<br />oEEO aF rRusr
<br />(Contint��d)
<br />Pag� 2
<br />Duty to Ntaintain. Trustar shalt maintain tMe Properry in good condition and prpmptty perform ell repairs, replacsments, and
<br />maintenance necessary to presenre ita value.
<br />Compllance With �a►vironmental Laws. 7rustvr represents and warranfs .to L.ender tfiat: (1) Durinp the period pf Trustar's ownership
<br />of the F'roperty, there has baen no use, generation, manufacture, stc�rage, treatment, disposal, t'elease or threai�ened release of any
<br />Mazardous 8ubst�no� by any per�on an, under, a6out or from the Properfy; (2) Trustor h�s no knarrledge of, or raason ta taelleve
<br />that there hds been, except as previpusly disc�ased tp and ackrtawtedgsd by Lender in writing, (a) any 6reach �r vivlation vf any
<br />Environmerifa! Laws, (b) any use, gener�tian, manufaoturs, storage, trsatment, dlsposal, release or #hreatened reiease of any
<br />Hazardau� Sub�taru:e on, und�r, about or from tFx�s Property by eny prior owners or occupar�ts of the Property, ar (c) any actuai ar
<br />ihreatened iiti�ation or claims of any klnd by any perSan relatiny ta such matters; and (3) �xcept �s previously disc�osad to and
<br />acknowledged by L.ender In writing, (a) nelfher Trustvr nor any tenant, contractor, agent or other authorixed user af ihe F'raperty
<br />shall usa, generate, manufacture, s#ore, treat, dispase oi or release �ny Hazardous Sukstance an, under, abaut ar from the Property;
<br />and {b) any such activity sMall be conduc#ed ln compiiance with all appifceble federal, state, and 1oca1 laws, regulations and
<br />ardinances, indudine without limitatinn all EnvironmeM Laws, Truetor �uth4rizes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Property
<br />to makd such itr&pections and tesE�, �t 7'rustar's expehse, �s Lender rnay deem appropriate to determine complEance af the Praparty
<br />wlth this sect(on of the D�ed of Trust. Any InspecRions pr tests made by l.ender shail be for Lender's purpases only and shafl not 6e
<br />construed to create arty respansibility or IiablliEy on the p�rt of Lender to Trustor or to any other p6fson. The represent�tlans and
<br />war�anties contained herein ara based on Trustar's due diqgence in Investigating the Properiy for Haaardnus Substances. Trustor
<br />hereby (1) releases �nd walv�s any future alaims aQainst Lender for indemnity or contribution in the event 1"rustar baoomes Ilable tor
<br />c(�anup or other costs under any such laws; and (2) agtees' ta Ind�mnEfy, d�fend, and hold harrnless l.ehder �gainst any and all
<br />ctalms, iqsses, 1f�billties, d�manes, penalties, and exp�nses which Lender may diteatly ar indir�ct�y sust�in or suffer resulting iram a
<br />bresch pfi this sectian af the beed of Trusf nr as a consequenrre qf any use, gen�rativn, manufactura, storage, disposal, release or
<br />fhreatened release ocnurring prlar ta 'Trustar's awnership vr interest in the propetty, whether or nat the sam� was ar shvuld have
<br />been known to Trustar. Th� provfsions of this section of the Aead af 7rust, Including the nbligatinn to indemnify and defend, shall
<br />surviv� th� paymeat of the irodebtedness and the satisfactipn and reoonveyance of the fien af thfs Deed of Trust and shal! hnt be
<br />af€sctad by Lenders acquisitiori af any interest in tho Property, whether hy fareclasure or atherwise.
<br />Nuisanoe, Waste. Trustar shal! nat cause, conduct or permit any nufsance nor commit, permlt, or suffer any stripping of or wast� on
<br />ar to the Property ar any partian of kha Praperky. Wlthau! limitin� the genarality oi The foregnfng, T'rustnr will not remove, ar grant to
<br />any aihar parly the right to remove, any tirrtber, minerals (including aii and gas), cval, clay, scaria, soil, gra�el or rock products
<br />withaut Lende�s prlor written cnnsent.
<br />Removal of Improvements. 1'rustor shait not demollsh or r�move any ImpravemenLs from the Real Property wittiout I.ender's prior
<br />writfen cansent. As a canditlan ta tha remavai of any improvements, i.snder may require 7rustor ta make arrangements satis�actnry
<br />to tender tp repface such Improvaments with Improvements of at least equal velue.
