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<br />Sale af Note Clta�ige of Loan ServPcer. Tlie Note or a�artial interest iu tl�e Note (tq�;etl�ec with this Security
<br />li�strument) n�ay Ue sold one ot• n7ore ti�z�es without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a cl��►»ge iu the
<br />ei�tity (known as the "Loan Servicer") th�t collects p�riodic payi�aeiits due uncler tlae Note a��d fliis S6CLlI'ltY
<br />Inst�ument. T)iere also �nay ba o��e or moce chan�es of lhe LoAn Service�� unrel�tccl to a sale of the Note. If there is
<br />a change of the I,oan Servicer, Bo� will be �ivei� writte�i notice of the chinge in accorclance witl� lhe section
<br />titled Notices and A�plicable I.,aw. 1'he i�,otice will state the nauie and add►�ess of the new Lo�ii Service�� aiid tlae
<br />address to which paynlents sl�ould be itiade. 'The i��tice will �lso co��tain aily otlier infoi7natiot� required by
<br />Applicable Law.
<br />IIazt�rdous Substa�tces. Boz't shall not cause or perinit tlie presence, use, disposal, sto��age, or release pf a�iy
<br />Hazardous Substances on or in Che Property. Borrc�wer shalt ziof do, i�:or allow ���yon� else to dq, anvthing affectiug
<br />tl�e Prope� that is in violation of any Eiivironzz�e�tC�l I.aw. Th� preceding two sentealces sliall �iot ap�ly to the
<br />presexlce, use, or sto��Age on tlie Property of sza��ll c�ua��tities of �1�zacdous Subslances kl�at are �enerally recognizeii
<br />tv l�e appropriate to aiormal residential uses ���d to maintenance of tlie I'roperCy.
<br />Borrower shall promptly give Leiader writtet� notice ol`any i�tvestigation, claiui, dean�rnd, lawsuit or otlier action by
<br />azay gc�ver�unental or regulaiory agency oa private pacty involving llie 1'roperfy and aiiy Hazardous Substance or
<br />Enviroiuneattal Law of which Borrower has actual knowleGlge. If F3orrower learns; . or is nolified by any
<br />goveiYUnental or regulato� �tiitl�ority, that any remov�l qt• other ren�ediation of any I Substance afFectitlg
<br />tha P�•operty is necessa�y, Borrower shall proxi�ptly take �11 iaec�ssaiy, �•e�x�edial actirnis in accocda��ce with
<br />Eirvi� Law.
<br />As used in this �ara�rapl�, "�laza��d�us Substances" are tl�ose suUstaiices �l�fi�ed� as'toxic or liaza�rdous sub9.tauccs
<br />by Eilvironrtiental L�w and the following subst�nees; gasolit�e, kerosetae,��P�ier £��trr�}�iabl,e ��xic petuc�leunl
<br />products, Wxic pesticides �nd laerbicides, vol�tile solve��ts, materials cot�taiz►�i�g��i�l�est�e �cii- �'ormaldek�ycie, �tind
<br />radioactive niaterials. As used i�i this paragrapl�, "Enviroaullental J.,�w" mea��s Cederal Iaws and laws of tlae state of
<br />Nel�raska tlaat relate to health, safely or enviro►vi�eaital protection.
<br />Acceleratian; Rea�aedies. L�nder shall give uutice lq 13orrn�ve�� prior to acceleratinu followi�ig 13ur►�o�vei-'s
<br />breacl� of any cpvenant or tigreerr�eaxt in tliis Secu�°Ity Inslx•um,e�it (but �iot prlu� to acceleratinn n��der tl�e
<br />sectlou titled Trausfer of the Pr�perty o�• a 13eueTieial Iuterest in I3o�•rower, uttless Applicable Lflrv ��rovirles
<br />otl►e�•wise). 11�e aiotice sltall specify: (a) tLe def�ult; (u) tlie �ction rec�i�irecl l�� cure the clefault; (c) a d:ite,
<br />��at less tha�► the miu�anwu nu�r�ber of days estul�lished by Applicable L€►w.f�•oan the cla.le tl�e natice is g�yeu
<br />Co �3or�rower, by wlaicla tl�e default n�ust be cw•ed; and (d) tl.iat f�ulnre to cua-e tl,►e default on o� before tlxe
<br />date speci�ed i�� tlie noCice aaiay ►•esult i�i acce�eratiou of the s�uaas secu�•ed by this Secu►•ity l��stru�r►e�tt aitcl
<br />sale of the P►•operty. To ll►e exteiit permitted I�y law, the nptice sli�ll ft�a•tl�er iufn�•�a� Boi•rpwe►• of .tlie ��ig��t
<br />to reInstntc after acceleraliun nnd tlie �•ig1�t Co b��i��g a co��a•t flctlon to assei•t tl�e non-esiste��ce of a defa�rlt
<br />ar any �the�• defense of Borrower lo accele�•ation a�id sale. If tlie �,lefault is uc�t cu�•ec� un ar l�ef���•c tlie dnte
<br />specif[ed in the ��ufice, Le�ider �l iks oplion n�ay requi�•e immeilinte pny�a�eul in Full of flll su��as secured by
<br />this Security .Instrume�at witliout further de�ns�ucl and may iuvolce lhe po�ver oF sflle aud any �thei• ren�edies
<br />permitted t�y ApplicAble Law. To tlie extc�it per�taittecl by it�w, Lender sl�nll be entitlecl to collecl all
<br />exp�nses inci��•recl iu pi�rsui��g tlie reruedies ��rovicled iii tlxis Sectinn, i�idutling, bi4t not.li�a�iteci to,
<br />i�easonable attorueys' fees and costs of title evide�ice.
