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201049342 <br />22. Tract "U": A tract of land situated in the E1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 10, Township 143 <br />North, Ran�e 88 West, being more particularly described as follows: Be�innin� at a <br />point which is on the south line of said Section 10 and bears west a distance of 290.0 feet <br />from the SE corner of said Section 10; thence west along the south line of said Section 10 <br />a distance of 570.0 feet to a point; thence north along a line parallel to the east line of said <br />Section 10 a distance of 2�4Q.0 feet to a point which is on the north line of the SE1/4 0� <br />said Section 10; thence S 12° 11.02'E a distance of 2700.83 feet to the original point of <br />beginning; said tract containing 17.27 acres, more or less. <br />23. The N1/2 of Section 11, Township 143 North, Range 88 West of the Sth F.M., except the <br />following four tracts: <br />(1) Tract "E-E": That part of the W1/2 of Section 11, T.143N., R.$$W., Mercer <br />Caunty, North Dakota, being more particulary described as follows: Beginning at <br />the west quarter corner of said Section 11; thence N00°11'36"W along the west <br />line of said section, a distance of 600.0 feet; thence S2C°42'08"E a distance of <br />672.5 feet to a point on the east-west centerline of said sectian; thence <br />S26°49'23"E a distance of 901.6 feet ta a point an the southerly boundary of the <br />original tract "J"; thence N85°26'27"W along said southerly boundary a distance <br />of 240.0 feet; thence N39°00'30"W continuing along said south�rly boundary a <br />distance of 741.8 feet to a point on the west line of said secti�n; thence <br />N00°11'36"W a distance of 210.0 feet to the original point af beginning, said tract <br />containing 8.0 acres, more or l�ss. <br />(2) Tract "K-1 ": Beginning at a point on the West line of said Section 11, such point <br />lying 600.0 feet North of the West quarter corner; thence North 0°11'36" West a <br />distance of 250.0 feet; thence South 45°0'47" East a distance of 12p5.9 feet; <br />thence North 89°49'58" West a distance of 550.0 f�et; thence North 26°41'08" <br />West a distance of 672.5 feet to the paint of beginning, said tract containing 6.2 <br />acres, more or less. <br />(3) A tract of land situated in th� N1/2 of the NWl/4 of the NW1/4 af Section 11, <br />Township l43 North, Range $8 W�st, Mercer County, North Dakota, for the <br />purpose of constructin� a roadway, being mare particularly described as follows: <br />A tract of land lying between parallel right-of-way lines 130 feet apart, being b5 <br />feet on each side when measured at right angles or radially ta the following <br />c�nterline of tract: Beginnin�; at a point which is on the west line of said Section <br />11 and bears South a distance af 215.07 feet from the NW corner of said Section <br />11; thence East along a line parallel to the north line of said Section 11 a distance <br />of 656 feet, the point of beginning of a circular curve ta the left, the radius of <br />which is 20p feet; thence along said curve and through a central angle of <br />90°00'00" a distance of 314.16 feet to the point of termination of said curve; <br />thence North a distance of 20.00 feet to a point on the Narth line of said Section <br />1 l, such point bein� 856.00 feet East ofthe NW corner of said Section; said tract <br />cantaining 2.9� acres, more or less. <br />Page 19 of 21 <br />
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