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.:..-�J.i[(y`�.�•x�J ��;�..,s,.�.,nue� . . , . . . <br /> `1,1 h Ir• . . . ^RA� . }.f:�. � - .. . � �-�_-.�� <br /> �' � - <br /> :i::; 1.:i!¢��f-r»: - --' - <br /> 4iti��• <br /> • . •'- — .n.�i�-t�...,r..�. � _. . � ---_.._. <br /> ..� , - - - _. — --_ . _ --.. ._—- -'.'�—_ <br /> �� „ ��� 1��2 �:- - _._ <br /> �r� '�..� <br /> ��,��`'�"�'a�• <br /> ��-��`° <br /> ,:._�{ ,,.. TUG�THER WITH all Ihc improvcmems now on c�rcuft�r crcrtcd�►n Ihc pm�xny,u�ul ull cuticmcmr�,uppuncnunces, - <br /> _ — '"�- end fixtures�aw on c�rcufter A pwt of thc prapeny. All rcplurcmentx an�l a�k11U��n��hall alx��Iw ciwcred by Ihix 3ecudty <br /> �'�s� lnstrument. All of lhe foregoing is reicrrcd to fn th{s Security In�ttument ux�hc"Pr��perly." <br /> =��_� �;: <br /> ,''� BORROWER COVENANTS tlrat Borrawcr Is luwfully�ui�d uf Ihc cxlutc hcrcby runvcyc�l wkl har Ihc right lo grant <br /> �� ��,:`,.b,. <br /> z �" ' � and convey the Property end Ihut the Propcny is uncncumbc:rccl,exccpt fi►r cncumhruncc.uf rccnrd, Nurruwcr wurrants and <br /> ��t' '��' ���' will defend�enemlly the title to thc Pr�perty uguinst ull cluimx and ikniuMl:.,ruNjrct la uny cacumhrw�cr�uf rccurd. <br /> "'`��' 1 THIS SECl.1RITY IN5TRUMENT comhine� unifurm covcnunt� G�r nuU�mul u�� u�d uon•uniforni rovenu�xs w it h <br /> . „. .. �------�--- <br /> . . - . <br /> ., ;.. .. �;.... <br /> ; - � '".�r-;�.r ; limited viuiations by jurisdicliuo tu cunstiwte u uniform Mcurfty ia�trumcnt cnvrrin�:rca pnry+rny. . <br /> ,__, <br /> `.:���s'�li���� ° UNIFORM COVENANTS. Sorrowcr und l.endcr covenunt und ugrcc u�f��llow,: <br /> . `' . <br /> �--��e��'�r�'•��:-�"' . � 1. Payment of Principal and Interesti Prepaymen!wnd Lple('hurge++. Rutrnw�r+hull prumplly puy whcn duc Ihe <br /> +�:�r,:^ •''•J - �'• principal af and intcrest on the debt evidenced by the Notc uixi uny prepaymcm und luic churµr��lar imJcr�hc Nntc. <br /> `—��' '�-�� 2. Funds for'11�xcs and InaurAOCe. Subjec�ta upplicublc luw ur to u wriucn wuiv�r hy lxn�kr,Hurruwcr.rhull puy ro - <br />���=i.,a',r.y,:, � '` Lender on the dny monthly payments arc duc under the Nale, umil the Nutc i�.puid in full,u+um 1"I�und;'1(ur:(ul yeuriy <br /> 3�:::,�';'=�. -��'.:�`<,; �:��..� taxes und ossessments which m�y�uain priorfly avcr this Sccuriry Inr.�rumrnt s�x u licn on ihc F'ra�xrty;1h1 ycarly Icwehald <br /> �i,"t'n ;�,.. <br />'!''� ' ' � �' ments or ound rents on the Propeny, if uny; lc) ycu�lv haiurd or prapeny in�uruikc p�cmium�; Idl ycarly fl�x►d �-�;��,�=�°- <br /> u ,a1:s.c.c,;.:aj:i'.• , PaY B� <br /> " insurance premiums, if any: (e) yeariy mactga�e insurance premium�, if uny: und Itl uny �um+puyablc by Hurn►wer to _ <br />' '' �.:: ' '�- Lender, in accordance with the provi�ions of pu►ngraph 8,in lieu uf�hu puymcn�uf m�mgage inrunmcc premiumti, These <br />���_� ._ _-,, :.,^. . ,- - - <br />`;t� '� '�� ••� Items ure called"Eseppw Items: Lender may,at any time,cullect And hold Fundx in am umuunt not to eueed the muximom ___ ___ �_ <br /> ���"` , ' amount a lender for st federaUy relnted mortguge loun muy rcyuire f'or BcKrower x er:cr�►w uccnum undcr tix fe�krul Reol _ <br /> ; ;"�'; !,:. ;; ,v • � �:--- <br /> � � ` Estate Senlement Procedures Act of i974 as umended from time to time,12 U.S,C. ��(+�II rr sey. 1"RESNA"),unle,ti un��ther <br />� ° •���i..