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<br /> � _, __...r;:�....�....- - _ _ - - --__ _--_ _
<br /> ���� _ . . '� .. �:m ��:.=.a... -- . .. Y� — ..��._:
<br /> -- - • _ -, ' �,s_�r.. _
<br /> . c .. .-- - ...aar.::+�-:r-.z�:r_4.�r.,.�• --=-= ».�..�.,�-- ,
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<br /> WY�u�y ao k►a�e�ba i�wui:�d,ac tts,optioA of L�e�xles�if�nxxt��Sa i�ncruw�.o c.�vcsage(ia thc emount and for tho period r
<br /> tiuu laukr roquir�)provido�d by aa insnrer appravod by Ix,nder�aiu boax�i►es�►v,�le.�dl i�obtai:sod.Borrowes�i!�wy ihe
<br /> P�ium3 raluirod w m�Lstain nxxt�a iutwynco in ejfoci.or w provida• los�reserve,unti! thc roquiremtr►t f�x rtu�rt��ye
<br /> iosurenca end�in acootd�►ce wit�any wtiuea�cr,uncat�ctwoen IIortower aad L�sdcr or ap�lic�lc 1sw.
<br /> 9.Incpectb�. Lauier or its �eai may ma3�o reasoaable mtries uQGa�►uf 'u�ti�o�of the Prt�petty.l.eada shdl �Ivc _
<br /> Bocsowa ndix at d�e ti�e of ar prlor to an iaspoction s�aifYia�cr.i.+oc�abb c�us�for tlse irspoctiaA. -
<br /> 10.Co+�des��tZan. ita procxds d' any awud or r.l� for dam�Bes.dir�oct or cousoqu�atta�in cwu�octtoa with any �-
<br /> ca.-k;:..-na:�a.�a ot.".tr telc�e,s ai any�t oi'tha �ro�a�tY�or for coavayaaco ia liw of c�ema�t+oa.aco barcby uslYned aad =
<br /> sAal!bo�+Ld to La�der.
<br /> Ia tbe event of a t�otal t�abn8 of the PropettY.t�e Ptoca�ds chaA Da appl�ed to tAZ sums sxurod by thls Security Inswmeat. _
<br /> wGUder or aot t1�n duo�with any eatoess pvd b Barawu.In tlse event of a ps�ttial Wcin$of thc�o�a�tY ia which the fiir cnatk�et
<br /> v�Iue of the Piropaty immediatdY befora�takin�i�equa]a a Qreaw thaa tbe�rrwunt of tt�e wms socurod by tlus Socurity
<br /> Iastramrnc iaunodurely beFore tho akia8� w�less Barower wd i�eader othe�wise+�ro� ia writit��.tAe suass aocurod by thic
<br /> Sxurity Insicumeat shall bo ratucod by dfo Atnount of tho ptncoeds mWtiPlud bY tuc fdbwiag ftACtioo: (a4?tbc Wtsl�ttvwnt of
<br /> thz sums socund ioamodiaiety befare tl�o takin8.dlvidod by (b)�lsc fsir msuicct vaWc of tbe PropatY imm�edi�i�elY beforc thc
<br /> taidng,Aay b�lmce sl�aU be pdd en Bo�awtr.In tdo event of a pattiallakin8 ot tt�o Pt�o�atY ia which the fair matloet v�iuc of tha
<br /> Property inur�etliatelY betoc+e tbo t�.'in8 is less tl�an tho amount of tae sauns socut+ed i�nn�diatefY before 4he takin�� unkss
<br /> Bort�owcr ar�d Ltader otbeswise agrx in writiu8 ot unless apPUcsb:c law othctwise pmvides.the procood9 ttu�ll bc apnliod t�o the _
<br /> aucns sxur�d by this Seauit�r Ias�unec�t whsihet a not d�e sums mre thea due.
<br /> If the PropertY is ab�o�tioaod by Borcawer�or iF.�fter notice hy I.ender to Bacower that tttic coackapnor ot't'ers w maica an
<br /> awan!ar settle a cLim fa d�ns�ees�Bocrower fails to respoade�s nstnndoa or re�is of tba Propaty a c�o the�sums�ocurod
<br /> is susb«ixed o0 oouecc�ad spWy the pracoods�u its opt�oo.
<br /> by t1�Sa�iry Insau�oent.whdHa or oot ttiea due. b shili aot exta�d or postpone
<br /> Unless Lender aod Barower otl�wi9e�qrx i�wtit+a8•aaY+�lics�o�of p+000af� PriacipaZ
<br /> tae due date oi tbe�aoa�hlY pYa�a��rfe�rarl m i�t p�rqYraphs 1 a�W 2 or cfsm�e the�uwwit of suc6 paymeats.
