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201U09333 <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority nver thiti Security In�tnxment unlc�s <br />Bottower: (a) aerecs in writing to thc ray�nent of the obligation sec�ired hy the lier� i�a a mann�r acccptablc <br />to Lendet, bul only so lone as Borrower iti perti�rniing such agreemeni; (h) cnnt�titti tbe lien in �ood faith <br />hy, ot defends against enforcemcnt of the lien in, legal proceedin�s which it� Lendcr ��pininn pperatc tn <br />prevent the eniorcement of the licn while thotie rri�ceedingti are pending, but only until such procccdingti <br />are concluded; or (c) secureti from thc holder of tlie lien an a�reement satisfact��ry t�� Let►dcr tiuh��rdinating <br />the lien to this 5ecurily Tnstnimcnt_ If Lct�dcr dctermines that any part of thc Pr��perty is tit�hject to a licn <br />which can attain priority ovcr this Secutity Instrument, Lender may give Botrowet a idenlilying the <br />lien_ Within 10 days of the date ��n which that nolice is given, Borrower shall sutisfy the lien or iake one or <br />more of the actions set f��rih above in this Section 4. <br />Lender may requite Borrower to pay a nne-titne charge fi�r a real estatc tax verificatinn and/or <br />reporting �ervice used by Lender in connection wifh this Loan_ <br />5. Property Insurance. Borrow�r �hall kecp the improvements nnw exititing ��r taerca�ter erected or� <br />the Ptopetty insured against loss by tire, ha�ards included within the term "extend��l ci�verage," and any <br />oiher hu�ards incltiidin�, but not limitcd tp, earthquakes ana flc>odti, for which Lender requires insurance_ <br />Thi� innurance shall be maintaincd in thc arnountG (including deductihle ]evel�) araa fi�r thc periods that <br />Lender requires. What Lender requircti pursuant tn the pteceding sentences can change �luring the tertn of <br />the Loan. The insurance carrier providirag the ir�surance shall he choaen by Bc�rrawr;r subject tc� L�nder's <br />right to disapprove Borrnwer's ch��ice, which right �hull not be exetcised unteas��nahly. Lender may <br />require Borrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, eithet: (a) a one-time charge fi�r flo��d znne <br />detenninalion, ecrtification and tracking �ervices, or (b) a one-time charee lor Ilood zvne delerminaiion <br />und certification scrvices and tiuhsequent chatge� each time reinappings or siinilat changes occL�r which <br />teasonubly might affect such detcrrninati�rn �r certitication. Bortower shall ultio be te�pon�ible tiit the <br />payinent oF any fces i�nposed by the F'e�leral Emet�ency Munagement A�ency in connec:iic�n with the <br />review of any flood wne detern�ination resulting from an ohjecliun by Bottower. <br />If Botrower fails lo inaintain any nf the cpverage� ile�crihed above, Lender may ahtain in�ut`ance <br />covera�e, at Lender's uption and T3orr��wcr's cxpense. Ltnder is trndet no ohligation to purcha�e any <br />particulat type or amount of coverage_ 7'he;refiwe, such cuverage shall cover Lendet, but might vr mi�:ht <br />nnf ptotect Borrower, $orrower'ti equity in the Property, ot the conienls of the Prnperiy, again�t any risk, <br />ha�atd or liability and inight provide grcat�r or lesser cuverage than wa5 previou�ly in effect. Bnrrawer <br />acknowledges that the cost nf the insurance cnverage �o obtained mighl signi�cuntly excee�l the c��st nf <br />insurance ihal $orrower could havc obtained. Any axnount5 dishursed by Lender undet ihis 5ecti[m S shall <br />become additional debt oP Borrower sccurcd hy thiti Security Instrument. These amounte shall bear interetit <br />at the Nnte rale lrom Ihe date of disburscrncnt and shall he payable, with such interest, upon notice from <br />Lender to Bottower tequestine payinent_ <br />All insurance policies required by Lender and r�newals uf such policies shall be subject tp Lcnder's <br />right 10 disupprove such policic�, shall inclucle a standard matlgage clauye, uncl �hall name Lender as <br />motieugee und/or as an additinnal 1��ss payee. Lender �hall huve lhe right io hold the policies and renewal <br />certificates. lf Lcnder requireti, F3orrpwer �hall ptomptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and <br />renewal notices_ If Bnrrower obtains uny 1'onn ol' insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, <br />for damaee to, or destniction nf, the Property, such policy shall include a sCandard morfgage clause and <br />shall nuine Lender as inortgagec and/��r as an addil:ional lo�s puyee. <br />In lhe event of loss, I3orrower nhall give ptumpt notice to lhe insurance cutrier and Lender. Lender <br />may make proof of loss if not tnade promplly by Borrower. Unless Lender and $orrower otherwise agree <br />in writing, any insurance proce�ds, whether ot not 1.he underlying insurance wus required by Lender, shall <br />be applied to restaratior� pr repair oI� lhe Property, if the restoratinn or rcpair is economically feasible and <br />Lcnder's �ecurity is not lessened. During such repair arid restnrati��n period, Lcndcr shall havc thc right to <br />hi�ld such intiurunce proceeds until Lcnder has had an appnriunity ta inspect such Property to en�ur� thc <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />I�-6(NE� (OB'11) Page G af 15 Initisls: �`� �OI'p'1 30�8 1/0� <br />