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<br /> �-�n��.� . -.�..�. • �xri��lr�hut Lciulcr rcyuirex. The insurnncc cnrrier providing the insuronce shall be chasen by Borrower�ubJe�t tu Lcnckr�
<br /> - �.� � '..,q u�nwul wldrh�hull n�N tx unreaconubly withheld. lf Barrower fails to mainttiin coveruge described ubove,L�nder rrwy,at � _--
<br /> ��'�� ','`'�;;'';� *` Lcn�kr'h npliun,oMu�n caveruge to protect Lender x righis in ihe Prn rty in occ.xdnnce with puragrnph 1.
<br /> pe u
<br /> . All in�uruncu�►lici�ti nnd renewuls Khall be accep�able to I.ender wid shal l includa a standnrd m�ngage cluuve. Lender
<br /> �hull hovc ihc right lu huld�hc p�ilicic�und renewals. IP Lender requires,Bortower xhull promptly give to Lcnder ull rereipts °
<br /> " � al'puid pnn�iumy und mnuwul nMice.. In Ihe event of loss,Barrower shall give prompt notice to�he ins�urance caRier und �
<br /> 1' .•�i� Lender. l.ender muy mukc pnx►f uf loss if no�mude prompdy by Borrawer.
<br /> : =• .-- . 1 hdc+.Lrnder uiui RoR�iwcr uthenvi�r agree in�vriting, insuranre prcxeeds sflall be upplied to reslorulion ur rep�ituf-
<br /> . _.. _
<br /> " h����'' •^ ihe Nro�xny dumuged, ff �he r�slorution ur repuir is econamically feasible and Lender's security iti not lessened. if�tho — �
<br /> ,: . � .,�•
<br /> ' ', "�•• ` ntia�ru�ion nr npair iy not ecunomicully fea.ible or Landerk securiry would be lessened, �he insurunce pmceecfx xha�11 be
<br /> e"�" � upplird �o Ihc sumti �crumd by Ihis Security Instrument, whether or not then due,with uny excess puid lo Bnrnia�er, IP -
<br /> __ �.�: Bortower uhandunr thc PiraExrty,ur docs not ungwer within 30 ds►ys a notice from Lender that ihe insurancc csurier h�►s
<br /> � ';. ,S�'� ',• ui'1'ered tu Kl�le u cluim, then Lrnder muy collec��hr insurance proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to�eQair or reytom
<br />;;;f � �he Property nr to pay sum��ecumd by this Secu�i�y Imnument.wh�ther ar nM theo due. The 30-day period w�ll begin when,
<br /> � J. . ...' Ihc notirc is�tivrn. _.�.
<br /> � Unletis Lcnder unJ Borciiwer uthenvi+e ugrce in w�iting,uny upplication of praeeds to principal r�hull �at eztend or s•--
<br /> ' �„.¢� pmtpnne the Juc dutr ui'�he momhly puymems referred ta in paru�traphs I und ?or chunge the wnaum of�he payments. !t' -
<br /> � .. . r
<br /> -�;,;a;^;�_,',��,_=• nnder pnrat!rnph 31 thc F'nq+erty is ucyuired by Lender, [iorrowcr's right to 1ny insurnnce palicics and procecds resultin� � - -
<br /> " � , frum Jumugr to the Pr���xrty priur tu the ucyuizition shull pass ta Lender to lhe exlent of Ihe sums secured by thi+Securiq�
<br /> � � , In.rtrumcnt immrdintcly priar la�hr ucywsition.
