAIV�f1S. l�nislor �v�ives all rie�Ii1S r�r <lefui�si:s ��riuirir h rHasun c�F ai� <br />law whicli may ��revc:nl Lencler frnn� brinE�irig any ae�ion a�c�ii�,� fiusio�, ini:lwliii� u cl�iui fur cl�Ficicnc;y (o the extent Lendar is ol.lierwise <br />enti�led to a claim for deficic�ncy, before ur a(ter Imencler's uommc�ncunicnl ur cunipl tirinluf uny itho�rW�.��r any o�her <br />exercise of a��ower aF s�lr�. <br />PAYMEIV'T ANP PEFiFUFiIVIAVCE. ��� � �������.wise 1 ICIAIIy pr by <br />sar.ured Uy ll�is [7oad oF i'rus[ �s il k�e�oii�e:s �nrl Cic�rn.iw�r anil l'i�,istirr sli�ll per(urnl �ill I.I�eir res��ective ul�ligali�ns under the Note, <br />p�uvidn�l i�i tl�is f>c��, r:iF fi�_i�r, aurrower shall pay lo L�ncler all Incls6[edness <br />this Doed c>F l"rusl. and the f�elU[ecl C)c�i:un�er�ts. <br />POSSESSION ANp IVIAIN7'EMANCE OF -(I•I� p�OP��TY. [3urruw�r tand 1luslbr a�ree lliAl' Bnrrow�r' and Trustr�r' oss <br />tlie Pro�,ierty sliall t�e governucl by lli� Followinc� �irnvisiuns: <br />Possessinn and 11se. lJi�lil tlie oacurrenr.e c�F �n Evenf oF Oof��i�lt, I_ruslc�r rnn p ession and use af <br />(2) use nperate o,• niana��� ��� �,�,�� 1e�.� y(1) rem�in in possession and cpntrol of the Prqpert <br />� Y; a�ui (3) culluct flu+ Renls froin Uit� I'rc��rarty. <br />Duky tu Maintain. 7 shall niain�ain (lie I'ru:ieil in c ood r.unclition anc) �rqn� �l'1 <br />rnaintanance necessary fo preserve ils value. � v J <br />► I Y f>arForn� all rppalrs, replACements, and <br />C�n�plience With Enviioni�ient�l Laws. Tru�lor re�rres4nts and w��nanl� In Lenrlar 1haL• ( I) nuriitg llie period p F Trusfor's ownershi <br />c�F ihe PrU��er�y, tli�r� lias beun nc� us�, Jenc�r�liun, rnainifair,.luic�, 5i�������, 1r��1111e1j1. clis�ausal, roleose nr tlireatened release of an <br />F laxarcious'Sul�s�ane e la an � <br />Uiat Uierc� has baan, Y y ����sun•cni. �uiclor, �I�o�.il oc frcnn. thc� f ('l) �frusWr Ir�s nu I<nowlod�}e oF, or reason to believa <br />axcep� as �aroviously iJisr:loseJ lcr aritil eicicr�nwlnclgar.l by l�en�lcr in w�ili�i , Y <br />Environrn�an�al l.a,w�, (ha . any iise, ;.�E:�i��;�ilion, niariuF�rilure, slorei(Je, lrealinenL dispus�il, 'r�laase or . <br />Flazarclaus Siil on, unil�r, abvu� or frun� Iha l'r���i;i �y I, a�i � (�1 any' tireach pr violat'ion of pny <br />lhrealeneel liti�alio�i .ar claims ciF any I<incl I� �ii� tl7rpaeei�od relaase of any <br />Y Prii�r c�wners r�r �cru�>ai�ls aF flie F�roperty, ,or (c) ai7y acfual or <br />acl<nowledye.d l�y Lencic:r in wrilin Y y 1»r.5•ori relalirii� lc� si.iqli nial.lurS; �in�.l (31 tx��l?� as �71"BVIGUSIy disclt�se�1 fo and <br />shall use, genarate, man�,ifaclure, sfuraa) � r��>! ari} l�iu�il, r�:�iil�.�ii:[��., �t����t O�' 011l9f q111I1UrIZR(I user oF fh� f�roperfY <br />ond (b) any such aclivi(� frea�, dis x�se af or rule�sa �n Flararduus Subslaric:e pn, uiideY� oboul .or flom tliB Wroperty; <br />/ sli�ll l�ca conclucted in c�,�ni��liruu:e with all ai�.���lice�l.�l� federal, sfafa, and local laws, regulatians and <br />» � ., . <br />aa � "'1.l,� *► , <br />