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<br /> :�•�:*:�.;°�-+�'•�� R,pqs until(i) L,pxkr lus given Barrowtr noticc of defailt pursu�tt W par�QraPfi 21 of the Secu�ity Inw�uma�t�nd(ii)
<br /> 'i ,�vK•�'�.r:•':
<br /> ��rr�scc�c.;•.;.� L,ender has�iven notice w tho tenant(a)Itwt the Rents ue W be paid to Lender or Lenduti a�ent. Thiy aui�nment of Ra�u
<br /> �:-=�*% caaeiwtes�n�bwlute assi�nment and not an�ssi�nment for additional Recurlty only.
<br /> ` `= "--��� If Lender gives nolica of b�each to Borrower:(i)all Etcnto�eceived by Borrower shall be hcld by Bortowcr as wctea for =
<br /> the bcnefit oP Leoder only.to be appliod to�he swnc socured by thc Security incwmenr (ii) LGUbr shall be enlitled to
<br /> ?���. � wllxt and recxive all of'the Itenls oP the Propeny:(iii)Borrower agree�that es�ch tenant oi the PropereY etuill psY dl Rents
<br /> �'�"��"'2�''` due and unp�id ta L.ender or Landerb ageota upon Lenderh written demand to the tenont;(iv)unless applicable Inw provides
<br /> -�.�.�.��._.,,�.
<br /> '_°':'�:}TRx:;+1+�;:-: '• olt�wis�, a11 Renta cdlected by Lender or Leaderk agents ehall be applied lirst ro the caets of twkin�control of and
<br /> "`''y'���"''d1i ' m�na�ing�he Property w�d collecting�he Rents,including,but nc�t limited to, altomey�s fce�.receiverl�iea.premiums on
<br /> ���•�p �'� •a �+eCliVe�b b011ds�rcpair and meintenance cosls.insurance prcmiums,ta�es,asse�smentc and other churges on 1he Property,
<br /> � ��' �A��• . and Ukn to the wm�aecured by the 3ecudty Inctrument;(v) Lender.Lender'a egents or any judiclally Appointod roceiver
<br /> =�.-��.'-�""�:•�: '�
<br /> �;,, .�...n� shall be IiAble W�qW�t for only those Rents uctually received;and(vf)l.ender shall be entiUe�to have a rece ver�ppo nled
<br /> .._ ���.� to uike poscex�ion oTand menage the Property and collect tho Rentc end profits derived from the Property wUhoul ony
<br /> .�., w:.�...�. ...
<br /> � .y - -�-
<br /> `�`�►fi�:,��y�,�;°' ahowing a�w U�e inadequacy of the Properry as securily.
<br /> �����-';��►r.: !i 1he Rent�of the Pruperty are not sufficient to caver the costa of taking control of aad manogi�g 1he Property and of
<br /> `!-"=:�t�^, collxting�he Renls any fumis oxpended by Lender ior euch purpo��hall becoma indebte�oi 6orrower to L.ra�der
<br /> -.�-.—�"�-w�.
<br /> ' i;�;�s�:.�^f�3� : soeured by the Sa:urity[nswment purcuant to Uniform Covenunt 7.
<br /> - -='��>��`il,:.� Borrower rcpresenlc and warrAnta Ihat Borrower has not executed any pdor ossignment uf Ihe Ronts and haf rwt and wjU
<br /> ,_ �..,� ......
<br /> ,,„���:�• `' . ' not pedortn any act that would prevent L.ender from exerciaing ils riahts under thi:ppragraph.
<br /> ;:.:�;�.. hq,�,, ,`,�`^ Lender.or Lender� agente or a Judiciplly appolnted receiver,shall�ot be required to entar upon,take conlroi of or
<br /> � •° '°��,�'�'•� ° malnipin Ihe Property before or after giviog notice of default to Barrower. However, I.e�xler.or Lenderk agents or a
<br /> �=::�i� �,. ..
<br /> �.�;�:'�' judiciully appointed receiver.moy do so a1 any time when e default occurs. Any app l icat ion o f Ren t s a h a l l no t curc o r w a i v e
<br /> ` ��`� �� an defauit or invalidate any other rfght or remedy of Lender. 11iis+�si�nment of Ranla of the Property ahall tamiiwte whon
<br /> =-"•s�>E'' .,�f.:. :.. Y
<br /> ,. ;.� �. ' • dl ihe wms�ecu�ed by the Secudty Instrument aro p�(d in full.
<br /> ��� .
<br /> �a=� • I.CROS3-DEFAULT PROVlSION.Borrowerb defwlt or breach under any note or agrcement in which Lender iws an
<br /> �:, � . � �• interest ahall ba a breach under�he 3ecur1ly 4�wment and I.ender may invoke any of tho�t�aiies perndtted by the Security
<br /> .�:� y:,����.a�;►+.,,.::, ltutcumeo�
<br /> ':t-� .-� : _ BY SIONWO HELOW,Somower accepts and agrees W 1he ten�u and vi in�hia 1�4 P�mily Rldet �
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