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2oioo934� <br />(4) The East 100 feet ofthe Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 143 North, <br />Range $8 West, excepting all that portion previously acquired for public highway <br />right-af-way and all that portion lying within 33 feet of the section line, <br />containing 3.62 acres, more or less. <br />24. The SW1/4 of Section 12, Tawnship 143 North, Range 88 West of the Sth P.M., except <br />th� four followin� tracts: <br />(1) The tract beginning at the southwest corner of the SW 1/4 of Section 12, Township <br />143 North, Range $8 West; thence east 424 feet; thence north 265 feet; thence <br />west 324 feet; thence north 2375+ feet to the east-west quarterline; thence west <br />along the quarter line 104 feet to the section line; thence south along the section <br />line 2640+ Feet ta the point of beginnin�, said tract containing 8.03 acres, more or <br />less. <br />(2) Tract "G": A tract of land situated in the SW 1/4 of Section 12, Township 143 <br />North, Range 88 West, Mercer County, North Dakota, for the purpose of a <br />roadway lying between parallel lines 200 feet apart, being 100 fe�t on each side <br />when measured at right angles to the following centerline of tract: Beginning at a <br />point which bears N25°58'45.8"E a distance af 2625.28 feet from the southwest <br />corner of said Section 12; thence NSS°00'28.8"E a distance of 488.26 feet, said <br />tract containing 2.24 acres, more or less. <br />(3) Tract "H": A tract of land used for the purpose of a roadway lying between <br />parallel right-of-way lines 200 feet apart, beizt� 100 feet on each side when <br />measured at ri.ght angles ar radially ta the followin�-described centerline of tract: <br />Beginning at a point which is on the west line of said Section 12, and bears north <br />a distance of 2440 feet from the southwest corner of said Section 12; thenc� <br />N89°09' 11.9"E a distance of 615 feet to the point of beginning of a circular curve <br />to the right, the radius of which is 1097.9 feet; thence alon�; said curve through a <br />central angle of 40°02'11" a distance of 767.18 feet to the point of termination of <br />said curve; thence S51°22'28.2"E a distance of 580.60 feet to the point of <br />beginning of a circular curve to the left, the radius of which 1737.4 feet; thence <br />along said curve through a central angle of 21°11'26.2" a distance of 642,57 feet <br />to the point of termination of said curve; thence S72°33'54.4"E a distance of <br />309.10 feet to a point on the east line of said SW1/4 of Section 12, said tract of <br />land containing 13.38 acres, more or less. <br />(4) All of said S W 1/4 lying north of Tract "H", and excepting Tract "G", as described <br />an Document #104637, recarded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Mercer <br />Caunty, in Book 70 of Deeds, on Page 335, said tract containing 25.7 acres, more <br />or less. <br />2S. The S1/2 NW1/4 of Sectian 14, Township 143 North, Range 88 West of the Sth P.M. <br />Pa�e 20 af 21 <br />