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�7L�n?�; arM ,.1w �i '� �''" �,;k.Jir:<<::�{r�ip4�},�;;:. .,�,r :.�;; .. . .._ ,...4�e:`'°}d�:...l,.���'�ijb 1�� <br /> :»i C#� _ 1lll�i'a .:��il��s�� <br /> _iiilldl��___.r�.. �� ••.�•-._- •,- <br /> '�il.'!L_ �'r'�-=- <br /> - ^-` � •--- <br /> ''.v���l:�` :.�::. . _ . _ .. <br /> --- :.�.�:: �!y�� <br /> --,. ��� ' ' i.:=f.1�15;� F ;sa�*.-" <br /> .:�f l�, t�'' . <br /> � <br /> .� r " . <br /> .� � - .. �r.•.�,:e .. _ . ._ -_..... _.......... <br /> -�� . . . <br /> :�`��s.�:a�:i.�.���""' 9�—������ ---- <br /> �':, <br /> - --;n.:�-�!;��t�,:_=� <br /> -=�=°'��`�-"��'� upplicaBle lew may specify for rein�ulement)beFore eale of the Property putsuant a any pc�wer uP x�le cantained in thi� <br /> --.s� Sc�curlty lnswment;or(b>entry of a Judgment enforcing Ihis Secu�ity Instrumern. Thoce cundiuons are that Borcawer: (af <br /> �.��=_-•• .. <br /> � pays Lender ull hums which then would be due under tbiR Securiry Instrumen� and tho Nae as if no accelerution <br /> -��F ��� ':' s al!ox nseR incurted in coforcing thia Secu�ity <br /> = �.;.,,, occumed;(b)cuas nny default of any dher covenants ar ugreemema:(c)puy pe <br /> ,�6����'��. InstNment.inciudin8,but na{imiied tu, reasannble attomeys'feew: smd(d)tnkes such action as Lrnder may reasonably <br /> "��'����"�- • tcquit�e to asaure that Ihe lian�'�1'da Saurity Instrument,Lcnder'��igh��in the Prnpeny and Bom�wcr;ubligation to pAy the <br /> � ;�-;r,�;,�,_.- - sumc isecured by this Security Instrument shall condnue unchanged. Upon minatntement by Borrower, thie Security L <br /> _ � , '"� ��suument am! �he obligations kxur4d hereby sh�ll remain t'ully eiPeclivo ac it no accelerwion had occurred. However,this <br /> ���r� Y. .� � �'•,`_ right to reinstate shull nat apply i n�he cnse af ucceleralion under paragruph 17. <br /> ";'�T�+�� ' >•° • !q. 3ale of Nute;Clwnge o�l.o�n Servker. The Nate or a partial in�erest in�ha Note(together with thia Secudry <br /> �:'.;�j:�;,�,;� Instrumentl may ba sold ane or more iirnes withoul pr�or notice to Borrower. A sule muy revu It in u change in the entity <br /> �i,.'��"�' � � (known as the"Loen Servicer")that collect�munthly puyments dua under ihe Ivote nnd thia Security Inswment. There alsu <br /> =�=°�%�;^°°��••• �b may be one or more chunges of ttio 1 oan Servlcer unrelated to a sale af the Note. If there is a chunga af tha Loan Servlcer. <br /> �� Borrower will be given wrilten naice of the chunge in accordunce with paragmph 14 ubave and c�pplicuble luw. The notice <br /> � �,�;,,,; - will stale thu nnme and udeL+�ss of�h�nev�'Loan Servicer nnd the addraRC to whlch puymenta shauld be made. 7'he notfae will � _ <br /> r� .;ss � <br /> __ �;�'=��-��•'��� - °• also contain any aher informaiion required by Applicabl8 law. <br /> '�'' � 20. HAZardous Substeuces. Barower shall nal caure or pertnit thc presence,use,disposal,stomge,or rcleuse of any <br /> • " • Hazardaus Substances on or in thc Propcny BoROwer shull not do.nor ullow onyone else to do, unything stffecting the <br />- 1 ``'"`�� ° property thal is in violalion of nny Environmental Lnw. The precedin8 two sentences shAll not upply ta the presence,use,or �_ <br /> =�.`�..�;._..�>-r_�.._.. ' --_ <br /> "� .: ._,�:�^� storuge on the Proparty of smull quanilties af Hazardous Subswnces that are generally ncognixed to be uppropriale to normaf <br />� �:;� � ' , •;;� residentie!uses ond to rnuintenonce of the Property. <br /> -- • `�' • Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigulion,claim,demund,lawsuit or other uction by any <br /> �::_..:_ .. <br />� a�S�t \':.i,�• <br /> -,��. �� guvernmental or regulatory agency or private ps►rty imolving thc Ruperty and nny Haxardous Substsince or EnvlronmentA �_.--- <br />_��:' `�' ��. • ��., of whkh Horrower hras actuul knowledge. If Bo�rower le�rns. or is �otiGed by any governmental or regulatory <br /> i � ��y�:�- f aathority.