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. ` ,� �. ; �� �+ � i: y 2410U94�0 <br />Unless �ender and BoiYower c�therwise agree ia� writing, any application of proceeds to princi�al shall noC exfend <br />or postpone the ciue ilate of tlae pflyments i'ayment of Pri��cipal ai�d Interest; I,ate Charges and Funds for <br />TAxes a�rd Insura�rce or ch�ir�� the a�no►int of such payrnents. <br />Bnrrower 1Vot Released; Fo��bes�runce By Lender Not a Wafver. ExCension of the titne for payment or <br />modi�catioxi oF amortizaCion of the sums s�cureii by this Security Ynstrutnent granted liy Lender to any successor in <br />inCerest of Borrower shAll 'not operate td release tl�e lial�ility nf the origival i3orrower or Bnrror�ve� successors in <br />interest. Lencier sli�ll not be required to co�nmence }�i-oceedi��gs against any sr►ccesgor in interest or refuse to <br />extend'time fo"r`payment or oClierwise rnodify amortizatio�l of the sums secured by Chis Security Tnstrument by <br />reason of' any deniand m�de Uy tha original I3on or Borrower'S successors in interest. Any fnrUearance by <br />L�,exercising any riglit or reniedy shall,not he a waiver of nr preclude the exercise of.aily right or remedy. <br />Successors .and Assig��s I�uimd; Joint and, Sev,erAl Liabil'tty; Accnmmodation Signers. T'l�e covenants .and <br />agreements �t this Security la�strument sliall Uind and beiie�t tlie successors aiid assi�ns of Lei�der aud Borrower, <br />suUject ta the.provisioias of section titled `T "i'ausfer of the Pr operty nr a lienefici�l Interest in Borrower. <br />Bor.rower's covenants and agreemeiats shall lae joint and several. Any person who co-signs tl.�is Security InshvmenC <br />Uut does uot execiite tl�e Note ("Accoimnadation Signar"): (a) is ca-signing tl�is 5ecurity Instruinent only to. <br />mortgage, grant and convey.that Accommodation Sigi�e�'s interest in the 1'roperfy under t1�e Cernis of tl�e Security <br />Instrurnent; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sun7s secured Uy this. Security Instnune�at; aiid (c) agrees that <br />t.ender dnd any gtlier .F3arrower may a�ree to extend, inodify, forbear or make any accorrunodations with regard to <br />the terms of this Secu��ity Instrume��t or the Nate without tllat Ac�om�nodation Si�ner's consent. <br />Loan Cl�arges. If tl�e. l.nan secu��ed by Chis Sec�iriCy InstrumeuC is subjecl to. a law which sets maximum loan <br />charges, arid that law is. fi�ally intei7�reted so tl�at tl�e interest or other loan cliarges collected or to Ue collected in <br />coruiection witl� tl�e loau exceed the pe�nitted limifs, then; (a) any such loatt charge shall be reduced by the <br />amount necessary to redirce the, charge Co the permilted limits and (U) any sums already callec,ted from Borrower <br />which exceeded �ei7��itted limits will Ue refiuided Co 13orrowcr. Lender may choose to make this refund by <br />reducing tl�e principal owed under lhe Nate or Uy malcing a direct payment to I3orrower. If a refund reduces <br />principal, tlie reduction will l�e treated as a partial �re��ayment witl�aut any prepayment cliarge u»der tlie Note.' ' <br />Ncrtices. Any notice to Borrower prnvided for in this Security Tnsti�ument shall �e given by delivering it or by <br />nlai.ling it..�y �rst class mAil unless Applicable Law requia-es use of another method. The notice shall Ue directed to <br />the Praperty,Address or aa�y cither address Borrower designaces by ilotice tn Lencier. Any natice to Lender shall be <br />given l�y �cst class mai.l to Lender's ad�l� sCated herein or any other address Lender designates by ilotice to <br />Borrower, Any nptice provided fpr in tl�ia Seourity Instnnnent shall be deen�ed to have been given to Borrower or <br />Lender when given as provided in fhis pa��agrapli. <br />Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrumeut shall be gaverned Uy federal law and the laws nf tlie state <br />of Nebraska. In tl�e evei�t that any provisicin or cla�.ise of this Security Instnitnei�t or the Note conflicts with <br />Applicable Law; s��cli coi�#7ict shall iiot affect other provisio�is of ihis Security Instr�iment or the Note which catt be <br />given effect withauC tl�e'conflictu�g provision. 