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<br /> �.����-��c�.--�— candemnAtion a�uthcr toking of any pwt of the Pmpeny.ur for conveyunce in lieu ui'cundemnutiun.urc herehy axsi�{ned wul _
<br /> .� �hnll be puid to Lender.
<br /> -- —�_--- °`_� In the event of u total tuking of thc Property, �he procPedK Khuli be npplied lo ihc xums xcuRd by ihis Sccurily
<br /> —'���'"''�'%f?� Inxtrument,whe�her or nut�hen due,with uny excess puid�o Burrowar. In ihe even!of a partiul �aking uf thr Properly in
<br /> �,:�n �- .•���:+. :,
<br /> ' '�•�,�, .. which the fair m+ukrt vnluc nf thc Pmpeny immediutely bcfure thc tuking Is eyuul to ur greuicr Ihun the umuunt oP the sumx
<br /> ' �• recurcd by this Security lnnirumcnt Immediutely before the�uking,unlehti Bonuwcr und l.cnJcr o�hcrwi�c u�erce in writin�.
<br /> ���'���" �he sums r,ecured by this Securlty In�.wment shall be reduced by th�umount of the pr�xeeds multiplied by Ihe folluwing
<br /> "'"'"-'a`�`��'�•''."' fraction: la)ihe tatal omount of thr wum4+ecunr.d immediutely befnrc thc taking,dividcd by(b►�hc fuir murkel vnluc�if the L
<br /> � .��''''h � Pro n immedimcl before the tAlcing. Any bulunre shull hc puid w Borrower. In the evem of u puniul taking of�hc
<br /> �.. �:�:+sm�n.:�.. � Pe Y Y
<br /> Property in which�hc Fair murket volue of thc Propeny immediutely 6e:fore�ha taking i� less thun thc umount af the �;ums
<br /> ���'„�; V� �+ �'.�+:� I secured immediately before the tuking, unless Burmwer und Lender othenvi�e ugrec in writing ��r unlezs upplicuble luw
<br /> la��ic'�F�`. �'; otherwise pravides,the proceeds shull be applicd to the sumti secured by this Security In�trumen�whcther or nut�he aumx urc
<br /> '-;.,..;:::; �::� � Ihendue.
<br /> - �1��:.?`.'.�,:.a�: If the Propeny iz ah:uidoned by Borrowcr,ar iF,utier no�ice by Lender to Bormwer that the condemnor affen to make —
<br /> -�-° •- • • an uwc+rd or rcttle a claim for dumugel,Borrawer Puils to res�nd to Lender within ?0 dayti uRer Ihe date the notice is given. «
<br /> �-��'��?;����:;,:.;;: '� Lender is�+uthorixed w collect and apply the proceedr,at it.optian,either to rcgtomtion ar rvpair of�he Property or to the
<br /> � � sums xecurcd by this Security lnsuument,whether ar not then due.
<br /> ����=''���_'� ` Unle�s Lender und B�xrower othenvixc ugrce in writinF, ooy applicution af prureeJs to principul �bull not cxtend or
<br /> -�, ,r•.----•�r.�,-:�.
<br /> -- �w:�r��•�-- �-°��'`�5•- 1 �ct ne the due dutc of ihc m�mthl � mcnts referred lo in ra ru hs 1 und 2 or change[he umount of such pnyments.
<br /> r�{�'",_ . I po' po Y P�Y !'+1 g P _._
<br /> _� ,;„��..;�;��;.'�;,�:• . 11. Borrowe� Not Released; Forbearance By l.ender Not a Wuiver. Extension of �he iime for payment or
<br /> -��i•:�";s{;�;. ,. � modificulian of umuni�atian of�he�ums cecured by�his Sccurity lmtrument gmnted by Lender ta any tiuccezsor m interest
<br /> �"�'��; `�� • of Borrowe�shall not operote to releu��he liubiliry of the ariginul Bormwer ar Banawerz succe.�a� in interest. Lender
<br /> _.. - - - _;.�°;�• _
<br /> _;,f,�� � ' .,,,,t. " shull rwt be rcquited ta commence prcxecdingy aguimt w�y successar in interc�t or refuu to extend t}me for puyment or _.._.
