<br /> � ' : ��.- - _ _ . _ - _ .r.- .=t_:.== -�.:��:
<br /> �ww� - .-- _-- - —
<br /> .� ,y . , ' �.-,:a:,.'--
<br /> . _.._... � , ' - - -- - -
<br /> .. , ., . _ - --
<br /> - - - -aa.Mr---��d1�r.-'- :��ts-_,�Tv-�. ��.•i-,._ ---- — ����-
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<br /> 16.iic..•�,.+e,'r�Cu�y. F�,�u.r c��il b� l��w�o.�caa.°a��►ui c�,y of tt►..hai�;aad af this 5:;.uci:y In�um:nz
<br /> ' 17.7YaaJir ot the H�nprMy or��iaterat fa Borraw�. If all ar any paut oi'thc Propcity or�ny intavst in it i9
<br /> sold or transferrod(oc it a Qenefki�l lntc�st in Ba�owee 1� �old ur tr�nsf�rrad wxf Barmwer is not a naau�l �rx�cx�) witMwt
<br /> l.oru3cr's prior wrlttrn cauen�l.r�der rt►ay,u irs �ro4u:ro immodtue payment i�full of all uuns socurod by thi�Sacurity
<br /> Insuurt�cnt Nc�wavrr.tdIa oFtkx�clu11 aot bo by l.cader lF cxerc�sc w proh�biaod by fodor�!1aw�oF thc d�to of thi�
<br /> sa:w►►y r��.
<br /> if I.endcr ra�u+clxa thi�opt�on,l.aidor shall�ive Scwrawer nc�iice oi accc{ee�tk�n,The n�►iica�+`�ll p:uvitk ap�.-icx�ot'aot i�±a
<br /> thr� �p da��g from�he�ic tbc noiloa i�cklivaat or rt�within whkh Borrawcr must pay alt surns ceGUrcd by thic Socurity.
<br /> I�If Flarrowar falla W piy t�CSC`ums ptiot to th.:explration of this period.L,e�dcr may ia�mice aay ranociiey peraiiuod
<br /> by thls Sxutity Insorumcat wilhou![tulbot aotice oc detu�pd on Botmwcr.
<br /> 18.Ba�r�w+er'r R��t w ite�te.. .E€ F�.-�,k�: �r.aas c:si:::s ca.�ii'sasis, Ba�w:,r s2us1! ls�v� tA; right ta Aave
<br /> cuforcernau of this Secunty Iiuuua�eat diaoontmuott At any dmo pri� W the earlier of: (�) 5 dayA (ar cuch other period as
<br /> �plleabb I�w n�y specif Wyr rr�nstai�arno��i)bit'are�ie af the Peoptrty to any pawor o�:ca{e contauur!in tbls Sxuriry
<br /> Inswmen�;or(b)cnaY of a)udgmenc cnfmcia��hia Socuriry Iuwunkr►��conditiaw Are thut B�rrawer:(a)psys Lcndu aU
<br /> sums which tba� wauW be dwe�ader this Socurity Irutnunent and the Note a9 if no accele�atioa iu�d oocurt�d:(b)cuns any
<br /> �ktault of�ny otAer covenants ar�ra�maua;(c?WYs aU expenx.s ixw7rod 'a eafoncing this Socority insmuaen�includiog.but
<br /> t�ot limited W.reasonsble attoroeys'foes;aod(d)alces sucl�actlott aa I.eacier map re�s�o�aably trqwtr tR assuro tbat ttro Uen of this
<br /> Securiry Iasuutacnt� l.e�xkr's ngAts in the Propeny And Barroatir's obl�gaBon to pay tAe sum9 sxurod by thiv Sacurity
<br /> insuumtnt shall oontinue unch�n�od. Upaa reins�ana�t by &xrower, this Securit5� Instrunx�t�nd the obligotiaas socurod
<br /> herrby sh�ll nmaia fully e!'Fective aa i[ao�oa]nratio�h�d occurrod.Howevu,this rlgbt to rein�tAU�sbAll aot appfy in the cico of
<br /> �cakration undet 17.
<br /> 19.Saie ot Note; R�e of l.oaa Serviar. 'Ibo Note ar a p�rtW intars: ia tbe Natc (WgdAer witb tuia Security
<br /> Instn�a�ent)may be suW one or ma+e tLnae wltbout p�ior!wtice W Boimwer.A saie may r�wlt in a ct�ange w the asdty(Icnown
<br /> as the"l�ow Savber")that oolkcts moathlY FaY�u due w�da the Note and thiv Socurity In.strum�u.There sTs+o a�aybe one or
<br /> mor�clnn�es of the Lo�a Servicer unrelatcd W a saie of We Note�.If there ia a et�ange of the Iaatt Servicer,Bam�wer wiU be
<br /> givcn written notioe of tDo chaage ia acoocdar�oe with pira��d 14 nbove uWapplk�bio�aw.Tt�notioe will snte the aa�ae aad
<br /> addrcss of tba aew Loan Savieer aad tl�e addcess to wlueb paymeat�ct�ou3d be m�k.The ao�ir.a will alw coataiia wy odw
<br /> iafam�tion requitnd by�1lcable law.
