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<br /> . . � -=fi'� _ 'r^='- . ::�.,_�;,--_. i�- �--G"_ r 'e-----.�., k �. . . r. . .- .
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<br /> -N'�SY�'.
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<br /> ,�•�+'F'
<br /> .< Baaroar�s�ll a�be in cY�fsuat�ii Horro�v�r.durdnB tha Ingn u�licav�►�oc�.�s.F,ev��t�riallY[atse os ina�civatc �,:�-��.,:
<br /> infotmaitan ar s�mcnts tn Leader(w fi�tcd to pnnvid�Lcitder adt�any�l�ial 6nfom�3io�)in connectismn�vith the .��Sr-,,:
<br /> t
<br /> Iean evidarse�by the Note,iaciuding,itut aQt Umiied ta.rcgr�...rsit�tu��s�is8 B�rJ's oxupancy of the -:`.
<br /> , �_
<br /> Fm�yr as a�'rincipal residcuoe. If thiE �c�urinj Insuumeat is a�e a E�lmJd. Bosron�r �tstll compty with [he -�,�,�::.
<br /> u
<br /> pavL�ons of the Ic�se.If�onowea acqu�ires fc�atla tm the��sty,t2�a 6t�o10�nd foe titl�strall nfll be��tt _ _
<br /> � uniess Lea►da agtees to s4te merger ia wrlting '`;r�`
<br /> � b.Ca�era��'Ii�prooeeds of sany etvsad ar cia�far a:a�gts.d'utx�ar ains�qneAtifil,in conna�ion�vitb ��,:_�s:.
<br /> �, any wndcmmauan ar other tafdng of mry gu�t af the�aperty.as fa,r��eyr�in p1�oi amndr�etion.sre hrreby -
<br /> ` as�d aa�shall be paid ta I eadg W thB oxEeat af the full amaunt�tba indrbiotlna�a thai[�rnains anps:��adea the • ° .
<br /> � � Note and ttis Seaaity Ia,�cgt I�der�all apply su�b p�s w the re�,ucEimn of the bndebt�dness imder Q�e Nate ��
<br /> and tl�is Secarity Insuume�t.fust to anY dellnquent amaamm agptisA in ths csrder�Ztovided in p�aph 3.end d►ea�to ���.
<br /> An af tho r�s tn the p�i�apal�ball nois�aam��r�sip�rae the dve date of tbe �''�`'"r'
<br /> ,=� D�Y��F�- Y�PP�atian pra �--
<br /> raonthty pay�r.ents.which an refetred w�pm�rapl�2,ar chs�n8e th�amnmu�f s�cb pmymeuts. AnY cxoess PTanee�s
<br /> � over an amatmt�ed to pay all autt�tclinB indeht�ness undea th�1��.a and itna 3ECUri4y Insuumeut sball bs paid tn � ��.�=
<br /> �_j;_
<br />' the e�tily 1egaIIy eatiflefl th�etn. Bo:mwer shail pay all =--
<br /> 7. C�arg� to Borra�� � F�an n� E.eud�'� � in t6e i'nnperty. ---__-
<br /> govanmr�tal a mumiapal d�8es,finas and impasitfans thnt are n�s unr,du�ed in pr�b 2.Bormorea shall pay tbes�
<br /> obiigatfons�n time d'uect2y to the Eaiity wirich i�dured the gay�i U fe�ae 10 pay cvmv)d sdversPly aff�Lr�der's _ ---
<br /> iate�t m the Pmperty,apan Leuds�s requns��ma�aNea sha11�nps1Y fcanis�ta I.easda reoea�►ts eviGea�aag th�se �_=�._:
<br /> : .�� � .,�
<br /> �...s. �QIIOGQ�S t0!Qfl$B i}tGS�jlAjrltlPJfTS QT I�IB jJ8]/[IICIIL4 I�bj�2.0I f01�S 1D�8Tl1I 8aJ1 OI�1Lt �
<br /> ��, ;- vnv�ts and e�ts x�nm5a�d ia t6in Securiry In�tnun.xnt,�t3�re is a lc�al paoc�8 t�t ma5's��ilY ._ -