<br /> ��.,. � othcrwisc madify amanizA�ion of�he sums tiecured by this Sccuriry Instrument by rcution of any demand mudc by the original
<br /> >�•� ' '• Borrower or Bartower's xuccessan in in�ere�et. Any furbrurunce by Lcnder in exercicing any right ar remedp shall not be a
<br /> �• waiYer oP or preclude the exerci,e of uny right or rcmedy. e_
<br /> `�� 4 ' � . 12. Successurx and A�.gigns Bound:Joint and Several I.fabilily;Co-9igners. 71►c covenants and agmements of this _..._
<br /> � . � Security In�lrument +�hall bind;u�d benefit the,ucccsson mid •rssignw of Lcndcr nnd Barrower.+ubject to thc provisiom of __
<br /> , � , . .. puragrnph 17. Barrower's covenamti and ugrcement+ shull be joint und �everul. Any Borrower w•ho co-rigns Ihiz Security�
<br /> . Instrument but does nnt exccute the Nutc: lu)i+ca-signing this Security Inxtrument anly to mongAge,grunt and convey that __
<br /> " Borrower's intercrt in the Property under�he termx of thix Securiiy Instrumcnt: lM)ix nnt per+onully obliguted�o pny[he sumti �n�
<br /> — .� , secured by this Securily In+�rument:anJ Icl ugrecx�hut Lcnder•rnJ uny uther BoRC.wer may agrce to extend,madify,forbcur �:;�:
<br /> : . or muke uny uccomm«iutNmx wilh regurd lo thr tertn+� of'this Security Instrument ar the Note wi�houl th�t BarrowerE �,
<br /> � consent.
<br /> ..... N.� • '
<br /> � ' 13. Loan Charyt�. If thc loan serured hy ihi� Security Ins�rument i..ubject to a luw which set�: maximum loan
<br /> ' � charges,und Ihut luw is finally inleR+mted.rn thut Ihe interes�or other foun churges coiiecieJ or w i�c wiie�te3 in cansKCtion
<br />- .;,,; ; with the los►n excced the permitted limit+,then: tul uny such loun chargr shull Ix�reduccd by the umuunt necessury to reduce —
<br /> the churge to�hr pc;rmitted limil:und Ihl uny sums alrcuJy rol Iected from Borrower which exceeded p�:rmiued limits will be _
<br /> � refundeJ ta SoRUwcr. LenJer muy choosc�o make this mfunJ by rcducing the principul oweJ unJcr the Notc or by muking a _
<br /> " . " direct paymem to Born�wer. If a retund roducex principul,the Rducti�>n will Ix treuted•rs a puniul prcpvyment without uny
<br /> prepuyment charge und�r Ihe Nu�e. _
<br /> , ' 14. Notices� Any naticc lo Borrowcr provided for in thiti Security In.trument shull hc givcn My delivering it ur by
<br /> - muiling it by firsl rlux�muil unlc�s upplicublc luw rcyuire�uK af unolhcr m�thocl.The notice.hull he Jirccted tu lhr Prapeny --
<br /> Address or uny othcr udJrc.� BoRUwcr Jr.ignutc�by nu�i�c �o Lcndcr. Any noticc ti�Lcndcr�hal)hc given by first clasx �;.,,,
<br /> mail to Lcnder s nddre+.s�utrJ hrrcin��r any u�hcr addre�.��ndcr Jr,ignutcs hy noticc w Borrowcr. Any notice providrd for �"
<br />• in Ihis Serurity Inslrumcnl �hull ix deemed to havr Ixrn �ivrn �o Borrower or Lcndcr whcn given us provided in this r'' ��
<br /> puragruph.
