<br />As a result of the�se ag�ts, I.ender, a�►Y pu�has�x' of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer,
<br />any other �atity, or any at�iliatc of aay of thc forcgaing, may receiva (dir�ctly ar indirectly) am�ounts that
<br />derive from (or �aaight be chazacteri� as) a partion o� Rarrower's pa�nents for Mortgage in�„ra„r�, in
<br />exchange for sharing or �difying the mortgage insurer's riis�, ar reducing losses. If auch agreement
<br />parovides that an atfiliate of L�nder takes a sbare of the insurer's r�sk in excbange for a share of the
<br />premiums paid w the insurer, the arrangement is often termed "captive reinsurance." Further:
<br />(a) Any such $gmeemants wW not a�ect the amounts that Borrower hes ag,��eed to pay for
<br />Mortgage In��uraace, or any other te�,s of the Laan. Such agrae�nents will not �crea�e the amattnt
<br />Borrower will owe for Mort�e Yns and t1��y will not eadtle Bornow� to any refund.
<br />(b) Any �h �emeats w111 ��t �ect the rightrs Eorrower ha� - it any - with reapect to the
<br />Mortg�ge Insurance under the Hameawners Protec�ou Act of 1998 or any oth�r la�av. These rights
<br />may include the right to recdve oextain disctosures, to reque�t aund obtain c�woellation of the
<br />Martgage Lrswrunce, to have the Mortgage Insuuran,ce te�o�inated auto�aadcaUy, and/or to rece�ive a
<br />refund of auy Mortgage L�surance premiums that were unesrned at the time of such canoellalion or
<br />tcrminatlon.
<br />11. Aasignme�t o[ Miscellanenua Proceeds; ForPdt�u�e. All Mi�sccll,aneous Proceeds are hereby
<br />assigned to and shall bepu d w I.ender.
<br />If the Froperiy is d�maged, suGh Miscellan�aus Proceeds sb�all be applied W�e.storation or repair of
<br />the Property, if the arestaratian or repair is e�onomically feasible and Lender's security is not le.ssened.
<br />During suah repair and restoration period, l.ender shall have the right to hold such Miscollaneous Proc�ds
<br />until L�der has had an opportunity to inspect such Pmperty t� ensure the wark has bcen complete� to
<br />L,ender's satisfaction, pro�nided that sucb inspection shall be underta�n pxo;mptly. L,�der may pay for thc
<br />repaixs and restoration iri a single disbursenae�t or in a series of progress payments as the work is
<br />complefi�. Unless an agre�ment is made in writing or Appticable I,.,aw requires i�nterest to be paid on such
<br />MisceAa�ous Proceeds, L,ender ahall not be �oequ�ired to pay Borrower any interest or e,anni�gs an such
<br />Miscellaneous Prorseds. If the restoration or nepair is not economiaally feasible or I,ender's security would
<br />be lessened, th�e Miscellaneous Proce�s shall be applied to the sums secure� by this Security Insbrument,
<br />whethcr ar npt then due, with the excess, i� any, pai.d w Hortower. S�c�h Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br />applied in the order pravided for in 5ectipn 2.
<br />In the event of a wtal takin�g, desbn�ction� or loss in� valrxe of the Property, the Miscellane�ous
<br />Proceed,a shall be applied to the sums secured by tb�s Security Instn�ment, wh�ether or �t then due, with
<br />the excess, if any, Paid to Hoxrowcr.
<br />�n the event af a partial taking, desauctinn, or loss in value of the Property in whicl� the fair market
<br />value of the Pmperty ina�odiat�ly before the partial taking, de�ructian, ox loss in valtte is equal w vr
<br />greater tban the amount of the sums secured by this Security rri�*�+** �iately before the partial
<br />takinS, destruction, ar loss in value, unless Borrower and L,ender otherwise agree in vvriting. the sums
<br />secured by tl�is Security Inst�vnxx�t shall be reciuce� by the amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds
<br />multiplied by the follavving fraction: (a) th� total amc�unt of the sums secured irnm�.iately before the
<br />partial talong, des�uction, or loss in value divided by @) the fair m�rket value of the Prnperty
<br />iirnne�iately before the partial tal�ing, destruction, or loss in value. Any balances shall be �aid to Barrower.
<br />In the event of a partial taldng, destnxtion, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair market
<br />value o;f tho Pmperty immetliately before the partial taldng, destruction, or loss in value is less tban the
<br />amaunt of ihe sums secured immediately before the �artial takin8, deswction, or loss in value. unless
<br />Borrower and I.ender otbcrwis� ag�ee in writing. the Mist�lat�eous � shall be applied to the sums
<br />secured by this Security Insh�t whether or not the sums am then d�ue.
<br />If the Pro�erty is , abando�ed by Borrower, or if, aftes notice by L.endcr to Borrawer that the
<br />�pposing PartX (as defuied in tho �xt s�ntence) off�rs to malrc an award ta settle a claim for daznages,
<br />Bonrowear fails ta respond to L,ender within 30 days after the dat� the naCice is given, L,�d,er is authoriize�
<br />to collect and apply the Miscellaneous �roceed� either to restorarion or repair of the Property or to th�
<br />sums secured by this SecrYrity InsUnu�eat, whetber or not tb�a due. "Opposing I'arty" means the third party
<br />that owes Eorrower Misaellat�aus Proceads or ths party agai.�nst whom Borrower has a right of action in
<br />regard to Miscellaneous Pnoceeds. �
<br />Borrower shall be in default if any action or proccetiing, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in
<br />r.ender's judgm�ent, could result in forfeiture of the Property or otlaer matexial impainment of Lender's
<br />interest iuq� t� Property or rights w�dcr this Sacurity InstnuoQent. Horrower can cure such a default and, if
<br />N BRASKA - Single Family - Fannia MaslFrsddis Mac UNIFORM WS7RUMENT ��
<br />-B�NE) 1oe111 �a 9 at 16 Inrc�ala: � Form 30Z8 1/01
<br />_ �
<br />