<br /> 20.}iasardow Subdaaoa. Batower s1uU not c�e or permit the pccse�cc. us0. d�spossl�stan�K0. or re3�a9e of aay
<br /> Ha�rdou�Subst�ocxs oa or in We PmQmty.Barrowa shall ad do�nor allow anyane clsa b do.nnythin�affectiag tbe Pm�aty
<br /> that is iu viWation of aaY Eav�+namawl I.aw.'Ifie procaling two seateaces st�11 notapply w t!w p�nce.use,ar s�o��ge oa tl�e ,
<br /> Pr�paty of snwU qwntuies of Hmcdons Substancw t1u�¢aro�et�uaUy rocognized tn be ap�xn�niate to ao�mal te.sidmti�l uses
<br /> and to maunea��of the Pt+nperty.
<br /> Bormwer s1�all P�P�Y S�Me l�ender wriva� aotic�o of any investtgatioa,claim. dernand. IawFUit ar other actka by aoy
<br /> govanmaital or r�gWawr�►aBau:Y or priv�te p�ty involviag tLe Prope�ty and any I�IaT�rdotia Suba�nce or Environnxata]Law
<br /> o�a�bi�ce Bormw�na��oov1edga�f Barowa 1ar�.a is aoa�ti.ed by any Bo��or nau�y a�uac;ri,m�c�ny
<br /> removat or oatia ranoai�tion a�f aay I�axarrlous s�bstanoe�tt�ect�the Property i�aoaes�yr.Bomower stull pnmptty vt�e all
<br /> t�oxas�y reraodial ac8ons in s�.�danoe with Favironmeunl Iaw.
<br /> As used ia this panpta� 2(1. 'H�rdous Subatanas' are tboae�d�i"cs�,3 as te�c3c or ht::udous �by
<br /> Etrviroamwtsl II;as� m�d tbe folbwing subsanCes: gacoline. lces'o�erie. oti�es �-`.��- or b�;�eudaim p�da.'b. couc
<br /> pe�icida md 4�ocidss,volatik�olveats,m�aials oantaiaing asbesaoa cx fait�ldeQ}�de.�ad r�r.�mr-rive m�terals.As wod i�
<br /> dus 20.'Fnv�omneanl Iiw"a�eans fe3eca14ws aod lsws of the j�ui9dictiaa�rLae i9�Par�aty is bcated that rela�e
<br /> 10 4 s�y a eaviroamearal p�iectim
<br /> NON-UNJPOdi1VS COVENAIV'I'S.Baciuwer�od I.eader fi�rtha covemat aad�ree ss fdbwa:
<br /> � 2!.Aaderst�Cm:�temedin.l.esder�!!�ive eolice tfl Borro�r+er priar tQ�deratioe�a��wr+ow�a�'s be�ach ot
<br /> aa� oo�e�aat e� a�r�mee! io thii Secority Iastraaeat (bot aot prior to aoodentioR �rader para=rap6 17 ooks
<br /> appiiea�ie!aw p�mmida ot�wiu�,1'be�ot�ce�Y spuify:(s)ttie ddaalti(b?ttie actioMe rex�dred eo as+e He defisk;(e)
<br /> a dste.�ot iw tias 30 dsps flro�a LL.�date tl�e�otioe i�Eiveo fo Borrawer•by w�ici t�e defa�l!=�t be pr�d;a�d(d)
<br /> ttiat fiil�re�o c�re tYe dela�lt a�o�be?ore He dat�e rptciffed i�ttie nolioe nas raett ie�ca3ec�o�o�tit�t secrred
<br /> b�d�ir Stc+srf�r Ia�truee�!asd u!e of tLe Pe+epert�.7're aotioe s1�W furtber ietana Boenower af t4 ri�it t�r+eiutste
<br /> sRer scakratioi s�d rie ri�t to bri�a oout actioi to a�n�t t�eoe�i�feaa ot a defadt or n�ofitr defmfe at
<br /> �orrawe��a aooe�eratio�ard tal�If t�t de�aolt k�ot e��ed o�or before ttie�4r�e!��!b t�e�ot�oe,l.t�der.a!ib
<br /> aP��7 ro9�'e i�ediste p��wt i�(IV of a➢s�ss�ec�red b�t�i�Seairib i�wit�o�t h�er ders�d
<br /> ard�ay iv�oi�s ttie�ww�ee ot We a�d a�y atier n�aedia per�itted b�appNeabie law.�r�re e�c�ea�oo�ea
<br /> ar e:peaKt i■nrnd ia p�rwi■S t�e�esed�es previded i�tl�paraRipL 21,ieehdi�t�b�E iot Ii�tfed Lo,r�ea�o�aiie
<br /> a11o�e�s'tees a�d aosb af dde e*ideaca
<br /> It tre po�w�er o�sak i�i�roke�.'l��ee�a1 reoord �eotice ot d�fsdt i� aeh oo�i� wricti a�� p�rt o�t�e
<br /> ltaperq it iontod a�d��ail copiea a��i�otioe i�t�e�a�e�prexzib�d b�appicabia l�w b Borro�er a�e1 to t�e
<br /> �'P�+�P�67 iPP�k hw Alter t�e time reqained b7 iPPikabk faw,Tru4tee sra!pve p�lic�otioe a�
<br /> aie to t�e pes�o�s a.a i�rye.a..er prnaribea bJ app�irnwe 4wr.rrwne,w;tio�c tiemaurB o.Borro,rer,stia��t�e
<br /> Yropertj�t p�kSc aNetio�to tie i��CSt 6iddar at t6e tise�ad�f�ax aad nad�r tie terw des�ated fi t�e rofies d sale
<br /> Ee►wesoZt YliO
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