-`_s. �.:..,_.�._ - —.,__.. . ;.-r---`-�T^'--.��°�_.�._ _._._ �..L,._ _.,__,... - '- -- � �+}.i,�E�flf'w���� -
<br /> �.L• , . ` ,�,- . i- �' �, . . . _ ... -j�L,ti 1���'�a `-
<br /> ,�. . r,r . �. i`
<br />. . . . . . ..L .f _ .�r.. .
<br /> � .� v 96— �Q�i�2 s.:�
<br /> 17.T�i�4ea�of t$e�perty or�Benefici�l In�t in Btira�+o�ser.If all or any par[of the P[operty or any it�ter�st in i3 �4':��;
<br /> � " w;��.*trar�f?*red(ar if a benefrc�al interest in Eoaowrer is sokl or transfetred and Horro�ver is not a natu:al paryonA ���c _
<br /> Lendes's prior writteai rnasent, Lender may, ut its option. requ'ue uamad�ate gayment in iu ii o i a Z i n� sa�iw �,� � •;�°�� ,
<br /> gecurity lnstcum�at.Ho�vever,this aptioa shall not�e exetcisQd by Len3er if exercise'ss prolubited by fedcrat la�v�of tite Q�Z E�t,:,
<br /> �� of this Sew�rity Instrum�•
<br /> ; � I�f Lender exercises this opuon. i,e�d�shall give Borr�awer notic�of acceierauon.The notice shall provi�e a p2riad�o�ar�t �4�`��;;
<br /> }� . te�s than 30 days from tpte date the notire is detivered or mailed withln wbich 8orrower must pay all swtfs sQCUrea tsy th:'ts ,��c;
<br /> ` Security Instrumem.If Bnscower faiLs to pay ttiese sums prior.to the expiza�tion of tttis period.l-ender may invotce any�'ea�� � ._,.
<br /> - permitted by this Serurity Insuument without further notice or demaud on Borrower. °,�:,' `
<br /> � 18. Eosrower's I3�t to Retasiate. If Borrawer meets a�rtain conditions. Borro«rer shaU have tbe rigau to h�Y� �,`..,'�
<br /> �`, e n force m e n t o f t h i s 3 e c u r i t y I�s t r u m e n t d i s c o n t i n u e d a t a n y umx priar to the e�ulier of: (a)5 days (or sucb othea pesiaJ a.� :;.��•
<br /> • a�licable ta� may specify for reinstateaent)befmre sale af tlrs Pro��tY Puisuant to any Rower of sale cowanned in this :F:r�S.��
<br /> ir=
<br /> � Secarity Instr�mzau:ar(b)enuy af a jud�CUent enforcing ihis Serurity Instrua�nt.�IOSC COJldIt10I15 IITC tltd�BDI[OL1iCi:(A�p3Y° t+F�s:
<br /> c
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be d e under this Security inshvnuent and the 1Vate as if no aoceleration l�ad o�cutrer�;(b) .
<br /> cures siny defaWt of any oih2r covenanu ar agre�menu; (c)Pays all exg,�nses incurred in enforcing this Se�uity Iru�caxceoG. �:K:�,.
<br /> n
<br /> inctuding,but not limited to.reasonable attomeys' fees:and(d)takes such a�ion as Lender may reasonabl y reqaire to a.,s�etc ;;,,.,
<br /> ' thai the lien uf this Security Inswment.Lendet's rights in the Prup�y and�orrower's obligation to pay the sums seru�ed by �";� •
<br /> this Seruriry Iastrument sf�all camtinne unchanged. L1pon zeinst�-item�tt by Borrower. tius Security Insm:m�aa a� ttn. k�-•�:�'
<br /> ���� obllgations secur�d hereby shali remain fu11Y effecrive as if no ac�celeration had occuraed. However,this righ9:to renn.st,.te stx�Dl ��:
<br /> .� _�, �
<br />� � aot uppfy in the case of aooeterarion under paragrap�17. :«�..
