1 11'1:;
<br />9. Protecdon o� Lanc�'s Int�est in the Praperty and Rights Un� this Sec�urity� Iastrument. If
<br />(a) Barrower fails to perform tbie covenants and agraements cantaGin�d 'va this Security Instrumcnt, @) the�
<br />is a legal prooeadimg that Yaight significantly affect I,�nder's int�r�t in the Property and/or rights under
<br />this Security �nst�ent (such as a proc�e+ding in bax�uptcy, probate, for canden�nation or forfeiture, for
<br />enforcement of a liea which may attaiuq, priority over this Security Inst�wanent or to enfarce laws or
<br />regulations), ar (c) Horrower bma abattdoned the Property, then I.,en,der may do and pay fvr whatever is
<br />reasonable or appropriate to protect �nder's int�est � tb.e Property and ri ts under this Securi
<br />Ins�t, including P�'utectiz�g and/or as.�essing the valrre of the Pro�rty, and s�ecur'�ng �d/ar reP��B
<br />the Pro�erty. Lender's actions can include, but are not limited to: (a) PaYin,g anY sums securad by a lieu
<br />which has priority over this Sec.urit3' �t; (b) aPpeazing in corrt�C; and (c) payi.ng rcasonablc
<br />attorneys' fces to protect its intsrest in the Property and/or rights under this Security l'nsttumeut, including
<br />its se�cut�ed pasitian in a ban�kruptcy proceeding. $ecuri,ng the Pr�rty includes, but is nat liznited to,
<br />entering the Praperry to malce repairs, change locks, nplace or board up doors and windows, drain watez
<br />from pipe.s, eliminate building ar othex code violations or dang�rous c;ot�itions, and have utilities turneii
<br />on ar off. Althou� Lender may take action under this Scxtion 9, Le�nder doe� not have to do so and is anot
<br />under any duty or obligation to do scr. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any oz all
<br />actions authorized under ttv,s Seixion 9,
<br />� Any art�unts disbut'sed by I,�nder und�r t�his Section 9 shall b�ome addidonal debt of Borrrower
<br />secure� by this Security Inst�vment. These amowats shall bear intem�i at the Note rate fi�om the date of
<br />disbursement and shall be payable, with such intexest, upon xwtice fra�aa L�nder to Horrower requesting
<br />PaY�• .
<br />If tlus Security Instn�ent is on a leasehold, Hoxrowcr shall cozn�aly with all the prnvisinns of the
<br />lcase. Xf Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee dt18 s�a�ll not merge unless
<br />Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />10. Mortgage Ynsurance. If Lender requiired Mortgage Insurance as a condi�taon of making the Loan,
<br />Eorrr�ower s�alt pay the pr�mituns required to maintain the Martgage Insurance in �ffect. If, f4r any �reason,
<br />the Mortgage Insura�ace coverage x�equire� by Lender ceases W be availabl� from the �aorCgage insurer tt�at
<br />pxcviously provided such insurance and Borrower was xequiured to make sepazately designated pay�ments
<br />towazd the premiums for Mortgage Xnsurance, Borrower shall pay tl�e premiuu�s required to abtain
<br />cavarage substantially equivalent W the Mnrtgage Ynsurancc p;rev�iously in efFe�t, �t a cost substantially
<br />equavalent ta tbe cost to Horrower of the Mortgagc Insuramce previously in eff�ct, fra�m an alternate
<br />mortgaga iasru�r selected hy I,,e�der. If substan#ially equivalcnt Mortgage Tnsurance cavexa;ge is not
<br />a��1�re, ��� �1 ��u� �� w r.�a� cn� �w�,c a� r� ���iy a��a �a r�
<br />were due whe�n the insuranee oover�� cx� W be in effect. L�nder vcrill accept, us� and retain �
<br />payments as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage �ce. Surh loss ros�rve shall be
<br />non-refundable, notwithstanding the fact t�iat the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not be
<br />reqtxired ta pay Borrower any iva�terest or earnings on such lvs� reserve. L,ender carx no longer renuire loss
<br />reserve pay�an�ents if Mortgage Ins coverage (ia the amottnt a� far the period that I.ender requires)
<br />provided by an insurer . selected by I.ender again becomes available, is obta,ined, and Lender requi�res
<br />separately designated paym�nt� toward the premiums for Mortgage Insu�rance. If Lendcr requ3red Mortgage
<br />Tnsurance as a cvndition of malang the T,oan and Borrower was require� to make se.parate;ly designated
<br />payrnents Wvvard the preaaniums for Mortgage Insurance, Horrower shall pay the pr�miitym�s required to
<br />maintain Martga�e Insurance in effect, or to pro�vidc a non-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's
<br />requirement far Mortgage Insurance eAds in accardance with any writtea� agree�nt between Borrower and
<br />Lender praviding for such termination or until t�minatiom is required by Applicable Law. Not�ing in this
<br />Section 10 affects Borrower's nbligation to pay interest at the rate provid�d in the Note.
<br />Martgage Insurance reimburses I.ender (or any entity that purchages tt�e Note) for c�ertain losses it
<br />may incuc if Borrowear dces not repay the Loan a� agreed. Borrower is not a parCy to the Mortgage
<br />Tnsurance.
<br />Mortgage in.qw�ers evaluarc t&eir total risk on all such insurance in force from tim�e w time, and may
<br />enter into agreements with other parties that share ar m�dify their risk, or redu�ce losses. These �ts
<br />are an tern�s and ca�didons that are satisfactory to the rnartgage insur�r aad the otl�r pazty (or parties) ta
<br />thesE agr�nts. 'Ihese agreeinents znay require the uwrtgage insurer to make payraents using any source
<br />of funds tlaat the �rtgage insurer may have available (whicda rnay includc funds obtained from Mortgage
<br />Insurance premiums).
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Famlly - F�nn� Mae/FreddM Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT
<br />�-8(NE) loa � i 1 P.�a e w �� �n�dab: - U� 1=orm 302$ 1/01
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