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<br /> : IE the amounLS h�td by Lendra fur F.s�xow Items exceed tha ainaunts pe9mittod co be hetd by RESPE►,Lend�shall '�:� . � �: -
<br /> s ' . � � m. =-
<br /> atxaunt to Bcirawea for the acc�,ss funds av r�qvimd byr RFSPA. If zhe amaunrs of feands held by Lead�at any timz is ,��;�.,�°:,,,�.'_
<br /> not snfficient w gay the Fscroiv EtrJns when due.Lender may norify the Boiroev�and req�ite Barmwer eo aeake up the :-{• . �' �`F��
<br /> •�� shortaqe as pe�d by RFSP�l. .. - , �." -._._-
<br /> _� =
<br /> 'I�e��szoM Funds aae pledbed as additiaaial security for all sums sQCUred by this S�a�iry Instrument If Barr�wer ` �` � ,- ,-.
<br /> _ . tendess to i�der dtc full payment of all sacb su�v,8�o�er's amnunt shall he credited wiih the f�a�ancc remaining for :_� `�'_. .j. .-
<br /> ` aU insmUffieat itcffis(�). @?.ead(c�and any ru�atgZtge insur�nce pr�nium mstaIImem that Lender 6as not bec�me u,,q ` .�.��= ;'
<br /> obliga�ed on puy to the Secretary,and L�daa shall PmmptlY rzfund any excess fiuids to Bsnower. ImruediateIy pri�ro """ � .,....��s� =
<br />. ._ a forecIos�se sale of t�te Propaty or its zcqnisi�on by Leadrr,Bearor,er's ar,coant shall Ise credited widb any 6alance - ---___-
<br /> remaining far all instaihneaB f�items(a)�@?,�d(c). _.:;�r�.-��
<br /> 3.AppFicat�n of Paymenfa AII payu�LV under patag:apds 1 aad 2 sT�aU be a�lied by I.endea as follow�: --- -=--=
<br /> �,tn the�artg�e iasivance�emium to ba paid by Lendrr m t�e Secx�rary az to the moat6ly c6a�e bY t�e . - -
<br /> , ,� Sec�e�r}r instrad of the Qcanthly�ougege insuTance pm�uiam; --- -
<br /> � �,m aay taxes,s�acial assess�aents.ieas�ehold paymeuts ar�d rent�,aad fue,Mad aud otl�t.�zard =--__ - .------
<br /> u�s�ance premiwns,a4 reqa�d; - ���.'�'••K_`���`:.--
<br /> � �to insscest due undrr the Nat� ..ti� —
<br /> � �,w ama�on of the gr6�cdpat a�ttte Na�e;and -
<br /> . F'j�,to latc charges dne mide�the Note. -
<br /> ` 4.Fir�Ftood aad Othv�rd Insuaraaee.Baaawer shall iasu�e��e�r�ts on tlte Property.whe�ear �'`` rs"
<br /> � r�¢er in existeuce as snbse.qnentiy eret�ed,a�insi a�►Y h��.casaalII.-.�°g.�c3 ooa�xgatcies,includ'mg fae.far whicb ��_ � `�
<br /> . - L�da req�nres inssQanc�'Il�is ins�ance�be m�Eamed'm tk+e��sad for the genods tbat I.eader reqa�r+es. - ----
<br /> �aauwer shall aL�o insun�all' v�ts�a t�e ••: ` - --
<br /> �P� �P�Y.vrhethear aua�px existeuce or sabsequ�tiy eaecced.a�zinst - ----
<br /> ' f�by floods w ihe exteut requffed by the S�y.AII insurat►re shall be cxrried witt�compaaies approved by Lend�rr. `...'��.' ..�..�,:.•
<br /> �e in�uaaee pol�ies and angr zene�vaLs shaII�e 6eld by Ixmdez aad sbari inclnde loss�ayable clausas m dv�a�� ••
<br /> in a farm acceptabie to.Lendea: "-� ; --.-�`��: -
<br /> In t�e evea�t of loss.Bomuwer shati�IIx,rtder immedia�e notice by mm'1.Le�dea may make praof of Ioss ff� "�:,u�
<br /> Lt �`<< '•n.
