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<br /> Upoo ncdp� ot p�yment ot tLe prke Wd•Tractta �lull deiiva to Ihe purcb�er Truatte'R deed rnnv�yla{ /be _
<br /> propn7y. 'fbe reclpdr tn tbe Tnu�tee'o deod+I�U be Drim�feck evideace ot the tnith ot the RtathneMr m�d�therdn.
<br /> Tructee,,1w11 apply thc p�o�,ee�o�the ale in t6e tdbrrlu�order:(s�)!o all cae�pad expn�ces of ezercWu�t6e powe*�
<br /> �nle�ond the uk,inciudlu�Ihs p�yma�t at ibe T�tee'�ieer actwdly Incurred,not to exceed thr�a
<br /> _- of the princip�l amouat ot the notc At the tlmc ot the dccL�n+tion ot det�tult, and r�corwiblQ�ttorneys'�ee��per�altt�d
<br /> by lawi(b)to dl waa�ecurod by tblr Securit�'latn�mentt�d(c)aay exces�W Ihe persoa or pereone le�lty edltkd to
<br /> ---�-.--•!�' It.
<br /> - 18. Reoonvayaace. Upon payment of all sumg socured by this Securi�y In►trumcnt. Lender shul! request Tn�stee to _
<br /> reconvey the PropertY and shall currcnder this Sccurity Ingtniment ond nll notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument to Trustoe.Trusta shall reconvey the Property wit6out warraatY and without char�e to the peraon or parso�le�olly
<br /> --° entitled w it.Such person or persona slwll pay any rocotdatloa costs.
<br /> - .- -" � 19.Substitute Trustee. Lendcr.et ita option,m�+y fram time ta time remave Trustee an�f appomt a successor trusice to -
<br />---- - ----- == any Trustee appai�ued hereunder by sin instrument rceorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. Without
<br /> -- conveyance of the Property.thc suocssw�trustec ahell succeed to all the dtle,power and duties confcrred upon Trustee herein
<br /> --- _-_ _ � sud bY applicable I�w. _
<br /> ��_�- 20. Reques�t�a'Nodces. Bomower requests thnt copies of the notices of�efaull and sale be sent to Borrower's address _
<br /> ��,,,� which is the Prope�ty Address.
<br /> 21.Wdas to lbis Security lnstn�ment.If ono oe more d�iers are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> - -- -- -- -- = Security lnstntment,the covenants of each such rlder shall he incorporatod into and shall arnend and supplement tha covenants _
<br /> ==`��`_'`.,� end ag�aments of this Security Instrument as if�he dder(c)were a part of ihix Securi�y inatrun�ent. M
<br /> ��-'- `_ (Check wpplicable box(es))
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<br /> - -- - BY SIONIN(3 HfiLOW,Harrower accepts and ogreea to the terms contained in this Security Instrument aad in any
<br /> m�
<br /> �, ��`� eaecuted by 9orrower and recarded with it.
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<br /> :;r�:"� :. STATE OF NEBltASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> •"�'��x'�'''; The foregoing instrument was ncknowlcdged before me�his 6th �Y p` M�Y • 1992 •
<br /> �"'s'-'�."':`'"�''° by Jamea A. Meister and Tracy tt. Rice� aingle persons, _
<br /> - b':"� Witness my hand and notarial se�l ut Grand Islard. Nebr ska in said Co ty.the date aforesaid.
<br /> •�;�;; -
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