• , r. �.. . __ . <br />� �`�"��'�� � ''�^`�� ` luw that applies to 1he Funds Fets a lesser amount. If sa.Lender may,at uny timc,culla4t und hold Fu�dx io un amaunt nut tn �•�� <br /> x:s- . a ,` ,;,',;��:'.C:;::: , �u,�`s;?�---- <br /> = _�; . ����;�;:�.--� cxcced the lesser anount. Lender muy estimatc the umaunt af Funds duc on thn hu�is ui cum:m dutu und rcux�muhle _____N� <br />'` � � ''1''� estimates of ezpenditures af future Escrow Items or otherwise in uccorJance with upplicuhle luw. T " <br />�' .�,' .1. .• .�rr�+,i;:''':�.. 7'he Funds xhaU be hcld in an instiwtion whose deEwsits are in�ured hy a federni ngcmy. Inwlrumenlulily, nr entity ,., r <br /> �<�����;'� includin Lender,if Lender is such an institulion)or in uny Federal Hamc I.oun B�nk. Lcndcr�hull upply�hc Fundr t��puy ���,��'���. <br /> , . „ l 8 C�"-- <br /> • � • .,,;';;1z , the Bscrow Irems. Lender may not ch+uge Borruwer Por holding und apply�ng the Fund,, annuully unulyiink Ihc�w �.A��;,_. <br />���u ",��R-,. ' ` ���`• account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender puyh Bortower interey� un the Pund+ unJ upplicuhlc luw�xrmitti �— <br /> � Lender to muke such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower W puy u one-�ime chu�ge for an indrFxndrr�� rcul ,�;�?r�:_, <br />�YI� r� ':° - .' estate tax reponingservice utied by Lender inconnection wUh thia loun,unle�c�upplicuhlc luw pruvidcr olhcrwirc. Unlc��un ��.:�::_ <br /> y . °�� . �'''�'��?," agreement is made or applicnble luw rcquires i�temst to bc paid,Lender.hull not lx:n�yuircd t��puy Borrowrr any imrrchi ur ���--�v_- <br /> �' eaming�on the Funds. Borrower u�xl Lendcr mAy agrce in writing,howevcr,thut intcrey�tihull ix�puid on thc I�undti, l.�nder ���,;,;�s. <br />� •.,r: ' � --"''._.�--- <br />, ' � • ' shall give to Barrower,wilhout charge,an unnual uccounting of ihe Fund..yhowfng cndit�und ckbi�s to�he Fund.and�hr --�-,-;�,y,�,y;;N. <br /> ti.;, ��. „ -"'t' : purpose for which euch debit to�h�Funds was made. 7'he Fundx ore plcdgcd us udditional sccuri�y ii�r ull sumti.ecureJ by <br /> , '� thisSecurity lns[rument. � �.v"'� <br /> if ihe Funcis hCld by LCU�r eMCead the amounis permitted �0 6e held Py upplic•��Mr luw. I.ender .I�ull uccoun� w ___ _. <br /> . '�'�'�`�� _ Borrower for the excess Funds in uccorJanre with the rcyuiremenls uf applirublc law. I��h�amount uf�he FunJ.IkIJ hy ���;��i� <br /> • • Lender at uny time is not Fufficient�o puy tBe Eurow Itcros when due,Lendcr may �o no�ify Bnrrowrr in wri�inµ,und.m _ <br /> , � such cnse Borrower shall pay to Lender thc umoun[ ncces.ury to makc up thc deticicncy. Borruwer +hull muwr up Ihr <br /> ; :i• defieiency in no more than Iwelve mnnthly puyments,ut Lender:sole discccuun. �;.,�..__. <br /> •.�';��'�' Upon payment in full of all rumx sccurud by this Securiry In,trumen�.L.rndcr shull prumptly r�l'und lo Hi►rrowrr uny _____ <br /> �-.