'To this end the provisions of this Secu'rity Instrument and the Nate <br />are declared to L�e s�veraUle.' <br />Boti•ow�r'S Cop�. Boi7 shall be giyen one conformed copy of this Security InsCrumene. <br />7'rflnsfer of the Prnperty or a I�eneficinl Interest iai 13nrr•ower. iF all or any part of tlte Property or any interest <br />i�� it is' sold or tr�nsfei•red (or if a beneficial interest i�� Borrow�r is sold or transferred and Borrower i's not a <br />nahiral person) �inless tlie Note shows tl�at I3nrrower's loail is assumable, Lender a�iay, at its optioii, require <br />inuriediate paytilent in full of all sums secured Uy this Secnrity Instiument. However, Chis option shall not he <br />exercised,l�y T_ender iF exercise is prohibited Uy federal law as of the date of this Securiry InsCrumeut. Tf tlie Note <br />sliows that Dorrowez�'s loan is assumAble, F3orrawer musf oUCain I,ender's written permission for an as�urnption and <br />follow any ather requirements of Lender related to an assutrpCion, lf Borrower does not do so, Lender rnay require <br />inunediate payment in full of all sums s�cured by tl�is Security Xnsta <br />Tf Lender exercises this optioi�, Lender shall give Hot�'ower nptice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a <br />period of not less than the ii�ininau�n riumber of days estaUlished by Ap�licable Law fi�om the date the notice is <br />delivered or mailed within which Borrower musr pay all sums secured by tl�is Security Instrument. If Boi�rower <br />fails to pay tl�cse sums prior to the ex�iration oF Chis period, Lendcr may invoke any remedies pennitted Uy tivs <br />Security lnstnimenC wicho�it fi.ia�tliez notice or demanci on Bon <br />Barrower's Riglit to Reinstate. IF Borrower meecs certain conditinns, Borrower sl�All have the rigl�t to 11ave <br />enforcement of this Security Inst�-u�nent discor�tinued at any Nme prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such otl�er <br />��eriod as ApplicaUle L,aw may specify for reinscateinent) bef�re sale of the Pro�erty purs��ant to any power of salc <br />coi�tained in this Security Ii�str�iment; or (b) entiy of a judgment enforciug this Security I��strument. Those <br />condicions are that Boirower: (z) pays Lender all sums wl�ich then wnuld be due under this Security Instrumenf <br />and tlie Note as if no acceleratinn had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covei7ants or agreernents; (c) <br />pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security IiYSti��menC, includin�;, Uut not linYited to, reasonable attonseys' <br />tees to tlie extent permitCed Uy law; ai�d (d) tak�s such action as I,ender rnay reasonably require to assure that the <br />lien of this Security Instrument, I..ender's ri�hts in the Property and Borrawer's obligation Co pay the sums secured <br />Uy this Security Instrument sl�all coi�tii�ue unchanged. Upon reinstatentent by Boi7ower, this Security Instrurnent <br />and tl�e obligatians secured l�ereby shall i fially effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this <br />right to reinstate sl�all not apply in the case of acceleration under the section titlecl Transfer of tl�e Property or a <br />Bene�ci�l Interest in Borro,wer. <br />PJ 2004�4(104 Compliancc Syslems, Inc. 002O-F3 )8 - 2009. �2368 <br />Consumar Real &slxte • Secnriry.lnsu'ument nL2036.. � � . �. . <br />Pnbe 4 nf6 <br />www. compGancesystcns, com <br />
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