<br /> �• � 6. (kcupAncy. PreservaNun. Maintenance and P�atectian of the Property; Borrower's Lonn Applkatlani�
<br /> � 4easeholdx. BoROwer�hull ixcupy,e,tubli�h.und use the Prapehy as Borrowerk principal residence wlthin sixt��da):�aftar
<br /> �, -' � .� • Ihr rxr�uti�ai��I'thin Srcutiry In�trument and.hall continue to accupy the Propetry as Borrower'.s principal reside�e frn at� _- .. __--
<br /> .. ,. Icust onc ycur uQer �hc Jatc nt' ixcupuncy, unlesx Lender otherwise Agrees in wri�ing, which can,Nnt +hall�not b�e
<br /> , �. . unn�uwnul�ly withhrlJ.��r unkr..rxtrnuating circumstunces exiat whleh are beyond Borrowerk control. Ba�mwer tihall�nvt
<br /> �`' Jc�troy,domoNe or impair�hc Pro�xhy,ulluw the Property io detcriarate,orcommit watite on the PropeRy. Borrow�er shall� -
<br /> hr in drl'nuh iF uny ti�rfciwm uc�ii►n ur pnxceding,whcther civil or criminul,is begun IhAt in Lenderk good faith judgmem
<br /> � � could n+ult in tiirfrUun� uf ihe I'nryxny ur otherwixe ma�eriAlly impair �he lien ereuted by thix Security Instrumen�or
<br /> �' Lendcr:+ecuri� inicre+�. RuRUwer ma cure�uch u Jefuult und reinstate,�s rovided in aru ru h IR,b eausin the autinn '"�-
<br /> , Y Y p P B P !' 8 C-_:.�._'.
<br /> .� � •• or pr�xeeding to hc ditimi„ed wnh u rulin�t�hnt,in Lenderz Rcwd fuith detem�inatian,precludes forfei�ure af the Borrower's
<br /> intcrr+l in ihc I'nqkny u�uthrr n�utcriul impuimirm of the lien �reuted by this Securiry Instrument ar l.ender's xecunty __�
<br /> ., imcre+t. Hurrowcr ,hull ul�o Ix in dcfuult if BoROwcr, during the loun wppliculion p�ocess, guve mntorially ful+c or °r�--
<br /> � � inarruruie inli�rmu�ion or tiw�rmeni,�a l.ender lor fuileJ to provide Lender wi�h uny material informutionl in connection with �'=°-�^
<br /> Ihe loun rvidrncrd hy thr No1c, incluJing. bu� nut limited to, reprexentalions concerning Borrowerk acupancy of the
<br /> Pro�xny u�u principul n,iJence. If thi.tircuri�y In�tnimem is on u lensehold. Borrower sholl comply with all the provision+ ---
<br /> 1 .�:• - ot thr Icu��. 11 liixrowrr•rcyuirc.tcr�i�lr u�ihc Pnqxny.�he ieuschoid anci the fce tiile shaH na�mcrge uni�Lrn��ugic�. �'��"''�-`
<br /> . � lothcmcr�rrinwrilin�t. ��"`��-_ --
<br /> ' 7. ProtecUon ��' Lender'w NiKht.r in Ihc Nroperty. If B�mower inils to rert'oRn the covenant�und ugrcemcnt. �1-�--
<br /> . ; �. :. . e �--�:-�.--
<br /> •� •, � , cuntuinrd in �hi+ S�curity Im�rum�nt, or Ihrn iti a Icgul pr�xeeding �hut may tiignificantly :�ffeG lxnder. rights in �he �,�-
<br /> � � � Pmpeny 1,uch a.u pr�•ceJing in bunlrup�cy.pruhu�r,li►r cunJrmnuiion ur forteiture or to enfi�rce laws or regulution�),then y'��`�°�`'
<br /> �', ---
<br /> , `,� . l.cndcr muy Ju und puy litt whiurvrr i,ncce„a�ry tu prorec� thc vulu�of the Property und Lendar: right�in ihe Propeny. '`a`."'°�: �-
<br /> r `�� - L.enJer:urtiam muy includr paying uny.um+.rcurrd by a licn which ha,prioriry over thin Sacuriry Instnimem,appearing • --
<br /> �' in roun,paying rcasonublr:�uumey.'lic+,md rnirrinE un thr Prupeny io make repsirs. Although L.ender mny tukr •rc�iim �
<br /> . under thi, ura�ru h 7.Lrnder dtk�nut lurvr lu�lu tio. �. `� --
<br /> P 6 p .-�. ;,.� r;�,,-
<br /> . Any umaumti di�hur+ed by Lrnder un�kr �hi. para�raph 7,hall becume udditional dobt af Bonower secureJ hy Ihi� �
<br /> Securily Inslrument. Unlcr.,fiurrowrr und Lrndrr u�!rcc Io ulhrr Icrnix ol paymrnt,thesc•rmount,shull t+eur intemst from�hc , .
