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Th� iien of this Deed o# Trust shall nat exceed at any one time $1p,�QU.pO, <br />TH15 DEEI� �F TRUST is dated Alvvember 3q, �D9p, among 81I��.Y R 1"�W and PAMELA L TEW, HUSBAND <br />AND WIFL�, AS JOINT T�WANTS WITH RIGHT OF SIJRVNDRSHIP, AIdQ At�T AS T�NAIV'TS �N CC)MM�N, <br />whvse address �S 222 E 15TH STREET, GRAND 15LAND, NE 688�1 ("Trustor"�; BANK aF TH� W�ST, whose <br />address ia GRAIdi] tSL4ND, 3301 W STATE STR�E7, GRAN[] 1SLAN[3, NE fi88Q3-28Q5 (referred ta belaw <br />somet�mes as "Lender" and sometjmes as "Beneficiary'�; and BANK OF i'HE W�ST, whase address is 145D <br />�"REAT BLVD, WALi�U3 CREEii, C�i ��5�7 (referred to helaw es "Trusfee"). <br />CONVEI'ANCE AND GRANT. For valusbl� cor�sideratlon, Trusl�r aqnvey� tv 7rustee In trust, WITM POUV�R aF SAt.�, for the benefit of <br />Lender es �eneficiary, ail af Trustor's rl�ht, fitle, and interest in and fo the foHowEng desc�lqed reai prpperry, to�ether with all existing or <br />subsequently erected or affixed 6u€Idings, impravements and fl�ctur�s; a11 easements, rights �f way, and appurterEances; a!I water, water <br />rlghts and ditch rights (including staok In utllities with ditch or irrigation rights); and all oiher rfghts, royslties, and profits telatin to the real <br />property, includ'sng without limitation aA minetals, ail, gas, geathermal and simllar matters, (fhB "Real Praperty I�CBfB fn HALL <br />County, State af Nebraska: <br />L01' T�N �10} IN BLQGK EIGHTY-THREE (83) OF WMEELER AND B�NNETTS FQURTH ADDITlC7N TD THE <br />CITY DF GRAND iSt..AND, MALL C�UNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />The Real Praperty ar its address is cammonly knawn as 222 E�15TH S"FREET, GRANI] ISI..AND, NE 68801. <br />REVOLVING LINE aF CREDt'[, This Desd of Trusf aeauras the (ndebtednes� inciuding, withnut Ifmitatian, a revolving line of cradit, which <br />nhltgetes Lender ta make advances ta 7rustor so long es Trustor compiie� with al( the t�rMS of tha Credit Agraeme�. Such advances may <br />be made, rspaid, and rsma�ie fram time ta time, subJect to the Eimitatton �at the total �utstandirrg balance nwing at sny one tim�, not <br />includin� ffhance charges on such halance at a flxed ot varfable rate vr sum as provided in the Gredit A�reement, any tempnrary nverdges, <br />uttier char�es, and any amaunts expended or ac€vanced as provided in eithgr th� Endebtedness paragraph cr this paragraph, shall not <br />ex�eecE.the Credit Limit as provided ln th� Credit Agreemen� It Is the intentlon of Trustar and Lender that thls Dsad pf Trust secures the <br />balance outstanding undar ths Cradit Agreament frcm fima to tim� from zero up ta the Gredlt kimft a� provlded fn the Credit Agreement <br />and arry intermediate bel�nce. <br />Trustor presently a�signs to Lender (also knnwn as Beneflciary in th3s �eed of Trust) all qf Trustar's right, titl�s, and interest in and to all <br />presenf and futurd leasas of the Property and all Rents from the Property. !n additioh, 7rustor grarrts to Lend�r a Unifo�m Commercial <br />Gode security interest in the Persona! Praperly and Ftent�. . <br />THES DE�D OF TRU5T. INCLUDING THE ASSIL3NMEpIT C1F RENTS AND THE S�CURITY IM'EiiE'3T IN THE REN'T'S AND P�RBONA[. <br />PRDP�Ri'Y, I$ .GNEN 7Q SECIJRE (A) PAYMENT OF T'HE IND�B?�QNESS AND (B) p�R�ORMANCE DF EACH OF 'fRUSTOR'S <br />Al�ii��MEMI'S ANq OBLIGATI�N5 UIdD�R THE CREDtt ApREE1NENT, THE REIATED Dt�UM�NTS, AND THt3 DEED OF TRUST. "fH1S <br />D�ELT dF 7"RU$T' i8 tiIN�N AND ACCE�TEQ pN THE FOI.LOWINa TEFiMS: <br />PAYMENT ANp PERF�iMANCE. Except as ntherwise pravfded Irt this peed af Trust, Trustor ahali pay to Lender alf amaunts 5ecured by <br />this Deed of 7rust as they become due, and ahall strictly and in a fim�ly mann�r pertorm ali,af Trustnr's abligaiEons under the Gredit <br />Agreement, this Deed c� 7rust, and the Ftal�ted Docum�nts. • <br />POSSESSION ANa NfAfNTENANCE OF THE RROPEitTY. Trust�r agrees th�at Trustor'g pogsession and use of the Property shall be <br />govemed by the following provisinns: <br />Pn�ssssion and Usa: Until thQ accurrence aP an Event of Default, Trustvr m�y (1) r�emain in possessioro and cantral of the F'rvperty; <br />(2) u�e, operate or manaq� the Property; and (3) cotiect the Rents from tha Proper[y. • <br />