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<br /> �� � IP Lender required mortgoge insurunce as a condition of making the loan secured by thia Security inslrument,
<br /> u
<br /> ^ `' '�'` '� � Bnrrower sh�+ll pay the premium�aquired to maintain thc ingurance in eRect until auch dm�os the raquiremcnt for the
<br /> - • insurr�nr�tcrminat��s in uccard�nce a•ith 8orrower'g and Lender'�writ ten agreemenl or applicc�We luw. � _
<br /> • ' 8. lo�pectlon. L.cnde�or its ngent moy muk�reasonoble rn�ries upon and inapections of the Property, l.ender
<br /> , � thall Qive Borrower notice al the time oP or priur to un inapectian specifying rcasonuble cause forthe Inapection.
<br /> ' 9. Condemn�tfon. The pruceeds of uny uward or claim Por damages,direct ar consequenlial.in connection with
<br />— � any condemnotion or athrr tAking of'any pan oi tho Property, or Por conveyance in lieu uf condernnatiun. are hereby
<br /> . � " �''''"'"'' Assigned and ahall be paid to l.ender.
<br /> ' .. " In the eveol of a tota) taking of the Propcny,the praceds sholl be applird tu�he sums secured by thiA Securlty
<br /> ' Instrument,whelher or not then due,with Any excc�.�p�id tu Borrower. In thc eveot uf a pur�ial taking oPthe Property,
<br /> ' � unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agree in writing,tne sums secured by thia Securily Inatrument shal)be reduced by
<br /> the amaunt of thr pr�xc�ls multiplied by the following fraction: (a) thc totnl�mount oP the sums secured irnmedintely ` T
<br /> bcfore the taking,divided by(b)the foir mnrket valuu of the Property immedwtely before the taking.Any brlaoco ahaU ba -
<br /> � . psid to Borrower.
<br /> � . �: If the Property is abandaned by Bonower,or if,ulter notice by Lender to Borrower thet the condamnor offnnq to
<br /> • � meke an award�r setUe a claim far damAges,Borrower Pails to respond to Lender within 30 de�yi aAer tha date the notice is
<br /> - given,Lender is authorizcd ta collett and upply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoration or apairof'the Propeny or
<br /> . .�' to the sums secured by this Security Inatrument,whether or nat then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otbsrv►•ise agree in writing,any application of prc�ceeds to principal shall not cxund ar
<br /> postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments referred to in paragruphs 1 and 2 or chnnge thc�mount of such payments.
<br /> ,. ;' . . ; , 10. Borrower Not Rele�sed;Forbearwnce 8y I.eader Not s�Walver. Eatension of the time Por payment or .'_;�� �
<br /> � modiflcation of amortizatian of'the suma secured by this Security instrument gramed by Lender �o any successor in _
<br /> � � '""�-':`• interest of Horrower shall not operate lo release the liability of the ariginnl Borrower ar Barrower s successors in interest. _
<br /> ;..;:. �
<br /> � . `�r�r,r"+'�' � Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or reiuse lo eatend time fbr
<br /> ' �`.��`'•'!�.�ta,�^ � a ment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Inslrumenl by resrsan of any demand made
<br /> . ;,,;,� •... P Y :�"'�' •:�.
<br /> ;�.- �•��,.�,;,,':; by the original Horrower ur Bortower's successors in intcrest.Any for6earance by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy ,,„._..
<br /> �' °��� � ' shall not be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of uny right or remedy. �� '" �� _._
<br /> •'�'•` ll. Successors and Assi�ns Bound;Joint nnd Several LiabiUty;Caci�p►ers. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> M,.._._. .,.
<br /> -�-u-�.