<br /> . ' ' � IS. GuvcrninK Law; Severabilifv. Thiti 5crurily In+lrunient �hull tx �ovrmrJ hy t'edenil law •rnd thr law of thc �_-
<br /> , "•, jurisdiction in which thc Pn►{xrly ix I�kuled. In Ihe rvenl thut uny provitiion or rluu,r of 1hi.Srcurity In+trument or the Note
<br /> � '.: . conflicts wi�h upplicablr IuN..uch contlict sh:dl not af'f�rt o�her pruvi�ium ut'Ihi� Securiry In,lrumrnl ur the N�Ne whirh run ��."`
<br /> . • lx given et'fect without thc cuntlirting pr��vision. 'lii this end Ihe pmvi.ium��f thi+Securiry (t►mtrument anJ lhe N�Kr urc � •
<br /> . • decliucd k�Ik,cveruble. —�-T�
<br /> 16. B�rower's Cupy. B�►rruw•cr,hall lx�i�•en une cunti�mud rupy ol'1he Notc and��f thi+Securiry In.trument. '
<br />' � ° 17. 7FAnsPer oP the P�operty or u Keneficial Intcrezt in Norrower. II aU��r any p�r���i'th�Pro�xrty ur any imerest in
<br /> � . . � • '..old ur trun�l'crrcd :uxl Borrowcr is not u nulur�l Exrsnnl �' .r
<br /> ,.• it is sold i�r tr.msf'�md(ur it'a Ixncliciul intcm,i m Horr�w�r i ,. .
<br /> , :''��' wilhout Lcnikr'�prior writtrn ron+ent.Lrndrr muy. +�I il+option.rrquirr immrdiatc pa}•rncnt in t'uU ot'all,um� .ccured by ,
<br />_ .;�y:,.;,�'�� � �hi+Scrurity In.trument. Howcvrr,this upti�m shull mw Ix cxcrci.cJ My LenJer il'rxerci.r i+prohibited by 1'rdernl luw as ot' �==-=
<br /> •'� � ''"•i: thc dulc c►f�hi�Serurity In�trumcnt. • •�
<br /> , . ��� • .. .. . If Lendcr�xcrcise�thi�uption.L�ndrr,hall�:iv� Rurrower nutirc uf:�crelrr.Uiun. Th�nutirr,hall pmviJe u�xriixi ot' �;:
<br /> � • nol Icxs Ihun�0 Juyx from Ihc dutr Ihe nalirr i�drlivrrcd ur muilyd within whirh(3orroarr rou.t p:ry all sums.crurcJ by Ihi,
<br /> _ •��„r�:• . Sccurity Ins�runxnl. If B�rrowcr 1'ail.to puy Ihc.� +wn, prinr tu Ihr rxpir:ui��n uf thiy�xri�xi. Lcndcr muy inv�ikc any
<br /> ,;;,t;`„ . remcdir��xnniucd hy thi.Suurity In�trumem w•iihout funhcr notirr ur demand un liurtoHCr.
<br /> IS. Norroµ�er's Ri ht to Reintitute. II' Borruw�r ntret. cenain cunditian.. R��rra��er �hall havr th� ri�:ht Ii� huve �`��`
<br /> ;.,, �„ R .
<br /> ... � enfortiemcnt ul'�hi�Serurit.• hititrument di,ruminucd:u:my time pri��r�u thr rarlicr i�f: I:u 5 da.•.lur wrh ��Iher�xri�xl u. (
<br /> . ' Smµlc l;uml�•-F'unnk 11nNFreddle�fuc l'VIFIINti1 1\S'1'Rl�lt:�'1 1'nd��m�Cu�enani. 4�911 yu�c�•�„►��►w�v�••� �
<br /> , . �...'�' �,i.
<br /> �
<br /> ___u____._ _ .
<br /> ' �
<br /> �
<br /> . . � �. - _
<br />