<br />Lander's Right to Enter. Lender and I»and�r's agents and representat€ves may errter upvn the Real Property at a11 raasanabie times to
<br />attend to Lender's interesta arui to inspect the Reaf Prdpdrty far purpases of TrusYo�'s campliance with the terms and condl#ions pf
<br />thls Reed af Trust.
<br />Gnmpifance with (3ovemmental Requfrerner�. Trusior ahall promptEy c:amply wtfh ail laws, prdfnances, and regulations, now or
<br />hereaffer in �ftect, of all �overnmentai authrarities appllcable �a the use or oocupancy of the Praperty. Truator may contest in gnad
<br />fa3th any such iaw, ordinance, or regulation and withhald campEisnce durinq any proceeding, including appropri�te app¢als, so lang as
<br />Trustor has noYrf'i�d Lender in wrlting prlor to dning so �nd sa Inng as, in Lendsr's sole apinian, Lend��'s lnterests in the Property are
<br />not jeopardized. Lender may r�quire Tru�tar to pvst adequate s�s�rity or � surety bond, re�sonably satisfactory to Lender, t� prntaet
<br />Lender's interest.
<br />Duty► to Pmtect, Trusta► agrees neither f,a abandon or leave unattendad the Properry. Trustar shall do alf pther acts, in addifion to
<br />thpse acts set fnrth abova in this section, whfch from the charactsr �nd us� of the Property are reasonably necessary t� prat�ct and
<br />preserve the propat'ty_
<br />TAXES AN� U�NS. The following provisions relating to the taxes and liens an tha Property are part of this D�d of Tnist:
<br />Payment. Trustor shall pay when due (snd tn all everrts prfvr to dalinquanc}r) all tqxes, special taxes, assessmerits, charges (includinp
<br />water and sawer), flnas and Empositians levled against or an acoount of th� I'roperty, and shalf �ay when duB ati claims for wark done
<br />on or for servloes rendered ar materi�l fumished to the Proper[y. Tru&tor sh�p mafnt�in the Prqperty free of at1 liens having priarity
<br />over ar equal to tt►e lnterest Qf Lender ander this Deed qf Trust, except far the lien ai taxes and assessm�nts not due and exc�pt as
<br />otherrxise provided in this Deed o'f 7rust.
<br />Right to Cantes� Trustnr may withhald payment of any tax, assessment, ar claim in connection with a goad falth dispuke over th�r
<br />abiigation to pay, so long as Lende�'s interest in ihe F'roperty i� not jeopardized. If a Ilen sNses ar is flled as a result of nonpaymepk
<br />Trustar shail withtn fifteen (15) daye eftet khe iian arises ar, }f a lien is flled, within fifteen (15) days aftar Trustor has natir� oF the
<br />filfng, secure tha discttarge af the Aen, or ii rnquested by Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a suffiGent corpvrate surety bond or
<br />other securlty satisPackory to l.ender in an amount sutflcient to diachar� the lien ptus any costs and attomeys' Eses, or other charges
<br />that could aocrus as a rasult of a For�closure vr sale uhder the fien_ In any contest, Trustor shall defend ttseif and Lender and shall
<br />sa�isfy any adverse judgment before anTarcament agalnst th� Property. Truator shai{ n�me I.endar as an additional obligea under eny
<br />surety bond fumished in the contest pracaedinqs.
<br />Evldenca of paymerrt, Trus'kar shall upon dem�nd fumish to Lender sa#isfactory evidence af•payment of the taxes or assessmerrts and
<br />sha0 authorize the appropriate governmenta! oflicfal to deliver to Lender �t any time a writken statement af the taxes and assessments
<br />apainst the Property.
<br />Notice ot Cor►s�truMion. 1"rustor si�t! noHty l.ender at least �ifteen (15) days pefare any work fe commenced, any services are
<br />furnished, or any materials ara suppiied to the Property, if any mech�nlc's lieti, materialmen's lien, ar c�ther 1(en could be asserted on
<br />account af fhe work, servicas, or matarlals. Trustar wilf upon request of Lender fumish tn Lender edvance assuranc:es sat�sfactnry tn
<br />Lender that Trustar p�n and will pay the cpst af such improvemar�ta.
<br />