[hat any removal or oeher remediution of uny Hazardous Substance afFecting tha Pro{►eny is neces4arY�Bo�ro`"er <br />;,fi , :�'��;?;�,,����•; � xhell pnxnptly take all necessnry remedial ucdons in accordunce witb Environmentnl I.uw. <br /> ��:t:;.Y{' .. As used in this pura�raph 30."Hazardous Substunces' are tlw�e xubsu►nces defined us toxic ar hawrdous substunces by <br /> • • ���i�,,, Environmental l.ow und the following subxtances: gasoline,kemtiene,other flnmmuble or toxic petroleum praducGs, toxic <br />• �� �•�'� pes�icides and herbicidrs.vdat�le tidvents, ms►teriuls con�uining axbestos or fortnnldehyde, und radiouctive materials. As _-- <br /> ' '"•'�' used in this pucagmph 20."Environmentul Luw"meum federul luws und laws of the jurisdictian where the Property is located <br /> � � that rclnle to heulth,safery ar environmentul prutection. <br /> : •ti;;.�:.� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrowcr und Lender funher covenunt und agree us follows: <br /> ,`;�``;;�;';� � 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lende�shall give notice lu Borrower prior to acceleratlon following Borrower's ___ <br /> '�.' � ' ""•"� �� breach of any covenaat or agreement io tbis Securfty Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleratbn under parAgraph l7 <br /> - - '`_-`-''';�•"•`-�--'��-;•� ualess appllcaMe!ew pr�videc athenvisel. The natke shall speciPy: la1 the►the swctlan required to cure the <br /> '� dePAUlI;lc1 a date.not les.R than 3U days Pram the date the natice fa givep to i3orrower. by whi�:h fha drfauii rnusi be <br /> ,�;,�:t.'�'� <br /> , .;. i,;;:;. cured;and Id)t6ot failure lo rure tAe dePnult on or beiore the date speciikd in the nMice may rewdt in uccelemUon oP <br /> �,`��=:�;:.:,�� the sums secured by Ihis!�ecurity la.�trument and snle of the Prope�tv The notice shall turther inPorm Borrower oP <br /> '`�", �•,� the right to reinstAte after �ccekr�llon and the riRht to bring a court acUon to assert the non•existence of u dei'ault ar <br /> any other defense ot Borrower to acreleralfon und xale. If the desoult is aot cured on or bePore the dAte Rpecified in <br /> the notice.Lender nt its opdon muy reyuire immediute payment ln iull oPall sumF secnred by Ihi�Securtty Instrumenl ___ <br /> without fuHher demond and muy invoke the puwer of sale and any dher remedies permitted by upplicable law. --- <br /> � Lender shull he enlitled to collect all expen�rs incurred In pursuing Ihe remedies provided in this pum�[raph 21. <br /> includinR,but not limited to,reaainuble uttorneys'ires�nd costs oP tille evidence. <br /> ' IP the power of Sale is fnvnked,'IYustee shall record a notice oP dePuult in each cuunty in which uny parl oi the <br /> .0 <br /> ' ' Property is loculed and shull muil copiec of�uch nutice in the manner pr�wcribed by applkuble law to Borrower and to � <br /> � •� the uther personx prescribed br upplicable luw Aite�the time required bv applicuble Irw,'fruslee whall�ive public <br /> , �; notice of w�le to the personR aod in Ihe munner prescrlbed bv applicable lu«�. 71'ustee. µ�llhout demand on Borrower, �. <br /> " shell seD the Property at public aucli�m to the hiRhert bidder at the time and plucr und under the termc designated in �R; <br /> , , .,:,:',. <br /> , , , ;,. �._;: the notice uP�u►le in one or more purcels and in unv order'IYustee determines. 'Iruslee muy postpone sale of all nr Any �'J_ <br /> �M,, parcel os Ihe Property by publk uanouncemenl at the time und luce o��ny reviou�ly�cheduled wle. Lxnder or its <br /> ,�� s.;i.:.�_}v. . P p <br />;; � �� � desi�nee may purchase the Nrnpertr ut unv ssde. �'"':' <br /> Q;":. <br /> �'', Upon receipt of payment uf Ihe prke bid,71�ustee shall deliver tu tfie purchuser 7Yustee's deed conveying Ihe �_A_ <br /> �' '•" Property. The recitals in the'IFu�tee'+deed+hull I�e primu Pucie rvidence uf the Iruth ui'the stutements made therein. .�.�. <br /> 7Yustee shall apply Iha pr�eeds of the sale in the t'olluwinR urder: lal tu oll co.r•Iz and expenses uf exercisinR the power �,:, <br />_ , „'. -- <br /> , ��t�� ' • �:�: <br /> : --, <br /> : ���� <br /> . � <br /> , <br /> +� ' � • Fi►rm N12N 4r40 y��ier�,qn�a�ir�i � , <br /> . � <br /> , E <br /> . .. ..,.........r•v... . �-� . . � . . �� r. r':t� <br /> � <br /> 4 , <br /> , , <br /> �: <br />