<br /> 19. Salc of Nn2e; Clsange oi Loan S�vEcer.'fhs Note or a,partial interest in the Note (tugether vrit� tjis &ec�riEy `�h<
<br /> • Insaum�ent)maY be sald ane or more times arithout prior notic�w Bv�ower_A sale may result in a cimnge ia the er�it}'4i�ovrc. �'t�:'.
<br /> m
<br /> as the°Loan Servicer°)thaz callecis montlilY PaY�neTU�'Iue undcr th�Ntote and this Sewnty Inscn2merrt.Thc-rc aJsm map 1s�.oa: ;;:;:.
<br /> ' or more changes of t�Loan Senricer�mrelazed to a sat�a€the Note.If theie is a change of the Loan Senric�r..l�o�+o�ec c�-�11 b�. ;,�.+�.
<br />� ° given written nouce of the change in accordance wit8 git�h 14 above aad applicable law.The notice v+i1H.�.�ffir:nua�ao� .,,.
<br /> � dnss of the new Loan Servicer and the addiess Kt wta���s should be made.'I�e noiice wilt also as��aay oth:s ��.,
<br /> ad
<br /> infarmauon reqnired bY aPPlisabte law. , � ;.,."
<br /> ' 2p.0a�ndous Sa6slanees.Borrower shall aot b-uuss�or p�mit t?ae presence, use, disposal• storage. ar release af aa3• ::, `,
<br /> � `' Ha�ardo�s Substances on nr in the Pmperey. Banmvi�r� not do. aor altow airyone else to do.anytEzin� a�fec�c�tt►:
<br /> pmperty tt�at is in violation of any Environmental Iaa�'..`�'1s preeodin$twa sentences shall not apply w ttce pc�se�r�,ease,ar
<br /> . . storage aa tbe Property of small qaantifles of Hazardws Snbstascs�s thai are generalIy recognized to be apgzagri��ta rr�� - -
<br />:`�'� . residential uses and to maintenauce of dre PropertY- �;:;R
<br /> Rorrawer shali promptiy give Le�kr wriuen notiae af any :nvestigadon.claim,demand.lawsuit or oiher arzinn b�y a�ry
<br /> � . govemsental or regulatory ageancS csr r�eic!ste panty iavaCT�ing the Property and any Hazandous Substance or Envimr�ry�a.E Lass
<br /> eanc•
<br /> af wh[r.h Borrower[�av acUinl lmow[edge:If Borror.r��1!�arns.or is nntified 6y any govemmeutal or regular.�ry a�..�ntunxie�+,tY+a� . •:_:,•:
<br /> any remaval or other rera�an o�aay Harardous� •af�srtance affecting the Property is neoessary.Borcower s���il]g.rn�J;t� : 9r�G:
<br /> • aU necessary r�mnedia!aci�ans In accordanoe with Envf�mr�mental Iaw. . �, ,
<br /> ,�,s use�in this paragr,�p�20, "Hazardous Substances"aza ttzase substances defined as�toacic or haTrs�a�ss�.�atataar.es by '�°'
<br /> .. Environmental Law and the folloaring sabstauces: gasoline, �r�zne. o�her ftama,able or couc peuoteasm p;�x�. ta.�aa. �� �`�:�
<br /> • pesticides and herbicid�s.volatile solv�nls.materials containing esl�EStos or formaldehyde.and radioactive ma,ttria�s-A�t�in:. .: .`' -
<br /> �P�S�Ph 20, °Hav[r�srncenttil Law" means federal laws an3 laws of the jurisdicuon where the Pro�.-ct�-is t�ii;t�rE��. . •.:,� '}
<br /> � retate to heaith,safety ar a�.�nnzental Prcteaion. • � .• ..,.,.:.:' `�'�.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CLrI�VAN'�'S.Borrower anc!d.�ender futther�ovenant�agree as fotlows: : '�:'t.�;�.:�:.•�•:.:_.:. ..
