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<br /> r-
<br /> � paym�n�tafly ao ton�r 6e eeq�sired.at th�option of Leader.iE moriga;e i�sruunca coverage(in the amouni and for the pesiod __�
<br /> that i�naer�+�equi�i�•�by an insuzer apptoved by lxnder again bcxomes ajail�ble and is obtairtcd.�aaro:nrer shali p�y �-._
<br /> �_'� �p��,re�ui�d w naintain atort�:ge insaranoe in ef�ect.�r to pravide u lcss reserve.�usti!the eeqnin�neat for rttorig,�ge `
<br /> insurc��ce eait:�in accardauce with any written agrcesnQnt betwexn�orrower und Le:Eder or applicab!e taiv. Lender shall ive ��_
<br /> , 9.E�is$tcttEoa.I.end.�r or its agent may mak�reasonable enuies Wpnn und inspections of die Pco�crtY• 6 --,-
<br /> Bosean�r ac1��t at the time of ar priar to as�ins�stion specifying rpsonable caus�for the inspecdon.
<br /> fl0.Caade�aY.�n.'@�°.proceeds of any award ar claim for damages.�irect or mnsequ�rial. in�onaxtion with ar►�
<br /> wndems�.^tiaa9 or athcr taking of any part of the Pmperty.or for conveyanoe in lieu of�ndetenatian.are hereby ussi�ucd n�d �:,-,
<br /> . =`' � sha11 b:.psic�.W Lender.
<br /> `'= In thc�ivcnt o€a tQ*a!taking of the Propeity.the proc�eds sball 6e agpUeb to the sums secured by this Securiw�ich�air ���'��
<br /> whether or cncit then due, with any exe�.ss paid to Borm�ver. In the event of a partiai ta�in8 af the P►roperlY
<br /> ��«;u���property immediately befone the taking is equ�l ta or greater than tbe amoam of the sums secured by this �_..
<br /> e
<br /> Sectirinf ins�ment iauuediatety before ttte rati;ng.unless Borrower and Lender oth�tiy���win �fiactiosn(����1 ��
<br /> this Sa�uit�e Instniment shatl 6e redua:d by the amount of the proc�ds rnultip� g .
<br /> amoucn of t�te sums secured immediately before the taking. divided by(b)the fair market•ralue of the Prope w imr�ediase�
<br /> before the t�tking. Any l�alance st�all be paid to Bormwer. In the event of a parual taking of the ProgereY �
<br /> - m�.�3cct v�4q�of ths Pr�pert�+immediately befare the tatdng is iess tl�aw the amaunt of the svms secured im�adiazely beforz the
<br /> er
<br /> taisin�.unluvs Borrocver an�1 Lender otherarise ag�ee in wridng or unless applicable law othenvise provides,the pra�s sLall
<br /> � 1 be mpplled eix the sams s�ured by this SeWritY Inswment whQther or not the sums are then due. •
<br /> ��' If ths�b'roP�cEY 3s abandoned by Borraarer.or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offeas to make an
<br /> award ar sc�ttle a ciaim for damages.&rrrower fails to respond to L.eader�vithin 30 days aft�r ttse date t6e notice is given,
<br /> Le�utpr is ali4horized to collect aad apply the pmceeds.at its option.either w reswratioa ar repair of the Praperty or w she sums
<br /> �,;�,,d by.;k#vs Sec�uity Inst�ument,whethar or aot then� � s}� aat extend or =_
<br /> CTnt�Lender and Sarrower othe�vvise agree in �,r�'rn�, anY aPPlirarion of�SC�ds tn princip �°_
<br /> f pn�tpons d�e due date of the moa�hly payme�tg r.e��..�re�1�ca i�:�ss�,�hs�a�d 2 or c'ha��e the amwnt af such paymeuts• �'
<br /> � or mcdiScudon
<br /> il.Ht�r�wer Not Rei�se�;Far�ra�aiatc i&,y€xn::.e�'?�"�a Wsti�?aQ Extenrion of the time far�Sayment
<br /> ' oF�raorti..titIon of the sums secared by this�'i�cnisi�.y IaStit.��granted 6y Lender to any suc�essor ur.Fnterest of Borrower shalf _
<br /> ` aa��atii to release the liabiIit�ef�n�i�'i Borrower a�s So.mower's suvoessors in iMeeest.Lender shall not be required u� �-
<br /> �'� c��„��y pro���a��g��,-r�r;r.��nteresc or refuse to extend time for payment or othernise modify amorli�ation _ .
