<br />premiwr�s, if any, or any sums payable by Borrow�r w I.�der in lien of the payment of Mortgage
<br />Insu�rance premiums in acxordance with tb.e provisions of Sc�tion 10. These items ars called "Fscrow
<br />Itetns." At origination or at azry tiuie during the term of the Loan, I,e,nder may require that Community
<br />Associarion Duos, Fe�s� and Asscssments, if any, ix escrowed by Borrower, a� such dues, fee,s and
<br />as,sessments shall be an Fscrnw Item. Borrower s�all promptly furnish to �.en�der all notices of amounts to
<br />be paid under this Ser,tioa. Borrower shall pay I.ender the Funds for Escrow Ite� unless L.endcr waive,s
<br />Bormwcr's obligation w pay the Ftinds for a�ny or all E�crow Ttea�s. Lender m�ay waive Borrower's
<br />obligation to pay w L,ender Funds for any or all E�row ICems at any time. Any such waiver may only be
<br />in writing. In the even�t of such a+axver, Borrower shall pay direcCly, when and where payable, the amounts
<br />due for any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been waived by Ler�der anci, if L,ender requiues,
<br />shall funnish to Lender re�eipts �vidanciag srnch paymcnt withi�n such rirne period as Le�der xnaY require-
<br />Sazxower's obligation to makc such payments and to pmvidc rece�pts shall for all pwrposes be dceme� to
<br />be a covenant at�d agr�nt contained in this Security Instrumet�t, as the phrase "covenant and agree�nent°
<br />is used in Section 9. If Borrower is obligated to pay Fscrow Itexns direcxly, Pursuant ta a waiver, and
<br />Hornower fails to pay the anaount due for am Escrow Item, L�ender may e�e�reise its rights under Sectian 9
<br />and pay such announC and Bormwer shall tb,cn be obligated under S�tion 9 to repay to Lendc�r any such
<br />amount. Lender may revok�c the waiver as W�y or all F..scrnw Itetn� at any time by a notice given in
<br />accordancae with Section 1S and, upon such revocatian, Hortawer shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in
<br />suc� amounts, that are then raquired u�der this Section 3.
<br />Lender may, at any tima� c�1��cC and hold Funds in an amownt (a) sufficier�t to pe�rn�it L�ender to aPP
<br />the F�nds at the time sp�cified under RE,SPA, and (b) �ot w exc�eed tlae maximum amount a lender can
<br />requiax�e under RFSPA. Lead�r shatl estinnate the amoumt af F�unds due on the basis of cwrent data a�
<br />re�sonable estimates of expendiiut+os of future F�scrow Items or otherwise in accorda�uce with A�licable
<br />I.aw.
<br />The Fwnds s�h.all be held in an institutioa vvlwse deposits are instu�od by a federal agpacy,
<br />instrumentality, or eatity (inrduding I.ender, if L.e�ler is an institution whase deposits are so in�uired) ar in
<br />any �ederal Home Loan Eank. �nder ahall apply the Punds to pay the Escrow Items no later than the time
<br />spe�iSed under RESPA. L.e�der shall not charg� Harrawer for holding an�d applying the FY�nds, annually
<br />analyzing thc escrow account, or verifyin,g thc Escrow Items, unlcss L,ender pays Bornow�r it�tcrest on the
<br />Fu�s and Applicable L,aw permits Yx�nder to m,alae such a charge. Unless an agreement is madc it� writing
<br />or Applicable Law requires interest to be p�id an tl�e �unds, �.ender sha(1 not be requir� t� pay Horrower
<br />any intcrest or earnings on the Fu�ds. Bo�x+ower and Lender can ag�ree in writing, howeve�r, that interest
<br />shall be paiid on the Funds. I,cader shall give to Bornower, withaut charge, an annual a�ounting of the
<br />Funds as r�quired by RFSPA.
<br />If there is a suiplus of Funds held iu� escrow, as de�inded under RESPA, L�nder sha11 account to
<br />Borro�vv�r far the excess funds in accardance rwath RFSPA. If there is a shortage of Fw�ds held in escrow,
<br />as defin�d ttxxier R�SPA, L�der ahall nat�ify Boxrower as required by R.ESPA, and Borrower ahall paq to
<br />L.e�der the a�unt necessary to meke up the shartage in accordanc� with RESPA, but in no �n,ore thau 12
<br />month�lY P$Y�. If there is a deficiency of �nds held in escrow, as defined under RFSPA� �.ender shall
<br />notify Bonro�a►�er as require� by, RFSPA, and Bonrower shall pay to L�ender the au�ount ne�s.gary to m�lce
<br />up the deficiea�y i�a► �c�cordance with RFSPA, but in no amore than 12 m�nthlY P�Y��•
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Se�urity Yns�t, L,ender shall pmmptly refun.d
<br />to Horrower any Punds held by L,ender.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. ass�tits, cbarges, fincs, and impositions
<br />attributable to the P�operty which can attain priority over this 5ecurity Ynstruu�ent, lear,ehold payments or
<br />ground r�ts on the Fraperty, if any, aixi Community A,ssaCiation Du�s, F�s, and Assessments, if any. To
<br />Che ea�tent that these it�ns are F.scrow Yte.ms, Borrower s�a11 pay them in the r�nanmer provided in S�tion 3.
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Famlly - FanNs Maa/Freddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT
<br />�-6(NE11oa��1 , Paaeeot�a inrc�sw: FormS028 7/07
<br />�L
<br />