<br />I[ t}►e puwer of sale is i�avolced,')'ri�slee sliall record a aiotice uf det'ault i�i eficl� co�uity i�� whicl�.any,p�rt uf
<br />tl�e Froperty is locnted t�aid s1�a11 naail copies of sudi ixotice in the ��r���inei° Y�rescr�bed by Applicable La�v to
<br />I3orrower a��d to tlte otl�er pe�'sons pi�esc�'ibed by Applicable 1.,aw. Afte�• tl�e time required by Applicable
<br />Law 'I'rusCee shall give public �iotice of snle to tlie perso�as a�id in t�te n��au�er. p��escribed b,y Applienlilc.
<br />Law: Trustee, without deanund o�► $orrower, sl�all selt lhe Prope�'ty at public �tuctio�l to tl�e liighest bidcicr
<br />at the tiane ancl place and under the terms designated In the notice of sale in o�►e n�• n�oee pfl� i�� a��y
<br />order 1'rustee determiues. Trrrstee �u�y ��ostpoue s�i1e of all nr aa�y pai•cet of tl►e Yrc�perty by� pul�lic
<br />annow�ce�nent At tl�e tiaue and place of ttny p�•eviously scheduled st�le. Leude�� or its clesiguee may p�ircliase
<br />tlie Property at niiy sale.
<br />Upu�a �-eceipt of pay�a�ent of the price bld, T►�nste.e sN�all deliver to .11ie pu►•cl►tiser Truslee's d'eed coi�veyiug
<br />the Property. T'lie recitnls i�i tl�e Ta��istee's deed slt�tl be prima f�c.ie evideuce oF tl�e t►'utl� of kl�e statemeuls
<br />rnnde tLereiu. Trustee s1�:i11 apply the proceeds af fl�e sale i�� Il�e follo�vi�►g or�lei•: (a) to �ll. costs �ud
<br />e�c�e�ises of exe�•cising tl�e power of sale, �ud tlae sale, i�acl�►di�lg the, pay�ueut of the:'I"�•ustee's fees acti��lly
<br />incurred and reasaMaflble atto►•neys' fees As pe� by Applicnble Law; (b) (o alY sums secu► by ll�is
<br />Securily lnsta�ument; nnd (c) auy excess to the persu�� or persai�s legally eut'rtled to it.
<br />Reco�aveyauce. Upo�a payzaient of ,�ll sums sec�ired Uy Chis Security lr�strui��ezik, Lender slaall requ�s.t Trustee to
<br />recoz►vey�the Property aiid shall surrendat• lltis .Security Inst�ume�lt ai�d all �iotes e.videt�cing : deUt secured by tl�is
<br />Security Iushuznent to 'I"rustee. Tilistee slia]I r�couvey. the Y►•c�perty wilhout wari•�t1ty C�. the �er•sou or E�erso��s
<br />legally �nCitled to it. Such }�ersoil or p�rsc�izs slaall p�y a�ay recyrdation costs. Lender may chai:�e sucla pers�n, or
<br />persons a fee For reco�iveying the PropeA Uut o�ily if tlie Pee is.paicl to � th.ird pa�•ty (such as tl►e Trustee) for
<br />seivices renc�ered and the c;l�7�giiig.of the fee is perniitted u��der Ap}�licable Law, , ,
<br />Substltute Tr«stee. Lende� at its o.��tio�i, �nay from ticne to tiine � Trustee and �ppoi►i ri successor tru;�fce
<br />to any Tnistee appointed he� by an instniment recordeil. in the counly ii► which this Security Iaistrument is
<br />recorded. VJitlio�it coa�veyance of t]�e Properly, che successor tiiistee sliall succecd to all che,title, powei and duties
<br />con£era-ed upoxz Trustee l�erein aiici by Ap��licable Law. ' :
<br />Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the unlice of' def�ult ancl sale be sent to Borrowei°'s flddcess
<br />whicl� is tlxe P��operty Address.
<br />�� 2004-2009 Camplinncc Sys�ei��s. Inc. OU2D-L398 - 2009,12.3fi8 � � � �
<br />Coneumer Rcnl Es�ate - Security Inslrumcnt DL203( Pnge 5 nf G . . ., ir«nv.enmpliflnccsysicins.cpm
<br />