<br /> r....
<br /> of th"e sufis s�ecured by this Secatiry '.r�.�+�znt.by reason of any demand made by the osiginal Borrower ar Boxmwer's
<br /> Snc,�c�:in inte�est. Any forbear�nce!sy�er in exereising any right or remedy sha11 aot be a waiver of or precicde the.
<br /> - �;r ex�3se uF any right or remedy_ � �e covenants and agreetrtents of this
<br /> - :: .. D�;..�u�sors ana A�r��ovna;aotmt ana several I.sad�ilny; co-sig�n. —
<br /> >4 g�;¢y T�swment shall biucY•srni benefit the suocasors and assigas of Lender unr�1�+�rower. subjed to the�(sravisions of
<br /> :��...
<br /> ,.i,' . p^,.�gra�b� 17. Boaower's wve�'� and�ments shall be joint a�d several. A�z�� Ii��rrower who co-signs Ei�.is Secudty •
<br /> Ins�t but dces not execute the Nose;hiii`�i�:.co-s3gning this Security.Tnstnament only w mort�e,giant and oonvey thut:�•
<br /> •,: afl � Bmzunwx s inte�:G 6n the Prape�ty under���as'of this Sxurity Inst�ant.(b)is not personall:Y't;(figated to pay the suma: .
<br /> �
<br /> sociued by this Secur�tS►Inswm°.At;2IId(Cr i�°�s that Lender arsd any o�ics Borrower m3y age+ee ic,��.�end.madify,farbear or .
<br /> maL9 an�r accfltnmodations vrith regard to the:erms�04 this Security Insb'a�ent or the Note wititout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13�Loan C6arges.If the loan secored.k�r this SecuntY Inst�ment is subject to a law which sets maacemum loan charges,
<br /> and Wttsclaw is fu�tiy interpreted so that t:��zterest or ather loan cb�g'.s cullected or to be colt�ctsd in cannection with thr,
<br /> :� luan eucQ�;d the g�-utted limits.then: (a)any such loan chnrge sh�ll�6�uced by the amount neressarY to reduce 9he chac�r�•
<br /> . . tn tli�pF�mitted limit;and(bj.��r•sixar:.alrea�y collecu:d fiom Borrower which exceeded peraaitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> , • �` Borroti��r. Lendcz may choosG.�3a�ttus refund by�r��rcing the principal oweck.ainder the Note or by m�king a dlrect
<br /> � Pay1y'�'t to Bomnwer. If a re�'aad reduce5.Principai, �1r¢�r2duction will be trea:.�as a partia! PrePaYme� �'iihout a�r
<br /> 3�: Pre�oryf�ent cha��e under dae Note. � � :' • ' ` �
<br /> ��, 1��.i�tof�°:�.��ny notice to Borrowe:*�`sided for in this Secutity i��utnent shall be given by ui►:aiveria�it or by mailiu�
<br /> � it by fi�st cfuss mail unless applicable law requues�se o f ano t h er m e t haf.The notia;.�ha11 be dira�to the Properiy Addr�s4,
<br /> or aJry..other ad�di�ss Borrower designates by noi'sce to Lender. Any notice to�L�isii�� shall be given by firsi class raait E`o
<br /> Lendt�?s sddress stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice ta;1�?:rower. Any notice provided for in this !
<br /> � � . 5asurit�j instrument shall bc de€med to have been given to Borrower or LuY,�e;•when�icen as provided in this para�aPh-
<br /> � t L3.Governtag Law; Seoerabffity. This Security Instrument �:�r�t�1.�� goderr►od by federal taw and the law of��:_
<br /> ''�., jurisdi�tion in which the Pcag�ar.y is located.In the event that any pr���ors or ct.sty�e of this Security Insttument or tha A'ii��:�
<br /> � confl9ots with applicable law,�u-�'�coriflict shai}not effect other provisions of this 5c�s:��i.ty Ins�nt or the Note which can he
<br /> ' � gi�vesn cffect without the conilicting pravision.To this end the provisions of this Secutlry Instrument uad the Now are declared �
<br /> ° to De ssvetable.
<br /> 15.Bonovrer's Copy.Borrower shzbll fh:given one conformed a��p of the Note and of this�c:,^sz�rity instrument-
<br /> ' . Farm 3028 9lSm
<br /> , ';.
<br /> � . ' . . ��,o.sots .
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