<br /> dute nf'Jishursement a� dw N�N�nnc und .htdl he�iuy;�Mr,wilh interc�t, up�►n noti�r i'rom Lender to Borrower reyuexting `
<br /> � .
<br /> . p•ryment. •. -
<br /> . 8. Murt�age In!�urunca. li'Lcudrr r�yuircJ munEuEr iu�urancc a,a c�mdition ot'muking the lovn+ecured by Ihi, �i �:"'•'
<br /> Srcurity In,lrumem, di�rruwrr tihaU pay Ihr p�.•mium, rryuirrd 1�� muimuin the mortguge insurunce in effert. If.for any � , .
<br /> rcoson. the mortgugc intiuruncr ru�cra�µe rrquurd h� l.rodrr lupk, ur ccu,c+ t�� hr in cffect. Burru�ver �hall pay ihr �.; _
<br /> prcmimnti reyuinJ t��uhlain ruveraEr .uh.�anualh �•qwv�drni ti� Ihr mud�a@e inxurance prrviausly in effect. at a w�t � :_
<br /> � xubstuntially equivalrnt u►ihe ru,t lu liurruw��r nl Ilir num}�i��;e in.urancr pr�viou+ly in eficct. from un :dlematr mort�!agc i
<br /> . inxurerupproveJ hy l.cndcr. If,uh,t;utUally r��un,�lrnl muriga�r in,urancrrnver:igr is not uvuilaihl�.B��rrow�r+hull pay to �. �-.-
<br /> , .. l.cndcr euch momh u�wn eyual tu„or ta•clt�h ul�hr�rarl}�morltiagr imurnn�r prcmium ixing p;iid hy Barruwcr whrn the � "`-"
<br /> . � inxuruncc cuvcragc lup�rd�,r cru,ed lu Ix•�u rltr.l. Lrnder a ill:irrrpt.u,r an�1 rcluin th�sc paymcn�s u+u lo�.reticrve in lieu . . .`
<br /> � , , of mongagr in.urunce. [.o+. rr,rr�•r p�n wrnl. m:�� m� luugrr Ix reyuirrd.at ihc up�ion iif Lender. if manguge imurunce � " �t,,
<br /> ,. ' � covcragr lin thc amc�unl nnJ tiir Ihr�x�ri�Kl�h;u L��n�lrr iryu�r.•,i pruvidrd hy:in inwrrr approved by Lender u�ain I+e�wne+ C �-
<br /> ,,,:� �� •rvuiluhlc imd ix uhtaineJ. Horruari ,h;�ll p.�� ihr pi.•imam,i����iuic�l a�mairn;ii�i m��n�:i�:r insur:mre in e(fert.ar to proviJe a �
<br /> • . , lo,.rc,crve.until Ihr rcyuirrmrm I��r m��rt}�;i�r in.m�mr��rn�l,m:ucurd:mrc��•iih :my writtrn:�greement Ixlwcen Hurrowcr i.
<br /> ' , unJ Lender nr t�pplicuhlr In��.
<br /> 9. Inspection. l.rnJrr ur i�,:��:.�nt m;i� mnl..�i�•;i.nn;ihlr rmnr.iy�un :md in,prrtian.ul thc Prorem•. Lcnder�hall
<br /> , � ' ; givc[iurrowcr naiirr al Ihr tinn ul��r pi iui I��;u�m.�x•i uun.�,rrd�w� rra,uie�t�lc cauur li�r tlx inti�hrtion.
<br /> � . �1�. Condemnutlon. ����h��fa�'CCd�n�.w� �u�.���1�a �I.wn lui �I;U16�}!��.�11RC1 or run.rqurnlr.d. in r�mn�cuan u�ith an�.
<br /> ;,
<br /> timElol.nud� 4nnnle\I+�eFr�•ddlv�lu��1\Il�llk�11\�'Ikl �IF\'I l'wt�ttm('�,v.uanh 9NN1 ryr.i��• +,��n�arer.�
<br /> � . hrca�Inka N�w�nn.f'�mn Im �
<br /> �u�h�Mr�'all I•NOl/�:il)!IJ9:1 i'Y�%flIM7Hl•I 1:11
<br /> I .,
<br /> I --. . .,_ . .
<br /> 1
<br /> I
<br /> . . '� �. _. . _ _ . - .--. _. ..__ . .-
<br />