<br /> - ,____ - - shis Security lnssrament shall hin�i end hene8t the successors and assignsoPLender end Borrower.subj�ct co the provisions �� yT• - -
<br /> of parogruph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint nnd several.Any Borrower a�ho cas�gns th�s�ecurity ���y;E;:�_
<br /> . lnstrument but daes nat execute tha Note:(a)is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to martgage,grnnt and convey �� � -
<br /> ' , thet Horrower's interest in Ihe Property under the terms of this�8ecurity Instrument;(b)is not perwnally obligatcd to pay
<br /> the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument;nnd(c)agreas that Lender and any other Borrower rnay agree to extend, -
<br /> ,; �;,�.s,��; '� modify, forbear or mako any accommodetions with regard to the terms of this Security Intitrument or the Note without -t�.; :�,;°�•`�-
<br /> • . thet BorrowcPs conscnt. , �
<br /> , 1• '• �, �� 12. I.oanCbpr�es. IPthe luan secured by this Security ln.etrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan � -__
<br /> „ �:•;, ;;,. '` . _
<br /> . charges. nnd thal Inw is flnAlly interpreted so that the interest or other loan ebArges collected or lo be rallected in
<br /> .• �` • connaction with tha loan exceed the permilted limits, then: (u) any such loun charge shall be reduced by the amount -r`
<br /> ,���;;�:�`�1����� necessary ta reduce the charge to Ihe permitted limit;und(b)uny wms alrrady collected from Bormwer which exceeded "
<br /> permitted limits will 1�rePunded ta Horrower. Lender muy choo�e [o mnke thix refLnd by reducing the principt+l uwed •.=
<br /> T n_:..
<br /> � under the Note ar by making a dircwl puyment to Borrowec If a refund reduces principal,�he rcduction will be treuted as u ;,;A,t_�r,_
<br /> � panial prepaymant withuut uny prepayment rhurge under the Note. � � -�t�"
<br /> `; 13. LelRlslation Affectins Lender's RiRhta. If enACtment or expiration of:�pplicahl�luws hax the rtfe�t of � „�;x,___`_
<br /> ti. •
<br /> !`,,•� rendering�ny provision of the Note or this Security In.trument unenforceAble uccording�n it s terms, Lender,u�its option, _
<br /> may requ�re immediate payntcnt in full oP•rll�um+.ecured hy thi� Security Instrument and rnay invoke uny remedies ;�"__,
<br /> •. . permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender ezercises this optiun,Lendcrwholl ts�ke thr step+xpecificd in thr ucond paraRrnph of k �a-;--
<br /> � ' paragruph 17. ,�'�
<br /> 14. Notices. Any noticc to Horrower provided for in this Serurity Instrumenl shall be given by delivering it or by ; `;�-_
<br /> ' mailing it by first class ma�l unle�s applic�ble law reyuires utie ��f anather method. Thc ncxire shall be dir�wtcd to the � .�"'•'__
<br /> ",.` ;i Property Address ur any<�ther uddress Hurr��wer decign�tes by naicc li+I.ender. An��notic�t�Lender�hull be given by ! '�
<br /> ,,������ Hrs1 cla�x mail to Lender's uddrr+�stated herein or nny othcr uddr��Lender Je�iFnatc+hy ni�tk�to li��rrower.Any notice -
<br /> �:-
<br /> : provideJ Pi�r in this Securiry Instrumeni shull be deNmed U�huve hcen givrn to l�ormwer or L cnder N•hen given as provided ,
<br /> . in this parugraph. � ,
<br /> 15. Govcrning I.�w;ScverAbility. Thi�Scrurity In�trumcnt shall hc tiuvcrnrd h>�t'�drral Ic+u anJ Ihc luw•uf the
<br /> ,�'�� � ruvitiian�,r clausc c�f Ihi�Srcurny I nNrumrnt or Ih�
<br /> Jurisdiction in whirh thr 1 ruper��i�kkutcJ.In thr c«nt that any�r
<br /> � ' Note conflictv with applicable law.tiuch ce,n8irt.hall nut afl'rct oihrr pnwuum���t thiti tier uril�•In�trumcnt �tt the Nntr
<br /> which�an i+e Fi��en eflert withaut thc conflirtin�:pro�i�i��n.�fo thic end thr rn,�is�on.af�hi�Srrurity Instrument anJ thr • � .
<br /> Notcarc declared to lx tir�cre+blc.
<br /> ' 16. Borrower's('opy. Hurrawcr�h:dl hr Encn„nr�„nr�m„r��„�> ui�h�N��tr;mvnf�hiti Scrunl}• In�trumcnt.
