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�.�����I ll•x�C�: <br />This debt is evidenccd by C3orrowe�'s nate dated the samc dnte as this Seouriry lnstrument ("Nate"), which <br />provides I'ar monthly payments, with Eha full dcbt, if not pnid enrlier, due nnd puyflble an .lanuary 1, 20�41 <br />. This Security lnstrument secures ta Lender: (a) Chc repuyment of the debt evidenced by the <br />Nate, wilh inlerest, and all �enetivals, extensions and madi�ications of the Note; (b) the payment af ul! othcr sums. <br />with interest, advancad under paragraph 7 to pratect the security nf this Security Instrument; and (c) the perfarmance <br />of Bnrrower's cavenants and agreemcnts under this Secu�ity Inskrument und the Note, ror this purpose, Borrower <br />irre�acably grnnts �nd conveys ta tho Truste�, in trusk, �vith po�ver of snie, the Followin� described property lo�ated <br />in Ha 1 I County, Nebraska: <br />S�� At'tached �xh i b i'C A <br />Parccl I'D Number: <br />which has the address of 277 7 W Lou i se St [5treet] <br />Grand I s I and [ci�y�, Nebraska 68803 (zip cod�] {"Praperty Address"); <br />TOG�THER WITH all llia impravements nnw or hereaflcr crected an the praperty, und all easemcnts, <br />uppurtcnttnccs and fixtures naw or herenfter a pArt of the property. All replaccments and additions shull ulsta bc <br />cpvered by this Security Instrument� All oFthe Farrgoing is rel'erred ia in this Security lnstrumcnt as tl�e "I�roperty." <br />Bnrrower understands and a�rees thai MERS holds anly lcgal title ta ihe interests granted �y Borrower in this <br />Security instrument; but, if necessary to cnmply �vlth la�v ur custom, MERS, (a� naminee for Lender and Lender's <br />successors and assigns), has the right: to e�ercise uny or aIl nf thosa interests, including, but nat iimiteci ta, khe right <br />kn Foreclase and scll the Prop�rty; und ta �ake uny actian required a�' L.e�der including, but nal limited to, relensin;� ar <br />canceling this Secur[ly lnstrument. <br />[30RROWER C�VENANTS lhal 8arrower is lawt�►lly seized af tho estata hereby conveyed and has the right to <br />granc and convcy the Property nnd that the Praperty is unencumbered, except for encumbr�nces of recard. Borrawer <br />warrants und will dcfend gencrully tite titic to the Froperty ugainst all claims and demands, subject to any <br />encumbrunces of recaed. <br />TkIIS SCCURITY 1NSTRUM�N�' combines unifvrm cavenAnts F'ar nutinnal usc and nurt-untform covenunta <br />with limited �nriutions by jurisdiction ta constitute A uniform securiCy instrument cvvering real prvperty <br />Borrower nnd Lendcr covannnt nnd agrce ps Follaws: <br />UNIPORM COV�NANTS. <br />1. Payment of Prineipal, Interest and Lnte C6arge. Barrawer shull pny when due thc principal of, end <br />interest an, lhe debt avidenced by tha Naic nnd late chur�es due under tha Note. <br />2. Mnntl�ly Puyment nf Taxes, Iqsurnncc nnd Other Char�es. B�rrower'shnll include in each mnnthly <br />paymenC, togethe� with the principal and inteeest us set forth in tha Note and any ]ale charges, n sum for {a) ta�es nnd <br />special assessmenls levied ar to be levied against the Property, (b) leasehold payments or ground rents an the <br />Properly, nnd {c} premiums far insurunce reqaired under p�rn�rnph �. in any year in wh3ch the Lendar must puy a <br />mortga�e insurance premium to the $ecretary nf Housing cur►d Urbun Development ("Seoretary"), or in any yenr in <br />which such premium �vould huve 6ecn requirod if Lender s�i[1 held the 5caurity instrument, cuch manthly payment <br />shall alsa include eitltcr: (i) a sum Car the annunl mortgnge insurnncc premium to be p�id by �.ender tn th� 3ecretary, <br />ar (ii) a manthly nhar�e insleud af a mortga�e insurpnce premiunn if lhis Security lnstrumcnt is held 6y the Secretnry, <br />in n reasonuble ampunt tn be determined by the Secretuty. �xcept far the mnnthly char�e by the Secretary, these <br />items are called "Escrow Items" ond the sums paid tn Lendar are cnlled "Escraw I'unds." <br />2Q10-161646$ 100049700071733512 �,Q 9964 <br />iMUa��:� <br />VMP�N�Nk'� �oao��.a� raoax or e <br />