<br />.. 21.Aweirintton:RemedIcs.Leader sl�ail give�otice to I�c�Ner prior to ectelerut�on failow(ng 1BoTeotivea's�isetr,�.�a'� � �'�'-a
<br /> ot airy coveriant or agregmeut in t6�Se�u�ity' Ta�trumtent�(t�ut no4 prdor to aeceleration �mtder�augan;*'�'1� v►nt#�a ' —.
<br /> � � appl€ca8le t��provEdes oY�erwiseD.'�r:etfltIce s�J specif�ys (n)the defauit;(b)the adton r¢qa3red to cu�tl�c��'i�n1'�� . �..-.
<br /> . . (c)a�dafe,not tess than 36 days fca�the date tf�t�atice fs givea to Borrowee,6y wbid►6he default�t b���snd�• �-�
<br /> • ,: (�"tb�at taSlar+e to cnre t�e dgfanit on or 6efore�rrx dutQ spa�i€od fin�e not�ce may resoIt in acce[��i�it�tn o?�th�ss�qs �'.��
<br /> s¢cured by tbLs Seauity?nsis�nem anA sate of We Prop�Cy.The notiae ahaA fu�t6er inforw Hasso+i¢+ar.a3 tba ri�ht�a
<br /> reinstale arter accelerat2on�nd the dgbi to brtng a couri aWion w asse�R the aoa�fstea�e of a d�'siuil'.crz�nny att��sr
<br /> detc.�e of 16orrow¢r tn�aceleraKon an�sste. If the d�Pault is nat cur,u9 on or 6efore the date specti�'1ed ip tt��nt+1i'te,;� _
<br /> Lm&r.at�ts optian,maq r8qnir�immPdi�te p�qm�t In full�of all�sams se�ared by thts S�sttY Iasnv,m�t�cst4ht�l;, .. �.-,-
<br /> fur�tQ�er dea�d ond may invoice t6e power of sale and any�oihr.r reme�ies pesrmttt¢d by appllraDle Iazy.Lt�tlta s��l;b�,. '..: :.::.. '-'�
<br /> � de
<br /> � tntitftd ta csnflect aU nses tncarred in ptusuiu.g the rnmo11a4 provided in thls pnrsgtaph 21.iu�dudaa�,frut�ndt•19mStts��� .;:'. �.�..
<br /> . .. � g �:�
<br /> ,. ',��, to.rezwnabte altorneys'[ees and costs of title evfdenoe. . •;,. •,�"'�.�...
<br /> no
<br /> . V thepa�ve�oY'sale is invoked,Trastee st�aU�eoon�a:notfoz of dEfna[t in each eaimty in whk�a � �F t�fa � ; `,��
<br /> i:is,.i',;.':;; s AU p3' Q p•
<br /> ..;:;,<:t.:s Paroptcty is located anA sbaD mail copies of such nottox Gf�4Itt+munner prescribed by applicabie IaW tv Dtxrc+n�su�itatt�;fd � ...�'����.-
<br /> - - t6e otLer rsans prescr�bP6 by apglicab le t�w.A tter t t te t l me seqa i r�e d 6y app ll c a b t e i s w,T�u s i e e s t�g i��e�t�1 il 7�r��'i l c e
<br /> ��,.�`r,.� of aale to t�he persoav aad in the mwrmer presce3bod by opplirible faw.TNS�t��WhIT0�1�IIIYQLI OD�G7N'�FCi�s a�s.O�St',A�: •, �--',
<br /> . the Property at public auction Ea the highest bfdder at the time nnd pinoe aed undcr the terms desi�n�In t3���a3ice o�; , ',;;�
<br /> �•� sate ta one os more parce�s and in any order ZYustee deRermin�s.Trw�tee may postpane sale o!atl ar.•atsy �eca oi�tl�� �
<br /> , �ropesty by {�►b11c announcemeint ai the Nme and plaoe of any previously srhs�4Wed sate.Leudee w�its�f�nze rr�s�•. . �
<br /> . � purrhase the Ptoperty�t any sale. :.
<br /> .�: �• ..
<br /> ,,<<
<br /> �� . -i�.:� �
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