<br /> 17. Trunsfer nf the 1'rnperty or u ReneBcial Interest in BormM•ea If all��r am part�+t'�hr IkuFxrt} ur am
<br /> intcre�t in it i�tiold i,r trumfrrrrJ(��r il'a I,rnelic�rl intrrc.t in R��rrnnrr i„old ur tr:m.fcrred an�l Harrnwrrn m,t a natur:►I
<br /> • �xr.an)���thout Lcndrr',pni�r��rillcn rnn.rnt.I.�ndrr ma�..it ���upu�,n,rcywrr unmcdi:ite ra}inem ui full��t'all.um�
<br /> �crurcd by th�ti Scru�u� hi�trumr�u. H�»�e�cr. thiti��pu�,n �h�ill n„1 b,• r�cr.•�.cil h� I.cn.l�r it'ctrrti.c n rruh�bitcd h>
<br /> federul la��a,ufthrJatrulthi.5cruru� In.trumcnl.
<br /> If L�nderexrrc��t'�Ih����ru�,n.LenJei.I�al)�!i�r li„rr����rrn��urr uf:iicclrr.diun. Ihvn�,nre .hall pr�»ide a prn�+�l
<br /> i�f ni�t Ic+�than�0 Jay��frum th��.fa�r thc n�,nrc i,dch�rrcd i+r m:ulr�t��uhm��hirh linrru��cr mu,l�,:��:il)tium,.r.urrJ M
<br /> .�_ _.� � _.�.. ..►.
<br /> 1hi�Sr�urrt�•In.trumcnt It tsurc��a�cr�:ui.�u�:f�ttic�r�um��•n��i ia�ii�c c:�j�iiaiG.'.ii:� .��,j.���:......C��..�:^. , ......__!!;
<br /> rem�die,�,ermined h?�thiti Srruru� In,trumrnt ��nhuut t'urther nuu�r„r�Irmand�,n N��rro���r •..
<br /> 18.Horrowcr's Right tu RcincWtc. II'N��rr��wrr mrrl.ccrtam�„ndiu�m.. H�rrr��a�•r,hall h,��c thc ngh� w h.i�r
<br /> enfi�rcemrnt��Fth��ti�cunty lu,lrumrntdi.c�mlmurd:u:�o) timcpra�rt�,�hee•.u•hcro(. I.i1�J,���l�•r�u.•h��thcr{�rn��d.�,
<br /> :�ppltrahlc law may ,perd� I:,r rr�n.�atcmrn�l hrlhrr..�Ir„1'ihr Pn,pert� ��ur.u:mt �o.�in ��o���r nt��,dr am�.unrJ in ih�.
<br /> 5erurity In,trumrnt:�a•1h1 rnlr� �,I:i�ud�;ment rnti+rrinE Ihi,ti�iunl� In��rutnent Iha.c .nn�hn�•u.ari�h.0 li�+n�����•i
<br /> (al p:►�. Lrn�rr all wmr��liirh thrn ���+uld Ix dur inidcr tlu. tiecunt� In.lrumrnl and chr 1���r�e�.t m� .�r�rlri.ua•n
<br /> acrurrrJ: Ihl �urc�am drt:►ull ��f am „Ihrr c���rnant.ur .�grrcmeut.. �rl ��:��. aU c�prn.c, �niu�rr�i �n rid��r:mL �hi.
<br /> 5erunt� In.trumrm. mrluJinE. hut n„� hnnlr.11�,, re:�.�,n:ihlc at���rnc�.' Ir�h.an�11d1 tal��..u.h .��n�•n.i. Ir�i.lrt me�
<br /> rcawnahly rryuur t�, ��wr� ihat �hn c�n ��i ih�� �rcunt� In+trun�rn�. I ru�lrr'. nght.m �hr Pn•prii♦ .u►.f H�,n����r�'.
<br /> nhl�g:ui�m h, ra� thr �unt. •rrured h� thi, tiecurit� In.lrumcnt .hall i��nnnur unch.in�r.f l ���m ir�u.i.arnirni t,�
<br /> Durrawcr.tlm Sr�unl� In.lrumcnl:ui.l iltc�,hl��;alwm.rrurcd hcrrh�.h.�ll rrmam tidl�rtl�•.in.•.i. d n,�.i�:rlri.�u,���li.��t
<br /> ; �krurrrd H�,����rr.thi.right t„nm.talr.h:�u��„�:�r�i.���►n�•�.�u•�,t.i.�rli�i.�W m undr�p,��a�:i.�ph�I i.�i I'
<br /> I �
<br /> . ,
<br />