<br />2U. Sala of Nnte; Changc vf Loan Servicer; Noticc of Grievance. The Note or a pardal iaterest in
<br />the Nate (together with this 5ecurity Instrument) can be sold one or mare times without prior natice to
<br />Bnrrow�rr. A sale might result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan 5erv9cer") that rvllecl�
<br />Periadic 1'ayments due under the Note and Ihls 5ecurity Instru�ment and performs other mortgage laan
<br />servicing nbligatlons under !he Noke, thls Security Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also migh# be
<br />oRe ar more changes of the Loan Seru�cer unrelated to a sale of the Note. IF there is a cha�e of the L.oan
<br />5ervicer. Borrawer will be given written notice af tf�e ch'ange wkuch will state the uame and address of the
<br />new Loan Servicer, the address lo whicb payments should he made and any ather informalian RESPA
<br />requires in cdnnection with a notice of transfer nf servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Laan is
<br />serviced by a L,oan Servicer ather thani the purchaser of the Note, the mar�gage loan servicing abligations
<br />�o Barrower will remain with the Loan 5ervicer or he transferred lo a successor Loan Servicer and are not
<br />assumed by the Note purchaser unless othe�w[se provided by the Nate purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, foin, or be Joined to any Judicial actian (as either an
<br />individpal lidgani or the member of a elass) that arlses from lhe oWer party's actions pursuant ta this
<br />Security instrument ar that alleges ihat the other party has breached any provision af, ar any duty awed by
<br />reason of, this 5ecurity Instrument, until such $arrower or Lender has natified the olher pacty (with such
<br />nvtice given in compliance with the requirements af 5ectioa 15) of such alleged breach and affarded the
<br />other parry hereto a reasonable period after the g�iving nf such notice to take correcttve action. If
<br />Applicable Law provides a time perlad which must elapse 6efore certaln action can be taken, thal tlme
<br />perlod will be deemed t� be reasonable for purposes af this paragraph. The natice of acceleration and
<br />apportunily to cure given ta Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice nf acceleratian given to
<br />Barrower pursuant ro Sectfpn 18 shali be deemed to sal�sfy the notice and opportunily to take corrective
<br />action provistons of this Saction �0_
<br />Zl. Haz�rdous Substances. As used in this Seclian 21: (a) "Hazardvas Substa�ces" are those
<br />snbstances defined as toxic or hazardaus substances, pvllutanls, or wasles by Enviranmental Law and the
<br />following su6stances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammahle a�' toxic pelroleum praducts, toxic pesticides
<br />and herbicides, �olatile solvenls, materials cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materiais;
<br />(b) " Environmental Law" means Federal laws and laws ot' ihe jurisdiction where the Property is located Ihat
<br />relate ta heaith, safety or enviranmental protection; (c) "Environmenlal Cleanup" includes any response
<br />activn, remedial acdon, ar removal action, as defined �n Environmental Law; and (d) an "Envir�nmental
<br />Cnnd{tion" means a condition that can cause, contrihute to, ar atherwise �igger an Environmental
<br />Cleanup.
<br />Borrower shall not eause or pertt�it 1he presence, use, dispasal, storagc, ar release of aay Hazardous
<br />Substances, ar threaten to release any Hazardaus Subslances, on or in the Property. Svrrower sh2�11 not do,
<br />nor allaw anyvne else to do, anything affecdng ihe Prpperty (a) that is in violation of any Environmenlal
<br />Law, (b) whlch creates an Envirnnmental Condition, or (c) which, due tn the presence, use, or release of a
<br />Hazardous 5ubstance, creates a eanditioq that adversely affects the value nf itie Property. The precedieg
<br />two sentences shall nat apply ta the presence, use, nr stora�e on the Property af small quantities of
<br />Hazardaus 5ubstances tha! are generally reCOgnized to be approprlate to narmal residential uses and tn
<br />maintenance of Ihe Property (including, 6u1 not limited to, hazardous substances in consumer producl�).
<br />Barrnwer shali promptly give Lender written natice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit
<br />or olher �ctian by any gmernmental ar regulatory agency or private party involving the Prope�ty and any
<br />Hazardnus 5ubstvtCe or Environmental Law of wrifch Sarrower has actual knowledge, (b) any
<br />Enviranrnental CondiEion, including but not limiled lo, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of
<br />release oF any Hazardaus Substance, and (c� any condidon caused by the presence, use or release of a
<br />Hazardous Subslance which adr►ersely affects thc value of the Property. ]f Borrower learns, or is notifed
<br />by any governmenial ar regulatory authority, or any private party, ttiat any removal or other remediation
<br />of any Ha7ardous Substance atFectin�g the Praperty is nec�ssary, Bormwer shall pramptly take all uecessary
<br />remedial actions in accardance with Environmental Law. Nolhing herein shall create any abligalian Qn
<br />Lepder for an Environmenlal Cleanup.
<br />001122289352 �CitiMortgage VS
<br />� SKA - Singl� Family - Fannle MselFFeddie Mac UNiFORM INSTRUMB�IT WITH M
<br />-gA(NE� (uai� peg0 1Z oT 15 �roe�ds: � Farnl 3D28 1/Q7
<br />