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<br /> .� of Somower s wvenants and agres�tents under this 5ecurity Instrument and the Note. Fot this purpose. Borroucr ���- :
<br />-'``:`~� irrevocably;rants aad oonveys to the Trustee. io crust.�vith power af sale. the foflowing descre6edo tye�Q�� � ,i
<br /> ` in IYALL
<br /> � T}IE SOUTH 56 FEET OF TIj[EE NORTN ��`_�-_
<br /> `��� �� i 66 EEET OE THE �i1/2 OF �LOCCITY ����-�
<br />--�. � iQ, PL.EASANT HOYi� ADDITIOI�. ;
<br />:`'' .. ,= OF GR�t7D ISLAI�ID, HA1.L COUN�Y,
<br /> �:.
<br /> � NEBRASKA.
<br /> �
<br /> NT. .�. �.:;'
<br /> . ;,__ 5137, DE� MOINES. IA 5�3065t3? �:,,;;
<br /> �: 'f�'�.`. _�
<br /> ��'���;f;' + which has the ad9ress of 1413 SOUTH L I NCOLN AViE. GRflND I SLAND [sr�.c��yl. '�:���
<br /> :r . IVebraska 688{?9 �Zip Code] ("Propetty Address'): ��=
<br /> �.,.�.� ..
<br />, ,' ��';tf'. TOC3ETHER WITH all the impra�cem�nu now or hereafter erected on the property. and all easements. � :_
<br /> . appurtenaaces and fixt�ues naw ar I�e�R�r a parc of the propercy. All replucments and additions shall also 6s
<br /> �^`�:
<br /> �.;� :;{ covered by this 5ecurity Instiument. All of ehe foregoing is referced w in t6is Secuiiry Iastrum°nt as fhe"Prope�ty- �y
<br />' ' �- BORROWER COVENANTS ttwt Qur'n�ver is l awfuli y seized of the estate herehy cunveyed and has the rig�t to —=- _
<br /> �^�'`.'.� grant und convey tha Prop�rty and that d�e Pcoperty is unencumbered.except for encumbrances of recoid.Bon°�ver ' ----
<br /> .����< � �d will defend generally the atEe to the Pmperty agaiast all claims and demands. s-�lb,��t. to any
<br /> ,rS� �f encun5rances of recard. --�---
<br /> .f,,.�" �. .
<br /> •.,;��.. . T H I S S E C U R�7 t I N S T R U M�I T c a n t b i a e s u n iform covenants for national use ar� noa-uniforra cavenanu
<br /> .,; c�
<br /> with limited variafi�a•n�bY lurisdictian tn cen�tEtute a unifarm security iast�ume�c�veriug s�p�o�stg- _ '
<br /> ��:����` �, Bo.:rower and Lender covenant and a�e as follows: _-.'°
<br /> ,:if�.: ��
<br /> r�a`,FORM COVENANTS. �
<br /> ,;,'• ".J. 1. PA}�1EIIt Q�� PfIIICI�tIII. L,iter�.s� aua Lat� Charge. Boaower shall pay when due the prisscipal of. and --
<br />�� �.`; .•��.. . ir►terest on.tue d.c��z�adenced by the Nate and I�ur�charges due under tiie t�r.t.e.
<br /> Z� Mmith3� �:���n2nt of Ta�. L�ausY�mst�and Otber Gharges- ��'ower shall include.:���cb montWY . ::�.�,.
<br /> , �. . . P;►y�•toset�r titi:tlt the principal and intecesi:�sei fort�-i�¢he Note and any late ch�zs,a sum fop(a)taxes and �s;�f";-;
<br /> �<�t�� .� . � t the 3t�{.+-�'rtY. (b) leaseho2d payn� or ground rents on the - ,
<br /> special assessments ��vied or to he l�vied_R�C
<br /> •" • ' . Property,an�d(c)P��iums for insumnae taq�t.ii�d undei�aBraPh A. In any year en khich the Lender must pay a f:,__,
<br />' mortgage in�surnnce premium to che SecneWgy��rE Itousing and Urban Uexetopm�t ("Secretary").or in any year in ,�.�
<br /> �' which such preauum would hAVe been requtced if 1-ender stiU hetd die Se�.i:sity Insuument. eacb montlily payment ;:
<br /> � � shall•�i�G��include eitli�r:(i)a sum fnr tha onnual mflrigage in�stuance pretnium to be paid by I.erider[o the Secretary. ; _�,.
<br /> � or(is);:��nonthSy charge instead of a martgnge insurance pce�»u�a if this Security In,trv�ss is held by the SecretarY. �.;;,.:
<br /> ' � in a re•asbnable amount to be determin�d by tt�r.SecretasY- �CcePt for thC�nontNy cl��e by the SecretafY• these .
<br /> � � � irems are called"�s�row Items"and the sums p�rit�to[.ender are calied°�:�w Fws�ds." , ��` ;��_:�
<br /> r te amount s-0e to exceal t�e . . .`;''�' _... .
<br /> ' � . 1:endes may.at any timc.coDert and�iialll ams�unts for Escrow Itea�r.�iu an aggrega . ,:"�
<br /> �._•;,.,. � m.�.�+iis,n:m amount that may 6e�quired€ar Snr.�wer s escrnw accouut ar�er.the Reaf.�.�Le¢ettle:itx�Pr�redums.. . .
<br /> � A�flf 1974. 12 U.S.C. Ssctian 264E �rt,seq. and implemenrins regulations. 24 CFF;".f�":�35U0. as they may��' �
<br /> � �rner.ded from time to tim�(°RFSPA"Y..except that the eushion or reserve petmiued�sy RESPA for unanticipatea ��
<br /> . . disbursements or disburs�ments 6efore tltc Eer,cower s paymenu are ar�ilcble in the acoount may not be basod o� �a_,
<br /> � aa:cwnts due for th�mortgage insurs�tce premium: tJfiF2-009�v-2 �;-
<br />,. ��,... 3���362 � � �=
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