<br /> affect LR�udds tigdis iA tF�Fmp�aC�j(�tCd as e pt�mceed'm8 ia ba�aP4�Y.!Or C�ndemnBtiDD OT W mfon0e 18ws Oz
<br /> r#` regu2atinns},e�Lencta may do aDd pay cvhatever is¢�essaiy►t�pin�iioct tbe value of Wa P�n�ty and LeAdrr's rigdts -
<br />��'��'° in the Pc�,in�tnding p�ymr�t af tmstss.hefficd in�nce znr��r items mt�uiane�in gffi�giapb 2. -��_
<br /> ..,.-�4. pny amnimts d��d by Iender and�ar this gar".,grap4 shaD b�oame rm�dehi of Bmmrre�and be �:
<br /> :'''.: secured by this Seaai��uunuent 15no.�amaunts s',a316ear mt�fmm the date of disbn�ea�t,ai the Note raae. ��
<br />'�' �� and at she ag�tion of l.endea,sSaIl bs tiamedlstefy d�e and gayabl.�. ��
<br /> aya �p p� --
<br /> �'�t°� 8(8[091P�5$3II�Iljl�SC�a mly u�n�W1�CL hS4 gSt�21I�1 OYY'I t�llE S I�'W���IR°tJ1111�MTJ BQSJD1Y�a�(S�
<br /> .�y - �
<br /> --'°f il$[CCg 1D vVft�$iD(ll� �a r l Of ltt8 Cjlu}j8I�4A��!�!�l..°�!m 8lT�7U1Er AOO�IAt1�C W��:(f1�CODZCSIS 1�1
<br /> ` good faiti�the li�by,aa�fea�ds s�gpinct enfmrar.caanan of tt�li�m,Ds�tl Pro�li�gs svhich in the Lender's opinia� _
<br /> ." °r upaate ta preveat the�fia��meut of tGa ttm:ar(c)sec+ues fram tha hNd^a af 9t�Hea an ag�ea�t sapis�qnry tn �'��`
<br /> L�eadea sa6ard'ma�n8 the tie�ta this Sccuiity lttsuumenL If Land•xr c�ai�n9n�lt�i�►y part of dae PmpFSty is r�je�t to ,,,�i�f,
<br /> �. ccu s ;�w
<br /> � '' a tie�whpeb may at��preorlty m�r tttis Scc�uisy�enR L+�rla�a�y giva�tratv�r a m�ideatifying the liea�. �: .
<br /> ��.,�, Baaower shall sa�isfY the�oz wlca ana ar mare af the ast�ns�t�abmo�vuhm 10 days of ths giving of natioe. �`���-�:�:
<br /> S.Fea.Leadcs ma��:ultect fecc tsnd dt�es anth4rezed by the 5orretazy. --
<br /> . � ; 9.Grc�uacla tar A�ticra o?�eii� —
<br /> �__,
<br /> � �r,�by tha S�y,in the case of payme�it
<br /> (s0 DefSiolt.Leadcr may.�sc$pt as thnited by�egula�nns .
<br /> :���i dt*��uwfrs,require immediaio gArmrnt ln full of aD sums s�xirafl bY tLis SaauiiJr In.umm�t if• i1��__::
<br /> r�.k�3;: . �'pT�tawet def�Its by.flsr�ing to pay m full�y awnt?�SY Pt�ym�t raqnIIe�bY this Sectuiry In�-Ktument t'�*_^_
<br /> � p�siQrsnaran Q�edaedsueaf tbeasxtmamhlYPaY��� �:
<br /> .�} ('n�B�trower defeults by fa�q;,far a�a1 of thutY da3►�,to p�farm any�other obligatiaas amr.^3ned in r f�S�'�7.
<br /> `;.��. tbis$axtritylnsttumenL -- n�".,
<br /> � (b)Sufe�`Jlthoat Cred7t A�a�al.Lend�shall,if p�mite�d by qsp}isable 1aw(ixiu+�' g SECdon 341(d)uf � --
<br />� the Gacn-SL a�U�.pastr:,�g'InstitWians Act of 15:'i'�„t�US�.170�i-3(d))and•w�tha griar appmnval oi
<br />, immaG3ata snt in futl of af�sun�s�cana�4►y Qvs Secarity Instrumsnt if: �"=_-
<br /> the SeQe„�Ya`n�&(� P�!'� . —
<br /> ��,: .,_
<br /> i;
<br /> �' ���_„
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