<br /> ' made ymtngity by Boimwea.Earh insusaQ�to�pwy conceaaed is hcseby�thntitxd and d"uected w malce payme,nt fos " `;r,2.<. `,� `;• .';,;ry:;.
<br /> h eb �c, .�.
<br /> ,-r J 't ''.i::�'-.^...._.
<br /> . suCb Ioss d�'eCQy[o l�eadet.ins�eed of ta Bss�wes and t�Le�d�jttmtly.AD ot 8n}i ,�'d of the uls�er�Ce ptoCeeds t�.y � �.:•,,�r�'.1�` f;�' �:. '.�:�;>�-�;
<br /> �' he appfied by I.e�der,at its apano.eu�ei(a)tn t�e ied�tion of the indebiedness sQC6zr the No2e aad tAis SecxLr.iz�. �,{�,��:.',}.
<br /> Eus�nrmeut,tust w�y delmquaot amomits applied in dte��a p�agiaph 3.and then to prepaymeat of princip^�i;,�pr �!`� : �: . . °.. .
<br /> (b)t�the resm�aniQn ar repaa of the damagec�Prapedty.A.,.-�appTicaBan e�she proceeds tn the p�cigal shaII nnt exs',�w ' . , ;� :�':^.'� °.,�=-.
<br /> ar poscpane thee dae date of the mnntdIy pa�ntv ahicL es tefer�ed�:mr•.�agtapb Z.az change the amo�mt of sn�fi �',.;�,:,��:..
<br /> pays�tt�.Any excess instuance prooeeds a��r an ama�i�nared Gu�all aut�ding inde6ieQness aadcr the l�iuie -:._,:-�-� :r.�,;� �:
<br /> and this Secarity Instn�eatshaII be paid m the ea6ry teg�t,s entitle�theieta . ,`•;^ ���,
<br /> �.',: 1n the eveat of fosecIos�ue of this Secar'sty�trume�t ar other transfer of ade ta�i��et4y tkat eauaugu:�hes the � .�fi.`.__`..
<br /> � indeisizdness.all righ6 title a�td'un�1�f B^t�owea in and W instuauce policias ia fo��all pass t�t��sut�ser. � .�:�,...
<br /> S.Occ�paacy.Pseservs4dow Mauic�auume s�d Y'ratect�n of��roperty; 8oreower's Cat�e A��yl�cution: :•_, ,-�;�4'"s�n-..-�
<br /> 1.e�Sds. Hor�awer shall accugy.�.:nd use t�e Propeny as B�a��r's pr�s�1 ma3de�c��s�in�xty days ,,:...,�_..�:;.
<br /> . . afi�i thse exeeution of this Se�^��s Iasuument(aY with�n sh�ry days of a later sale c�w�ferof the Rlapeaty)and sdaU '°`�J" ---
<br /> o�nue to accapy the Prop�rs:�•a4 Barmwds yraicipal�Wenee far ai least one ,qr after the date of " °�-''--�_-='
<br /> . 3 �Y. ;mr�.:_�::...;..-
<br /> x�Is,�ss Leadcs detamiaes tvat reqnhement vin'll cause imd��f�rdship fo:Bmiower.ar antess eatenuanag c�atntst�saes _.`'�;:`
<br /> esist wtdcb ate beyond Haaower's contrnl.Harrowes sball no6�y Leazd'i��oF aay e�srn�ating�Bamwef ' - --�!?�i�R;:
<br /> � : '`,���,.'�'
<br /> � s..aU not commit watte ar desvoy.dam�He or subs�taaGalIy chaAge��ca IPhagiaty or aUow tLe Pmpaty ta deu�te. . • .';. :`
<br /> � ° r,ar,s�nab2e wear and trar excepted.l�der raay�spe�t the�toperiy if the Propeny is vac�ant ar abendaned ar tte�e Zoan 1s . :°':�'�'�.
<br /> '�� . ..
<br /> . iir, �±�efantL Le.�der may tage re�sonable acfion ta p��c�ct and pnse:ve sacfi vacant or gbaadoned Prap�ty. � �,.,`?".`.`,�.. --
<br /> ., .,•� �-.
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