— <br /> • . • Funds held by L.ender. If,under parngrnph »I, 4en dor h ha l l acyuirc or.cll d�c Pru p en y,l.cnd�r,priu�lo thc ucyunniun ur ' '-""_ <br />... .• t,� • . . sale of the Property. shaU upply uny,Funds hald by Lendcr ut the timc uf+�ryuiaitN►n or sulc ag a credit uguimt �hc .wm *��-,=-"'"—^` <br /> �.;�..:.t�:-�..,,.. - <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. �_,...-.-_�- � y= <br />, • 3. Applicatlon aP Paymente. Unless applicvble law pr��vides �►therwi+c, ull puymcnt, mrcivcd by l.rndrr undrr ,��;.�;-�.� <br /> u � parogruphs I and 2 shull be upplied:firct,to any prepayment churges due uncier�he Nu1r:+econd,u►a�muum�puyuMe umler ��_4„�. <br /> : " ; paragroph 2:�hird,to imercst due:fourth,to principal due;und lu+t,to uny lutc churgcy Jue undrr thc Notc. �-=.y._--_ <br /> , 4. Charges; Uens. Borrower shull pay aU wxc�, u.rscssmen�., �harues, tines unJ im�nitiun. utlrihuluhlc w thr ��' ' ��''� ''° -:-_ <br /> � • ' Property which may s�ttain priorit�uvcr this Security Inxtn�mcnt,nnd Icaxchuld puymrnt.ur grounJ renl+, it uny. Nurruwcr �--;—_-= �� <br /> ..#'_..y_.--� _ <br /> shall pay thesc obligations in the manncr providcd in prrugruph 3,or if nut paiJ in �hat m:mner,Bnrrower�hull pay Ihrro un �� �. ��,;..,;�__ <br /> �-=,� -,-:_ <br /> • ' ' time direcdy to tha person owed puyment. Borrowcr sh•rll prumptly furni.h tu l.�nder ull nn�ire.ul amuunt�tu he puld undrr I - � -�_, <br /> ' � �'� Ihis paragraph. If Borrower mukex theae puymems directly.Born�wrr shc+ll promptly furnizh lo l.endrr recripts cviiknrinµ r� . .- ..�,.-=.� <br /> .�.t <br /> , ;.•; ;'. the payments. " <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischorge any lien which hus prioriry ovcr�his Sccuriiy In�trument unlc.�Hunowrr:Ia1 u�srer+ �x-•,••�'T <br /> �� ' in writin to the paymont of the obligntion srrured by the lien in a munnrr uceepwble a�l.rnJer:l hl c�mtc+�x in giNxl luilh Ilir <br /> 6 �.���A..__ <br /> �`� " lien by,or defends a�ainst enforcement of thc 1 icn in.Iegul pr�xeedmtis whirh in Ihe Lcndcr s apiniun�►perak lu prcv�nl tlk , ,,,.•- <br />.t � enforcement of the lien:or(r)secures from thr M�Ider of tlx�lien�m agmrment+uti+furt��ry lu LrnJcr�ut�irdinuting Ihe licn .`. .., . ea <br /> to this Securiry Instrument. lf Lender de�ermines thut any pun ul'the Propeny i..ubjec�tu u lien which muy anuiin priori�y ., <br />� •• ,:1+`; over this Security Instrumen4 Lender muy give Borcower u nuticc iJentifying thr lien. Bnrrowcr whall suti�fy Ihr licn or�ukr k � � <br /> ° �� one or more of the actions set fonh uiwve wilhin 10 duys uf thc givinF oi natirc. <br /> •• 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Bormwcr shull kccp thc improvemrnt�m►w cxi�lmg or herealler rrccled�a�1h�� • <br /> . .• •, Propeny insurod against loss by fire,hu�arJs includcd within thc Irrm°cxtrnJcJ ruvcru�e":�nJ any�nher h:v;ud+,inrludmu <br /> � .. Noods or flotKling, for which Lender reyuircs in.urunce. '1'hi. in.uraircc tihall hr mainwinrd in Ihr amouni. :ind I�n Ihr <br /> {., tircm M121i 9/9D ��r�pr 2���e�x��ru <br /> • � ' . <br /> � . <br />,r. i 'i���•:`.' � . • , . - � . <br /> . - , !', <br /> . ( <br /> I <br /> t <br /> � �v �.l _ . _ _ -__. . <br />