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<br /> �,.. '.� � 1-4 FAMILY RIDER
<br /> .
<br /> , � � � Assi�nment of Rents
<br /> • h =• " �� � THIS 1�FAMILY R1DER is ma�de Ihin 7th d�y af Mey. 1992 �
<br /> :. � .
<br /> '�.::.= � ' �nd is intao�porated inw+ud chall 6e decmed to amend end auppkment che Mortgsge. Iked of 71ust or 3ecudtp Doed(the �� .-
<br /> " °" • • F'�. "Seeuriry l�atrument")ot the wne date�iven by the u n d e r s i�n e d(I h e"9 o rt ower')w i e c u rc Barrowary Note to The
<br /> - . ° �• Equiteble Building end Loan Associatfon, Grand Islend� Nebraske �����„� _
<br />�-�:`i ' ' , ' Qf 1he�une dRte uid coverin��he Prc►paty descri6ed in the Saudry Imtrument�nd located u: 359 South Plum� and
<br /> �-'
<br /> � 328-335 South Plum. arand Island, Nebreske 68801
<br /> �,:.;
<br /> :��� , . •� ., � I�h�WI
<br /> ., .�
<br /> .. „ .. 1-4 FMii1.Y COVLNANTS. io a�iJitlon lo ihe covenants and ogrecrc�nts made in ihe Security Instrument�Bamwer �°-�'�°
<br /> . . , �nd L,eMer(artber oovenont and agrtx as follows: _
<br /> , described in the Security Instrument. Ihe following items are added to the Property description.and shall also constfwte the ---
<br /> , property covered by the Securily Instrument:building matedals,eppllances and gouds af every nature wha�soever now ar _
<br /> hcreafter laated in,on.or used,or intended to be used ln connec�ion with ihe Property,including,but not Bmited to,lhose �_::
<br /> a�-
<br /> •� for the pwposes of supplying or disaibuting henlfng,cooBng,electricity, gas, water. air and light, fire prevemion and �-____�,��
<br /> extinguishing appuratus. security and access control apparatus,plumbing, bnth tubs. water heaters. water closeta. :ink�, _____
<br /> � ^ rengea,atoves.refrigeratots.dishwesiurs,dispasols,washers,dryers.awnings.storm windows,storm doors,screcna,blinds, �.��-�•
<br /> • ahades,cunatns and cuhain rods,attached mirrors,cabinetx.panelliog and attached floor covedngs now c►r hereafter anached ���„,.;
<br /> ' to�he Property,all of which,includi�g replcicemenis and additions thereto,shnll be deemed to be and remain a pari of�he • ,
<br /> � Property cmeied by thB Security Inswmcnt. All of 1he foregoing together with the Property described in the Secu�ty � ��
<br /> Inatrumcnt(or thc leasehold estate if�he Security InstrumeM is on a lessehold)are refened to in�his 1-4 FamilY Rider and t_
<br /> �__. the Security Insqument as�he"Property." - _ - _
<br /> • �i�`� .'�:. B.USB OF PROPERTY;COMPI.IANCE WITH I.AW. Borrower shall not seek,agree ro or make u change in the F""�°"'s°"` - .
<br /> ''�`;;';r use of the Property or 1ts zaning classification,unless Lender lias�greed in writing to U�e change. Borrower shall comp�Y � -��,
<br /> � �. ;�•.
<br /> ;�,`��'`,'� wilh all lawa.ordinances,regulalians snd requiremants of any governmentul body appiiruble to the Propeny. ,{
<br /> • � �•,�ll�', . r..:;r
<br /> . •�� . �' ,•.'`,::., • C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. �xcept as petmined by federal luw.Borrower shall nat allow any lien inf�rior to the � ,� t •
<br /> ' ,;;.��,.•, Securily Inclrument to be perfected against the Propeny without l.ender's prior written perniission. ,
<br /> � D.RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance aguinst rent loss in addi�ion to the dher hazwds for ; � , .•-�-:' ,
<br /> which insurnnce is required by UnfCorm Covenant S. � ��`�
<br /> • E."BORROWRR'S RIGNT TO RE[NSTAT�"DELE'fTsD. Unifortn Cmenant 18 is deleted. � ',,'��
<br /> . �t'•. . '
<br /> ��,�`""���. F BORROW�R'S OCCUPANCY. Unleys l.onder and Barrower othenvisC ugree in writing. the first senrence in +
<br /> ,�;�i;:�;���' � �._, Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower"s occupnncy of the Propeny is deleted. All remaining covenants end agreements , .��,_�`. _,
<br /> . �,��• '.•,i•;: . set forth in Uniform Covenum 6 shall remuin i�efiect. "`��.��•�.�.
<br /> ` '" ' G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASFS. Upon Lender's request,Bartower rshull ussign�o l.ender all leuses of the Property , ,T'��c�
<br /> � � and all s�curity deposits mude in connection w{�h leuses of�he Prop�:rty. Upon the assignment,Lendcr shall have the right to „�_�
<br /> modify, exlend or�erminnte the existing leuses und to exccute new leuses, in l.ender�sole discretion. As used in this _ ___.___
<br /> • puragr�ph Q.ihe word"lease"sha�)meun"sublease"if Ihe Security Instrument is on u IeascholJ. m,,;�:�tt
<br /> ;i., . ,n,...
<br /> � , absolulely and uncondilfonolly ussigns and trnnsfers ta Lender aU the rents and revenues 1'Rents")of the Property.regardless
<br /> of to wF:om the Renls of the F'ropeny ure payuble. Borrower authorizes Lender ar I.ernfer's•ngen�s to collect the Rents,and
<br /> agrees�hu�each tenant of�he Property shall pvy�he Rents to LenJer or Lender�s agems. Huwever,Borrower ahull receive the
<br /> �
<br /> � I MULTISTA7E 1�1 FAMILY RIDER-FtiwMe ModF}eddlt IMac Uaiform Imuuo�mt Fo►m 3170 9/90 (pogt 1 oJ2 pagetl
<br /> � �»o�9�an r.er vt«e�ra�.�.uo.■
<br /> roa�rce:i�oua�o�o r�xa►»taioi
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