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20100933� <br />Lendor may, nt uny tima, calle�t and hald umvunts Por Escraw llertrs in pn a�gre�ate Eunount not to e.�ceed lhe <br />maximum ttmount thAt may be requtred fnr Iiorrower's escrow accQUnt upder the Real Estote 5ettlement Procedures <br />Ack af t97�, 13 IJ.S.C. Section ?��1 et seq, Eutd implementing regulutipns, 24 GrR Part 35DD, �ts thcy may be <br />amended lrom ttme ta time ("RESFA"), exccpt that the cashion nr reserve permitted by RL-SPA t'or unanticip�tcd <br />dis6ursements ar disbursemcnts befvre the Borrower's paymenls are available in the account may not be 6ased on <br />amouqts due for the mort�ttge insurance premium. <br />If thc qmnunts held by Lander (or Escrow Items excced the a�nounts permilted ta be held by R�SPA, Lender <br />shnll account to Borrawer for the exceas funds as required hy RC5PA. It the amounts of Funds held by Lender nt uny <br />time nre ntit suffieient ta puy lhc �scraw Itams when due, l,ender muy notify the Dnrra�vcr and raquir� Borrower to <br />make up the shartnga us permitled by RESPA. <br />'1'Ite Cscro�v Funds are pledged t�s additionul security for uIl sums secured by this Security instrument. If <br />Iiorro�ver tenders ta Lender the Full payment of all such sums, Barrnwer's accaunt shall be �redited with thc bafance <br />remair�ing for all inskullment items (a), (b)� and (o} nnd any mortgage insurpnce prqmium installment that I,ender h� <br />not bocame obliguted ia puy ta the Sacretary, snd C,ender sl�all prumptly refund uny excess funds to Borrower. <br />Immedialely prior tn n foreclosare sale oF the Praperty or it� acquisitian by Lendcr, Botra�ver's accaunt sltaEl be <br />credited �vith any bulunce remaining far all installments fnr itetns (a), (b), tind (c). <br />3. Applieation af Paymenta. All payments under puragraphs l und 2 shall be upplicd by Lander �s lnllawa: <br />First, to ihc morl�age insurence premiurn to be paid by Lender tn the Secretury or ta khe manihly chmrge by the <br />Secretary instead of thc month[y mortgage insurance premium; <br />Secand, to any taxes, special assessmants, leuschald payments or ground rents, nnd fire, flnod nnd other h�rd <br />insurunce premiums, as requirecl; <br />Third, tq interest due under the Note; <br />Fourth, ta umorlizntion af the principal af the Nate; and <br />Fi�, to lnte ahurges dua undar tha Nato. <br />�4. Fir�, Flaad and Otl�er Hazsird Insurunce. Borrnwcr shall insurc all improvements an the Property, whether <br />naw ln e�istence or subsequemtly erected, ag�inst any h�rds, cusugllics, ancl contingencies, including fire, for whinh <br />Lender rcquires inSurance. This insuruncc shull ba maintaincd in die �unounts and far the periods thal Lender <br />requires, Bnrrawer shall also tnsura ali improvements an ihe Prnparty, whcthcr naw in existence ar su6sequently <br />erected, agpfnst lnss by floods to the extent required by the Secretary. Al) insurance shall bs cArried with comppnies <br />approved by Lender, '1'he inaurance pnlicies and any renewa�s shAll be held by Lendcr nnd shall Include loss p�ynble <br />clauses in Favor of, �+nd in a form acxeptable to, Lender. <br />In the event nf loss, �orrowcr shnll givc Lender immediate notice by muil. Lendcr rnay rnfilcc prool'nf loss if nat <br />made promptly by Bnrrower. �ttch insu�ance campany concerned is hereby authorized And directed tu muJ:e paymant <br />far such loss directly to Lender, instead of tv Barrawer and to Lender jointly. All ar any p�rk of tho insur�nce <br />praoeeda muy 6e applied by [.ender, wt its option, either {a} to the rerJuation oP tha indebtedness under thc Nnte and <br />khis 5ecurity lnstrument, Frst to any delinquent nrnounts appEied in the arder in p�rngraph 3, und then to prcpnyment <br />af principal, or (b) to the restor�ttan or rapair oi' tha dama�ed PrQperty. Any �pplication af the proeeeds ta the <br />pr[ncipnl shall not axtcnct or postpane the due dnte aF the monthly payments which Eire referred ta in p�rngrsph 3, or <br />chanee the amaunt of such payments. Any eatcess insurance praceeds over an Amount required to pey All outstAnding <br />indehtednesa under the Nala nnd this Security Instrument shul] be paid to the entity legally entitled thercto. <br />In the event nf fnreclasure nf tltis Security Instrument ar nther transfer at titla to the Praperty that cxtinguishes <br />the indebtedness, ttll ri�ht, title und inkCresl ot' pvrrawcr in and tv insurunc� palicies in force shall puss W the <br />purchsiser. <br />S. Uccupnnry, Prescrvntinn, Maintennnce und Prntection of the Property; Borrower's L,aan App�icati�n; <br />Les�sC6pld5. Hnrrower shall occupy, astablislt, nnd usc chc Prnperry as Barrawer's principal residence within sixiy <br />days aftcr tl�e cxecutinn of iltis 5ccurity ln�krument (nr within sixty days af a Eater sale or lransfcr af the Properry) <br />euid shall continue to occupy thc Prnparly as IIarrower's prinoipal residenGe far at IeasL one yeur n�tcr the date of <br />uccupancy, unlcss Lender detcrmincs that rcyuirement wi![ cause undue hardship for Darrower, or unless cxtanuatin� <br />circumstunces axtst which ara beyand Barrawer's cnntrnl. Barra�vcr shull notlfy Lendcr af uny extcnuatin� <br />circumstances. Bprrnwcw shall nat cnmmlt waste ar destrny, damage ar substantially chnngo the Property nr a.11nw tlia <br />Property to detcriorntc, re�anable wear and tear e.�cepted, Lendcr may inspecL th� Prnpnrty if tho Praperty is vacnnt <br />or ubundtined or the laan is in delaulk. L,endar may lal:e rensonable action to prntcel �crd prescrvc such vacant ar <br />2Q9D-7696488 10D049700017733512 /f,+�J, 9964 <br />iM�w� .(/, r _ <br />VMP�-4N(NE] �pan��.at Pn�aa or s <br />