<br /> 1L BarroRer N�4 53dea�ed:Foirbair�wce B7 Lw1er Nat a Waivar. Fi�tmsioa af t6e time fa p�ymau a u�odificatioo
<br /> of�of t6e sums sec�u�od�Y t�si SociuitY L�ume�6T�bY I�w wy suoces�or ia ia�arst of Ba�rowa slall
<br /> aot u�x.-�e to nlease tlse liabil3iY of the ori81�w1 Bo�ruwer or�a�rawer'A s�es�ors w iaw�.ct.I.rnder sdall aot be required W
<br /> oom�nmoe proceedi°8s a�in�wY a�oc�s�x m iwea�ct or ref�w eutad ti�ae far paymeat or oibawis�m�dify amo�r�t�o�af
<br /> t�e s�aa socured by thit Socwiq►Ins�u�a�t b9 reasao af any dan�nd made 6y t0o urigioal Ban+ewa or Barowa's saoces�as
<br /> ;n io�aat. Aay farbe�cance bY�in ea�acisiog�y ri�ht or camedy shall not be a waiver of a pneat�rle the�xu+ci�e of any .
<br /> �°��y' 'Il�a ca�e�saats aad a,�roanaxs af this
<br /> 1Z.S�oeerors a�d Atsi��Bo�ad:Joi�t asd SeveraD g.i�it7i C��z
<br /> Socurity �amuma�t sb�D biad �od beAef"�t the � aotl ass{gns of Leoc3a snd Boamw�, subjoct to the provisiooa ot'
<br /> p�c�ap6 17. Basawer's oovemata aad agreaoa►ts eball be joiat �md �ewr.ral. My Boncowa afim co-sigi�s ti�it Soc�rit�►
<br /> Ia�uwnmt but does�oi execu�e die Nde: (�}is oa'sit�8��Y�am�eot oaty► n nw�tg�c,Kc�at aod oonvry diat
<br /> g.�..w�.•�in�ia�6e Aam�ty�det We Icsa►�of 1hi4 SawitY r^`�,3.�(b)�°0t P�uY�b PqY the�ums
<br /> �o�rd�hy dut SecucitY iu��sd(e)a,�d t�i Les�ec aad aoy odur BoRa�er mty+agrx to e�i.mw�Y.ia�Q -- -
<br /> m�icc aay a000mmodations witk�+egacd w the tar�s of thls S�caraY Inanunau a Wc Note witdout d�ac Bo�mMru's 000�ert. .
<br /> 13.La��Crseti'Ka. If tbe bn socurcd bld c'�s Sa�a'uY In�u�is svb�at w a 1aw ahicb�as m�aaum I000 ch�rBes.
<br /> �od tlat taw�is fia�Uy ds►t�Ix�ted�o thst tba iotcarst a otlxr loao charges co�feqed oe w be a�Uected in eonaxdoo with t3se looa
<br /> excaed d�e pe�mitied limies.tba�:(�)riY sucb loam charge st�ll be nducad by the anouat noo�u�Y t�radux tbe clw�e w tbe
<br /> pecaiitlod limi�aud(b)auY s�s a1�dY��nm Bo�ro+ver whieh accoec{ed p�ermit�ed limits will be nefi�aded w Ba�ro�rer.
<br /> La�ler toay choo�e to make this refuod by rcduciaB �P�o�red uarki tbe�100�c�a by m�lcin� a diroct paytneat ta ,
<br /> Borc�orvcr. ff t rcfaad indt�s Pinci�al.tba roc�sion wili be tre�tad as a P�P�'�Y���Y P�'��Y��8� _ _
<br /> uoder dre I•To�e.
<br /> 11.Notjoes. My aotix a Ba:o�a provided far iu this Sa:�vitY Ia�t�u be Qiv�ao t�►de&vrrin8 it ar by a�aiuo�it
<br /> by f�t cLss mail��akss applicabie la�'reQuires use of anolher method.'ILe notioe shall be d�acied to the Prapetty A�d�u or
<br /> any aa�add�rss E«rower desi�s br oo��t�t.eada.Aay onOCx a l�aod��Lau be givea by►6rst cam mait b Ltaaa's
<br /> addias wlod ea+ein a aoy otba address l.asder des�na�ec bY notice to Boc��o�er.Aay aotioe provlded�far io this Se�curity
<br /> �t�hdl be deemed a lu�ve bem givm t4 Barower or Leada�vtrdn g+���pcovidod ia tbis pra�apb. ,
<br /> � !S.Go�er�i�!LaR:Sererab�t7• '� �► Insauma�t sbaU be Qovesued by ft�drral 4w aad tbe Lw ufc t0e �
<br /> j�ri�dictioo ia�rhicb tbe Proparty is locatod.In d�e eveat tl�t�oy p�m►i�on ar c}a�ssa o�i�is Sec�itY 1a�a�t or tLe IVate
<br /> ooafticts witb applicabie law.s�u�flict sbtll aot a�'xt otber Pe'�visions af tbis Soc.�icy inrt�usneat ac the Nde whicb pa be
<br /> givm effae Mithout the c�oatticarq�pcvr+'ssiao.To t�is ead t3�e provisioos of this Soc�uitY inst�uaxnc�od tbe Nae aco doclaad m
<br /> be uvaabie.
<br /> Fo�.ioZS l/�o
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